Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

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"And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied: Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way." ~ Minnie L. Haskins

One thing I am certain of whatever unfolds
... I continue to have the confidence that the same God who brought me through the ups and downs of the past decade has not gone into retirement, so I choose to place my trust in His Faithful Ability to help me walk joyfully and with peace of heart into this brand new decade, this brand New Year.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!


  1. Oh Brenda, I love this quote! I might have to repost it for my FB friends. It reminds of some words from an old hymn that have meant so much to me - "...I'd rather walk with God in the dark, than go alone in the light..."

    Wishing you a blessed 2011!

  2. that's certainly a comfort to lights the way before us.

  3. What a nice post for a new beginning.
    Love the way you express your feelings. I'll be back!

    Happy New Year Brenda!

  4. Such a lovely post dear Brenda. Have a very Happy New Year.
    Pam x

  5. Beautiful quote and a wonderful way to start 2011.

  6. Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2011 with lots of good things, from all of us Good Cats (and our human staff too)!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda