Saturday, July 06, 2013

Saturday Doings

Dear Beautiful Friends,

Popping by to say hello. It's a lovely coolish morning and I'm enjoying the fresh breezes wafting in through the open windows.   Rain clouds are building, so we'll anticipate rain later.  Which means no BBQing tonight.

Rick and I were out in the yard earlier; we had to cut down one of our junipers... it has been dying a slow death (hopefully not agonizing) as it had contracted some rust disease (or something). I felt sorry for my tree--it's been a good friend.

Now we're inside to work on a house project or two this morning. My library room is a disaster zone. Books and magazines and whatnot like scissors, glue and scraps of paper all out of place. It needs some stern taking in hand.  Perhaps it's the owner who needs the stern hand. She tends to remove a needed magazine or book and when done with it she sets them on growing piles a-top tables and cupboards (for PA later).  Well, now it looks dreadful like wolverines have been rooting through it all.

AND... when that's done, we have a hankering to make homemade Italian pasta sauce with meatballs (the recipes from the Gourmet magazine Jan 2009 are their archives online).  We plan to share with friends later....eaten for supper stuffed inside fresh crusty Italian buns (of which I'll let the experts bake).

I did not realize this till recently, some Italian breads/buns are made on purpose so that there are air bubbles in the middle. Apparently one reason it's done this way is so that things like salami and cheese or meatballs and sauce can be stuffed into them without the works sliding out. Smart people, those Italians!

Enough at the computer, I best be off here.... I wish you a comfortable day, one that makes you content and alive with anticipation of something good about to happen...even if you have to go make it yourself!



  1. Dinner sounds delicious! Hope you will post the recipe.

  2. Seems as if we, you and I, have had a similar sort of day right down to a desire for Italian sauce. I sent John for pizza. Not nearly as satisfying as cooking at home.

  3. Your day sounds lovely - even the sorting through and putting away can be satisfactory. Your dinner sounds really yummy even though you couldn't barbecue.

  4. Hi Brenda,
    It's always a soothing part of my day for me to spend some time with you. Even your tidying sounds relaxing. Wishing I could join you for some of that Italian later. I'm up with the bird choirs this morning (around 6:20 a.m. here), figured I might as well join them and get in the garden! I'll be back to visit later when my back needs a break from digging in the dirt. :-) Looking forward to it...
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  5. Italian food is my absolute favourite. Given the choice, I wouldn't eat anything else. After making pizzas for my daughter and her friends one time, I am now referred to by one and all as Mama Steele!

  6. In our heat here, many plants don't make it through the hot summers- I noticed our day lilies are struggling. It was 80 degrees this morning at 6 am when I went for an early walk...we'd love some rain.

  7. So sorry about you tree! :( I love plants, so I know how you feel about one dying. I had once tried to make a small cedar tree, just a baby, into a bonsai tree: it didn't work at all. But yesterday, I did buy a real bonsai tree at WalMart, so that's something new to take care of! :D

    Sounds like you've had a nice cozy evening, even with all that cleaning in the library!

  8. Brenda
    I licked on one of your links from 2009. Are you stll working at the Healing Room?

  9. What a full day!
    Ending with what sounds like a yummy dinner, (I say yummy when I'm hungry and I'm hungry).


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda