Thursday, August 09, 2012

Letter in the Post

Dear Beautiful Friend,

What a lovely morning. Lots of storms and rain these days, but also lots of beautiful sunshine and hot weather. 

There's a cool breeze blowing in my window as I type and it feels sooo refreshing.

Earlier I thought I heard the finches in the backyard. We had families of them nesting in our neighbourhood this spring and a few still hang out around our feeders. Oh, and there I hear the chickadees... they are cheeky, aren't they?

In my own inner world, I have been in a place and space of 'emptying'. It was only a few weeks ago that I realized that turns out to be my focus 'word' for 2012.  Emptying.

I've been getting rid of junk and also good stuff that has become 'excess clutter'. I'm finding we no longer need or want it. And I've not only been letting go of physical material things, but old mindsets and habits and other useless heart musings. The emptying, clearing out process has helped me to see that I've also 'dropped stitches' of some good and wonderful habits, ideas, and projects that I once had in my life... and I see how vital these are -- for my happiness and those around me -- to pick them up and re-integrate them into my present life. Things like playing the piano, doing some new needlework (I've been looking at crazy quilting), hosting special tea parties for well as choosing to give thanks and be happy in all things, bar none.

And to my surprise, I am also in a space to relinquish ownership of many books that I've enjoyed and been nourished by in the past. It seems that it's time to move forward. Make room for the new. Not be afraid that I'll 'lose' something in the letting go. After all, those sentences I underlined and pages I've starred are already in my heart and a part of my DNA, so I don't always need to 'keep' a whole book for what already is 'me', yes?

Oh my... how easy it is to chat on e-mail. I find e-mail a most freeing expression for me. Remember when the two of us could 'cut a rug' of conversation in a short swath of time using this modern technology. That back and forthing of words in a flash across cyberspace that nourished and encouraged and made us laugh or think more closely.

Yes, that's another area I want to pick up and cherish again... to write letters, both the pen and paper kind as well as the e-ones. E-mailing with that come-as-you-are kind of writing... which, in fact, Huffington Post bloggers recommend that's how bloggers should post. Mmmm.... guess I'll take that back to heart too.

It's been a delight to think about you, dear friend, and to wonder how you are doing. Now I best be off.

I'm steam cleaning my living room/dining area carpet (one day that carpet is coming out and being replaced with something easier to care for). With all the furniture out of the room, I am feeling quite free and light. It's as if I'm seeing that I don't 'need' so much furniture.

For a few days, or maybe even longer, I feel like I'd like to live as if I were at that beach house Ann Morrow Lindbergh wrote about in her timeless book, Gift From The Sea. You may recall where she describes how little there is in that little shelter and yet it nurtures and protects and gives room to breathe. Of course that's a summer time feeling, isn't it? In winter we like to cozy up and snuggle. But in summer, we long to let the breeze in and be nurtured by the expanse of it all.

Oh... I did start off to say good bye. On that note, I am off now! Best get to that carpet.

Here's wishing you a WONDERFUL day, dear friend!


Photo source:  Graphic Fairy

Please Note: This post was first written as a email to a dear friend.
It turned nicely into a blog post. 


  1. good focus-letting go or emptying as you described it. I need that too. Just got an interesting self help book on art therapy and emotions!

  2. Lin, find the most interesting books... art therapy... sounds like fun! Is it?

  3. I tend to email back and forth with friends throughout the day, and it is like having a conversation. I do miss letters though. It was always so exciting when a much anticipated letter arrived.

  4. Emptying is a great word.
    What ever word you use (simplify was mine), it feels really good.
    My big "emptying" was about a year ago and I don't miss any of my old stuff.
    Sending a letter, card or note, I'm all for that!

  5. Goodness, it seems as if we're all musing about this or that as regards blogging. We're back to that wonderful advice Dawn at The Feathered Nest gave me a few years ago, "Do what makes you feel lovely." Now that advice is like a fresh breeze and pretty much covers it all. Happy releasing! Happy writing!

  6. What you say is so true, both about beloved books becoming part of our DNA and about how spontaneous blogging is best. I too have recently felt a bit chained down by "scheduled" blogging and have decided to just write when inspiration strikes without too much pressure. Happy writing.

  7. hi brenda!
    i just returned home this afternoon from a short vacation to Colorado and found a wrapped 'book' sent all the way from Canada!!! i've started reading it... i absolutely love it! thank you for 'emptying' it my way!!! i also received a call just after we walked in the door from a recipient of one of my prayer shawls!! her friend who delivered it to her told me to call and thank me for making it for her!! she also liked that FatherJohn blessed it (as was mentioned in the shawl card included!) after 2 long days of driving thru CO mtns, road construction in NE, and lots of IA traffic, i was so glad to be home, but these two 'blessings' from God were the best!! thank you!

  8. Whatever comes to you...written in a conversational for me! I've been blogging for 5 years now...and can't believe I haven't run out of 'words' yet.

    Emptying is a good thing...something that needs to be done around here in the near future.

    As for's a heavenly fragrance!

  9. I didn't know that a good blog was like a casual and spontaneous email or letter. Now I know. I think most of mine are that way. I don't often have serious things to share. If I do, I will do my part. Lots of great thoughts on your post today.

  10. Hi Brenda,

    I really like this post for many reasons. I've been "emptying" (really like that word!) our home of extra or unneeded things for the past few years. I feel now that I've come to an end of this process (even though I know I'll have to always be aware of what comes into our home) and it's time to move on to the next step...actually enjoying and using what's left and being thankful for it all.

    I like your thoughts about blogging being casual and spontaneous, like a letter. That's good advice and will keep it in mind. Thanks!

    I also enjoy writing letters especially the snail-mail kind and if you're interested in becoming "penpals", please let me know. You can email me at

  11. Seems we are at the same place...the letting go of stuff place. I called my daughter and offered a very old and special collection of classic books to her. She was thrilled. They've gathered dust on my shelf for so long. They look good, but books are meant to be read, aren't they. Say, could you come by and do my carpet too? It's on my to-do list, but I've been avoiding it...

  12. What an enjoyable posting. Now an just never know what inspires a great blog! I just launched "My Summer Is" series.

  13. I'm with you on the emptying! Feeling too much clutter around the home with all the travels we've been doing of late.

  14. We all have junk we need to get rid of...materially and internally. It is good to take inventory occasionally!

  15. Lovely blog and the sidebar quote by Ann Voskamp is a delight. Your post, together with that quote, brings to mind the image of God softly blowing a wee feather off his cupped hands, saying, "There you go the wind, dear one..."

  16. how I adore luxuriating in your wonderful posts... I concur.. and so much so... you uplift me :-) We haven't been visiting because we have been away and then encumbered with extra work that going on holiday entails. Lovely to be back. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  17. I loved this post Brenda. You've expressed so many things so beautifully; so many things that I've been thinking about too.

    Your simple observation: "With all the furniture out of the room, I am feeling quite free and light. It's as if I'm seeing that I don't 'need' all that furniture anymore either." really struck home with me as I just went through that re-carpeting thing and thought exactly the same thing as I debated what furniture to put back in the room. I hated to clutter up that "free and light" look.

  18. nice post thanks for sharing...

  19. Brenda....formal is borring...and to just be ourselves and open up....that is BEAUTIFUL living!
    I truly enjoyed reading your post. Thanks so much for sharing your sweet thoughts.

    De cluttering is something I do all the time around here. It makes me happy to keep on top of things.
    Happy cleaning and sorting....and thanks again for the sweet crochet book.

    ciao bella

  20. Yes Brenda!! One of your readers and friends stated how I feel about reading your beautiful posts!!🤗She rendered to “luxuriating?” In your posts!! That is SO how I feel!! Each post has a gift!! I SO look forward to your thoughts !!!!
    I am constantly trying to declutter but I confess I don’t try hard enough? I loved your comment about books that you have underlined sentences in or turned down a corner of a page to “come back to!” Ha! Perhaps today you will inspire me in either a room that is full of my “treasures” and / or the garage that again, has become storage for personal items moved from another home. Some containers of some favorite children’s books I may have to keep, hoping, hoping that they might be used some day.💗
    Always….. thank you!!!! SO appreciate you!!!!!! I want to hop on a plane and come visit you for a few days!!!😂☺️🌸💖~ Ann from Ohio.💗


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda