Friday, October 25, 2013

A Rambly Note

Dear, dear YOU!
Honestly, I was thinking about you today and wondering how you are doing!

I'm in the middle of loving God and just being happy that he promises that through Christ we can do ALL things.  Whatever it is, whatever it takes, when we have Jesus on the inside it's possible to all things through His ability.  That became so real to me again early this morning, and then again just a little while ago, that I started dancing around my bedroom with glee.

You see, earlier today I felt dead tired. Getting up at three in the morning to head off to work with hubby, I didn't feel able to drag myself out another morning this week. But I remembered that promise in the New Testament -- that through Him we can do all things.

And, so it began to unfold as I stepped into the early morning darkness. My first treat was to catch sight of the moon over our heads, still brilliant and surrounded with bold twinkly stars (I'm assuming the really bold one was a planet, but at that early hour I wasn't sure which one).
Pause...I'm saying a little prayer for you. I'm just praying that any shock or trauma you or someone you love may have experienced (big or little) this week will be removed from your soul and body.  That all may be restored and well with thee.
It's been a beautiful week around here. Very autumny. Warmish with hints of crispness. Mmm....that sounds quite apple crisp-ish, doesn't it? But I do mean the weather in this case. 

Here's a peek at the trio of Swedish aspens in our backyard. Do they not create a marvelous contrast to the blue, blue skies this afternoon? The golden leaves are so bright; this picture just doesn't do them justice.

This evening we're off to visit friends... they're making homemade pizza for supper.  Can't wait.  It's always so yummy!

Nothing like warm sunshine to make anyone, including kitty cats or doggies, to feel safe and cared for. I hope you have beams streaming in somewhere through your windows or in a cozy corner of your garden where you can soak in its warmth.  
I'm wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead. If you're wondering if Jesus loves you, I'm telling you HE DOES, no matter what!  He's amazingly, dizzingly in love with us. We're the the apple of his eye!


Photos:  (c) Brenda C Leyland, 2013


  1. Well no wonder you were doing a little jig! Love the description. Beautiful Swedish aspens! They stand like spires to the sky. How wonderful to get out and be with friends. Thank you for the joy and truth of your words!

  2. What a wonderful promise to claim, and that you did! Jig away! I hope you get a little nap in before going out this evening.
    No sunshine here today, but we've had such a gloriously sunny and bright October thus far that I won't complain, but instead, light a candle, make some applesauce and embrace the coziness.
    Blessings on you this day, Brenda.

  3. " I'm just praying that any shock or trauma you or someone you love may have experienced (big or little) this week will be removed from your soul and body. That all may be restored and well with thee."

    Dear Brenda, I'm sure this prayer was for me, my mother & father. I can't go into details except to see there was definitely BIG emotional trauma for the three of us yesterday. Thank you for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting!

    1. Rebecca, Just thinking about you in this moment and so I'm hoping you'll catch this note at some point. I'm praying you and your mom and dad a're finding the everlasting arms ever present to lift and strengthen in whatever you are facing.


  4. If ever I am feeling a bit fed up, I go outside and look at all the gifts we have been given in nature. There is so much to be grateful for.

  5. Love this post! ;)

  6. I'm playing catch up with all my blog friends (late comments)

    I understand when you said, "didn't feel able to drag myself out another morning". And yes, God is with us in those hard moments and in the beautiful moments, like the tree in your backyard.

    I have a question for is the little kitty next door?

  7. you're just working the night shift-someone has!

  8. bring tears to my eyes. :)

  9. Dear Brenda - thank you for this lovely post and your prayers. God bless you too!

  10. You always offer beauty here, whether it is through your thought provoking words or your beautiful pictures. Thank you for this meaningful post. It did bless my heart this evening.


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Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda