Sunday, September 23, 2012

Beautiful Life Turns A Corner

We have been pondering and musing about the future of this blog. I know that my time is limited with my part-time night job working with my hubby, and too often I feel be-draggled around the edges for not having quite enough rest many days, but despite all that, it does seem that when I think about coming to post something here, my feet drag. In truth, it's my heart that drags.

This sense of pulling and dragging, in the past, my dear friends, has usually signaled a shift in my heart's passion. When the zeal lessens about a project or focus or job, it either means I've outgrown something, I'm no longer excited about what I'm doing, I've accomplished or fulfilled that particular mission, or there's something else that I'm meant to set my sights to and grow.

And then it becomes time to neatly fold up the gift of this present experience, tuck it into my life experience steamer trunk, thank God for it, and press in to discover that new love that's simmering.

I've been feeling a shift in the air for some time -- as I say, I've been thinking about this blog for a while -- and it's not just because it's the new schedule, or it coming into autumn, but because there are other kinds of writings stirring on the inside of me that seem to be struggling to come out. I've thought about just adding a new category here, but I don't think these new things will fit within the already generous parameters of my theme for It's A Beautiful Life.

If you've followed me for any length of time, you will know that living a beautiful life is very important to me for my own sense of happiness and well being.  And the joyful thing of it all, I have found so many of you who share that similar heart.

When things get ugly 'out there' there is a whole host of us pushing against that dark tide with hearts wide open in expectation that we will still find all manner of glorious, lovely, graceful, and loving expression around us to nourish and fill with hope. Sometimes, as I've said over and over, we find it in the most unexpected places.  (Even when Miss Molly and I are zooming around the performing arts theatre lobby or we'll polishing the brasses once again.)

But something, or rather, Someone entreats me to join forces with Him in the push against the darkness. The One who lives inside me breathes an urgency to begin to share more of my life and all that He has poured into my being these five plus decades.

The grace for staying true -- in untrue and up-side-down times -- comes when we quiet ourselves to listen for that Call to live out every day in every way the Royal Law of Love. It's what ultimately creates those corners of 'heaven on earth' we all long for.  It's what so many others are waiting for, as if with bated breath, waiting for someone to tell them it's possible for them too.

So... if you wonder why my postings have been few and far between of late, too often choosing to share words written by other noble hands, that's a little of why. We're not leaving this blog ... maybe taking a turn and we're not quite sure where it leads. Perhaps this past year with all its awkward experiences has been bringing me closer to my new door.

I'm wishing you the pleasantest of evenings.
May your days this week be sweet and filled with hope for good things ahead.

With Love,

Posting Links Mentioned Above

Photo One:  Lilac & Lavendar


  1. I enjoy your blog, turn your corner and I'll be waiting...dear friend!

  2. Go with God. He'll take you around that corner or through that door or over that mountain. I breathed a sigh of relief when you said that you weren't closing this wonderful blog down rather that you would go in a new direction (and perhaps not write so often). I can be very patient. ☺

    1. Vee..LOL about being very patient. Sweet, thank you, dear friend.

  3. Make sure we all know when and where you are going.

  4. Hello!! I just found your blog, what a delight! I'm of the same heart! I too have been struggling (not sure if you would use that word) as of late with the direction of my blog...actually, the direction of my life! I can relate well to what you are saying. I am placing a link to your blog on my homepage and am looking forward to walking this journey with you!! Blessings to you and your family!

  5. Dear Brenda - so very glad you are not closing the blog. I am looking forward to what is around the corner - I know God will show you. In the meantime I will be waiting too. God Bless You.

  6. I so enjoy the beauty and calm I find here. And the challenges, too. I'll wait until you go through that door and show us what's on the other side.

  7. So very glad you are only turning a corner, and not disappearing.

  8. What a refreshing blog this is, what a delight to my soul to read your words. This is my first time here, and really, I am so glad I found your place. Not by accident, of that I'm sure. Praying that as you turn a corner, you will be amazed at what awaits your eyes. It is a new season, a higher level that God is taking you. I will add your blog to my favorite blogs.

    Looking forward to what lies ahead...

  9. “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
    -Andre Gide

    “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
    -Maria Robinson

    "When in doubt, choose change.”
    -Lily Leung

    “Each person’s task in life is to become an increasingly better person.”
    -Leo Tolstoy

    "One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” –Unknown

    I'll be waiting and watching for your "Open Door"!

    Prayers and Hugs!

  10. Hi Brenda, I'm looking forward to what's around the corner for your lovely blog. I'm so glad you'll continue to write as I enjoy your beautiful posts and who doesn't need more beauty in their lives!

    I've often wondered if some of the things I blog about are just "fluff", not really important to anyone's life but I've received so many comments thanking me for sharing posts about things that are beautiful, elegant, gracious or lovely. I truly believe so many of us want and/or lack beauty and loveliness in our lives as our culture seems to be just the opposite and wants more and more ugliness and unpleasantness.

    Have a wonderful Monday!

  11. I like what Elizabethd says "I'm so glad you are just turning a corner and not disappearing!"
    I think it will be very interesting to follow your life and writing journey through this new door.

  12. So anticipating your new adventure. I understand about that waning of enthusiasm. I've been fighting it for months. Perhaps I need to embrace it??

  13. This sounds very exciting. I have felt that I need a change in my blog, too. I also don't know what that change will be. I join with the other others in saying, please let us know if you go somewhere else. You give me such joy and peace in your blog.

  14. I can sense your excitement and contentment with your coming change:) I too have been debating about a change when it comes to blogging. It doesn't fill me like it used to, I find it more a chore than a pleasure and that might be when it's time to stop or make some huge changes. Blessings.

  15. Following your heart is so wise. You are doing the right thing and we all look forward to what's around your new corner! --Sandy Leigh

  16. Hi Brenda! I am so happy for you, it is a wonderful feeling to know that something new is the air. I hope that you will follow this new feeling and continue to explore where your writing wants you to go. You are a wonderful writer. I love the way you express yourself and you have a beautiful way of describing things and making them come alive. I think you are someone with a gift and a lot of stories still left to tell. I look forward to seeing what you have planned to share. Have a lovely weekend ahead! With Love, Delisa :)

  17. Hi Brenda,
    Ooh...I have a sense of anticipation about seeing where God takes you on this new leg of the writing journey!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda