Saturday, November 26, 2011

Was That A Glimpse?

Or was that a Flicker?

Yes, yes.... I do believe this handsome fellow who landed on the seed bag near our arbor is indeed a northern flicker.  A species that I don't think has ever visited our yard before. So what a treat to catch sight of this beauty the other day. Notice the heart-shaped red marking on his head...striking, isn't it?

 With a pose like that, I'm thinking he's asking,
"So, which pose do you think makes me look handsomer?
My right profile...

...or my left?

Mr. Flicker, no matter which angle, you were worth meeting!  Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you come again real soon!

Wishing you glimpses and flickers of your own fine feathered friends,


  1. Looks yummy! Um, we mean, he looks strikingly handsome...

  2. Ohhhhhhh, isn't he beautiful... Love that spot of red. :-)

    Gentle hugs,

  3. What a lovely bird! And you have snow too! lovely blog, best wishes

  4. He's beautiful! I love it when an unexpected bird visits my feeder. Great photos too.

  5. I love it when the birdies come to visit!

  6. Hello, again!

    We had a Northern Flicker in our yard earlier in the year, a first for us as well! My photos were not nearly so clear as yours.

    Did you know the Grayboys, Gandalf and Grayson, have been joined by Whitey and Gracie? 2 rescues I had most definitely NOT planned to rescue. Let's just say that not all 4 of the cats are pleased to have the others with us. :)

  7. Great photos Brenda! And definitely was a glimpse!

  8. What a beauty! He looks so exotic for our Northern clime. Don't you think the red marking looks like a heart? Love that!

  9. wow.. thats a first for seeing one of those for us. Great shots. Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  10. Hi Brenda! Wow, he is sooooo beautiful. I have never seen a bird like him before with such a beautiful and vivid spot on his head. Great pictures. Getting good bird pictures is very challenging and these are just wonderful! Thank you for sharing him with us, you just made my evening! Delisa :)

  11. It must be wonderful to see such gorgeous birds near by.

  12. Dear Brenda,

    Thank you so much for coming by and visiting me, and for your sweet comments! You are more than welcome to borrow my "commonplace book" blog idea. :) My husband was in Pirates of Penzance a few years ago, as the Major General, and we've been singing the songs ever since! You must be an accomplished pianist, to have been able to play the music live.

    Your blog is indeed very beautiful, and I will be back often.



    p.s. I was just listening to a flicker in our backyard today; aren't they fun birds?


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda