Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blogging Tip: Leave A Comment

I'll not soon forget the day when a blogging acquaintance e-mailed to tell me that I had been the answer to a prayer she'd prayed that very morning!

You see, I'd been to her blog earlier and read some of her recent posts (I hadn't been in a while).  I left a comment or two on ones that had been meaningful to me. By doing so, I had no idea that I'd stumbled into the stream of her earnest request.

A short time later, I found an e-mail from my friend saying that I could not have any idea what my comments meant to her that day. For that very morning, as she got up, she asked God to please have someone leave a comment so that she could know for sure somebody was reading her posts.

When Sulo found a notice in her inbox indicating someone had been to visit and left comments, she was so happy.  As she put it... "What did I see... your e-mail with the comments -- an answer to my prayer as a confirmation. What more proof do we need to believe God hears our prayers? Aren't we so blessed to have such an awesome God who cares about even minute things like page-viewing!"

Wow.. humbling to say the least to realize I'd been the answer to Sulo's heart cry. And, to realize how easily I could have ignored the little urge to go visit that morning when she came to mind. In my view it surely was a glimpse of heaven in a most unexpected place -- for both of us!

Surely this is a timely reminder of just how valuable our comments are to each other. This is not to trip guilt when we can't or don't wish to leave a note. But when we do feel a rising up in our heart in response to something written in a post, a few words in reply makes the heart connection we are all looking for complete.

For me, that is what blogging's all about......



  1. That's a lovely story... I am glad that you shared it with us and that your friend shared it with you. Who knows how often we might be the answer to a prayer...kind of makes our humble efforts more meaningful...and why we need to listen more to that still small voice.

  2. It must have felt good to know what a difference you made to Sulo. I try to leave comments whenever possible, but sometimes it is difficult to find enough time. I do make sure I read all posts of the blogs I follow though.

  3. A nice reminder that if it is important to us, it is important to God. So grateful to know and serve a caring God who is involved in every detail of our lives!

  4. Wow, that is so sweet!( I have teenagers):)It's humbling to realize how we can never really know exactly how we can touch and encourage other lives.We just need to listen and live by His spirit and promptings. I find the whole blogging thing daunting at times but also enjoy it. I am learning to trust and leave it all to the Giver of inspiration.

  5. I just returned from vacationing and left my laptop at a hotel 10 hrs away from our destination so I had 4 days without blogging-WITHDRAWAL symptoms BIG TIME...but did spent more time with hubby so it was a good tradeoff. I love blogging and my friends. Hopefully we listen to the nudges...

  6. Hi Brenda...Ohhhhh, sometimes God uses us as His instruments. It's truly humbling. So glad he used you to speak to the lady's blog. Good for you. Susan

  7. Hi Brenda,
    Just leaving my calling card.

  8. I love your list to self. It is similar to things I try to do. How great that you were able to be the answer to prayer.

  9. It sure is enjoyable to see those calling cards!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda