Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Morning Greys

Aha.... you probably think I'm feeling a bit 'grey' this Monday morning. Waking up to yet another overcast, dull dawn, I have to admit the thought did cross my mind to just pull the covers back over my head.

But one of my faithful affirmations that always help me get back on track sprang unbidden to mind, "I choose to wake up with vitality and good humour."  Funny how it starts to do its work just to say it. So I hop out of bed, make a pot of coffee, and decide to enjoy my day as if the skies were blue and the sun was shining.

Wanting to add some color to my posting, I found the picture of what my evening scented stocks look like this summer. They were my 'gift from heaven' as a huge patch self-seeded and unexpectedly filled a corner in the garden. Evening scented stocks aren't much to look at during the daytime, but when they open their tiny blossoms and let the evening breezes catch their scent, they more than make up for their reason for being!

On that note, I best be off....
here's wishing you a joy-scented day!






  1. Funny how 13 degrees in August feel so much different than 13 in February! Have not enjoyed the smoke filled skies we've had last week, but the sun is shining now!!

  2. Isn't that the truth... in February we'd take off our big coats, and say what a nice day it is; in August we're looking for our blankies at night!

    Hey, Karin, I still don't see any sun out my way! Maybe in your high rise, you can see over top the clouds and smoke..LOL

  3. It won't matter a lick if the sun shines tomorrow as your sister-in-law will bring her own sunshine with her, I'm certain. We just painted our bathroom this summer and it turned out kinda disappointing. Your "spa-like" aqua sounds ever so nice.

  4. good for you enjoying the day despite the weather...

  5. Sorry that the smoke is blowing out your way. Hopefully with the cooler temperatures things should improve.
    Evening stocks - what a lovely name for beautifully scented (and coloured) flowers.

  6. It was day 4 of greyness here too. Makes it hard for one to want to jump up and embrace the day. But the sun finally came out and it is glorious!

  7. Yup, summer is disappearing ,sad but true.
    "When summer gathers up her robes of glory, and like a dream of beauty glides away."
    ~Sarah Helen Power Whitman~

  8. Hi Brenda,

    It has been awhile since I checked in on you but I am glad that I did. I just reserved the first book in the Blossom Street series at our local library. I love your evening scented stocks.


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