Monday, August 27, 2012

Who Cares About Wrinkles!

"Do not regret growing older --
it's a privilege denied to many."
~ Unknown

Who cares such a small thing as wrinkles when you put it that way!  So... I want to treasure my day today.  To be aware of the throb of life all around me.  To treasure the very air I breathe. To be extravagant with my love, pour it out on everything and everyone.  And, to chuckle with glee the next time I find myself peering too closely in said mirror.

There... that's a good way to start a Monday morning. And yippee-cadoodles!  Hubby and I did our stint of cleaning at the performing arts center last evening because there were no events scheduled, so WE DIDN'T HAVE TO GET UP AT 3:00 AM! Will you do a twirl in your computer chair with me?

The weather is going to be a sizzler today (nothing like a 100 degrees or anything that wild) but hot enough to make us long to sip something sloshing in ice and find the breeze behind a whirling fan!  We're glad summer isn't over just yet.  It's been such a lovely one this year.  Warm evenings and lots of hot days, with rain to cool us and water our parched plants.

Here's wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places.


Photo source:  Lavender and Lilac


  1. I've given up worrying about my wrinkles, they are there, not going away! And maybe a sign of laughter lines too.

  2. I'm operating on that first-paragraph-philosophy today, too. AND I'm hoping you are sleeping in BIG time this Monday morning :) I had no swivel chair to twirl - but am doing a MENTAL twirl in your honor.

  3. I actually prefer seeing faces that are ageing naturally, rather than the expressionless, plastic look that so many celebrities have these days.

  4. When you remember that the only alternative to growing old is to die young....getting older doesn't sound so bad! It is a little scary the lengths some will go to to get rid of wrinkles. We have had a much cooler summer than week after week of 100+ days. For that, I am very grateful. Glad you are enjoying your summer!

  5. The first words I said were, "I do! I do!" Hahahaha... Okay, I see that this took an interesting turn and you don't actually have some new potion to share. The alternative is sobering...though we all know that to be there is better than here so why get all scrambled with that either? I can do a twirl in my computer chair. It had to be sweet to stay in bed until a decent hour.

  6. yes time to savor summer before it disappears-we are almost over our 100+ days...

  7. Dear Brenda - I came to visit your lovely blog for the first time - love it. Was visiting my friend Anne's (a little fur in the paint) and clicked on you and wow - what a heartwarming place to visit. Love your words and thoughts. I will be stopping back soon. Tried signing up on this older computer to follow but had trouble - will sign up on my newer one later.

  8. LOL - twirling with you - I do not wake well early in the mornings . . .

    And, BTW - I just realized I wasn't on your follower's list here! Couldn't find me! I've had you on my blog list all this time, too! Well, fixed that! Some G. Mac coming your way this week . . .

    Joy! Many thinks for lifting me today . . .

  9. I don't worry too much about wrinkles, preferring to save my worry for the bags under my eyes! Not really. Aging is a natural process.

    How delightful to be able to sleep in a little! Make the most of your day - I know you will!

  10. I twirled for you! Am so glad too that summer isn't over yet!

  11. Amen Brenda! There are times I wish that I felt young in my body again and could do some of the things I used to, but I don't mind the wrinkles. It is comforting somehow to see the laugh lines, all the signs of a life lived and experienced in my face. It is comforting to see myself looking more like my Mom and my dear Aunt Emma Jean as the years pass. Who cares about the wrinkles! Yahoo! With Love, Delisa :)

  12. I love the quote and your perspective on it! Thank you for putting into words something that's been swirling around in my head for weeks now but I couldn't formulate into concise sentences.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  13. I totally agree with you.... It is so unnatural to use all of those horrible creams and chemicals that companies make. Great quote....

    Have a great day!

    Ciao Bella
    Sensible Sarah


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda