Friday, December 22, 2023

Almost Christmas

"Christmas always rustled. It rustled every time, mysteriously,
with silver and gold paper, tissue paper and a rich abundance
of shiny paper, decorating and hiding everything and giving
a feeling of reckless extravagance."

It's almost Christmas. The presents are all wrapped and most have been handed out already. We celebrated our family Christmas last weekend. The big rush is over, and now we gently feel the growing anticipation for the awe of Christmas Eve, which for me is still my favourite day of the year.

In our house, we have one cozy spot that feels Christmas-y with the pencil tree, glittering lights, and a big white poinsettia in the corner. Otherwise our house has been topsy-turvy as we had new flooring installed earlier this week. The timing for it wasn't perfect, but since we weren't having guests here this year, it was fine. And now, while we wait for Christmas, we're slowly putting our possessions back in place, culling as we go. I am truly enjoying the spaciousness of my study without all my 'stuff'. I feel the expanse of this empty room which seems to echo an expansiveness in my soul. I usually like lots of my things near to hand, but this feeling of openness with little around me is quite lovely. I think it requires some pondering and further mulling, especially as we see the new year peering 'round the corner.

For Five on Friday, I'm sharing a tiny 'Something' list.

One. Something lovely outside my window. Watching the moon these past few nights has been a joy. In its waxing (getting fuller) phase, it's been so bright against the deep midnight blue skies.

Two. Something yummy. We stopped at our French-style Duchess Bakery to pick up their to-be-baked Quebecois Tourtière (meat pie dish) for Christmas Eve. Standing in the line that snaked along the display case, I caught sight of a delectable looking croissant sandwich—a large crisp buttery poppy seed croissant filled with slices of chicken salami, cheese, and mayonnaise. For the life of me, there was something else tucked in, but I cannot recall it now. All I know, it was satisfyingly yummy.

Three. Something new to drink. Found a new-to-me tea called Winter Spiced Pear that was specially blended by the Duchess Bakery for the holiday season. The name alone draws me in. It's a special blend of Assam tea that features dried pear, clove, anise, ginger, cinnamon, and vanilla. It's delicious and it pairs perfectly with a Christmas treat or two. 

Four. Something Christmassy and cozy to read. Chronicles of Christmas (memoir, recipes, nature) by Nigel Slater; Winter Solstice (novel) by Rosamunde Pilcher; Home for Christmas (childhood memories) by Susan Branch; A Mind of Winter, Poems for a Snowy Season selected by Robert Atwan; the newly published novel Hercule Poirot's Silent Night by Sophie Hannah—I'm looking forward to reading this over the holidays.

Five. Something that delights my heart. I love when I'm inspired with gift ideas I think will delight someone's heart. This season I felt that inspiration a few times, and it came with a certain glee as I imaged someone's face when the wrapping fell away and all was revealed. This is one of my favourite things about Christmas—the joy of giving gifts to loved ones.

With every fiber of my being, I'm wishing you a Happy Christmas. May you find gifts under the tree that delight your heart. And, among them, I hope you also find good health, heart contentment, and sweet peace of mind. All wrapped with ribbons of sparkling joy for good measure. As I close, I think of that dear old Christmas song Away in a Manger I loved as a little girl. Especially the lines that I sometimes still whisper, "Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, and fit us for heaven to live with Thee there."

Wishing you moments that delight in the days ahead.

With love,

Photo credit:
Top Image by StoryTaler from Pixabay


  1. I'm intrigued by the Winter Spiced Pear tea. I enjoyed the PC winter herbal tea that you sent me yesterday (winter solstice). Thank you for sharing!

    Merry Christmas, Brenda!

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed the winter herbal tea - I like that flavour at this time of year. Happy New Year, Margie.

  2. New floors sound wonderful and so nice to have a good clean-out to start the new year. The croissant and tea sound so delicious, and I can imagine having a cup while choosing something from your reading list. I was just sent a book as a gift - 'The Snow Child' by Eowyn Ivey. It's a Pulitzer Prize finalist, so I am looking forward to spending some quiet time after the holidays to relax and enjoy it. I hope you have a lovely, peaceful Christmas, dear Brenda. x K

    1. Karen, I do hope you are enjoying the book you received - I have not read "The Snow Child". Would you let me know how you enjoyed it? I've already started a gentle regime of decluttering and downsizing. Happy New Year.

  3. Our house is a bit topsy turvy these days, but the renovations have stopped for a few weeks over the Christmas season. I finished school today, hooray, and spent the afternoon wrapping gifts. Winter Solstice is on my table to read next, along with Slater's Christmas Chronicles that I've been dipping into over the past weeks. I am looking forward to the holy hush of Christmas Eve followed by what will be a jolly Christmas Day. Wishing you and Rick the blessings of love, joy, peace, and hope.

    1. I finished up Winter Solstice on Christmas Eve. Now I've started Little Women. It's been a few years since I read it, and I'm enjoying it all over again. Loved the book as a girl. Happy New Year, Lorrie!

  4. I am well into Winter Solstice, a favourite over Christmas. Sending you wishes for a beautiful and peaceful Christmas, dear Brenda.

    1. As always, Rosamunde's book completely satisfies - it has such a lovely wrap up. Hope you are feeling well again. I wish you better days ahead in 2024. Happy New Year, Barbara. xo

  5. I like your list, espcecially #5. I'm wrapping the last few gifts now and it makes me so happy! Merry Christmas!

    1. I see we share a bit of kindred spirit. Giving gifts really makes me happy too; this gesture becomes a gift to our own hearts, wouldn't you say? Thank you for stopping by. Happy New Year, Leslie!

  6. Replies
    1. I just saw your new post about your favourite ten books you read in 2023. Looking forward to checking them out. Happy New Year, Linda!

  7. thank-you for such a gentle Christmas gift to your readers! The colors, flavours, scents and sounds warmed my soul! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. I was tickled to think that this little post engaged your senses so warmly. Thank you, Janet. Happy New Year to you!

  8. Brenda, your posts are always an inspiration to me! Wishes for a happy Christmas season to you!

    1. Thanks, Nellie! Lovely to hear from you. Wishing you a Happy New Year! xo

  9. Your office desk was always an inspiration to me - a perfect example of surrounding yourself with things of beauty. It was echoed in the book What Happens When Women Pray. I hope you had a Merry and blessed Christmas.

    1. So good to hear from you, Jennifer. Thank you for your lovely words. The beauty in our world is truly what keeps the lights burning in my soul when things grow dark and dismaying. Beauty is His gift to us... to me. And I'm so grateful for all that creates that frisson of joy in my heart. Happy New Year, Jennifer!

      PS. I think I had that book years ago, might have to seek it out again. :)

  10. So many lovely "somethings" here in this post! It is a gift to notice and take joy in those "somethings." That is my plan for this week as the three of us recovery from some sort of virus. There is much around us that is cause for joy!

    I am thinking about that pear tea . . . mmmm . . . And new floors sound delicious in their own way. So does culling belongings and getting organized.

    Happy New Year, Brenda!

  11. Good Morning Brenda and All,
    I’ve reread your post this morning and of course, found it “beautiful.” Thank you.
    I was just writing about still making a point of “ feeling Christmas; the Peace of it, the JOY of it through this “in between “ week before New Year ‘s Day.
    I have felt that “Open Space” as you talked about in a few “tasks,” unrelated to Christmas. I LOVE my books, my “stuff” yet there is a wonderful feeling that comes when “the decks are cleared.”
    I’m glad that you had your “Christmas Corner; pencil tree, Poinsettia. I have a feeling that although you typically “dress your house” for Christmas, you found your forced simplicity quite nice. Clearing your study I bet did bring a sense of “a fresh page” to go into the New Year with!☺️
    I loved your response to Jennifer where you said “The beauty in our world is truly what keeps the lights burning in my soul….” Your beautiful thoughts and your efforts to share them are “the lights” you bring to our souls!!! Thank you!!!💖
    Christmas blessings to you to take into this “next year!!”🤗🙏🧚~ Ann from Ohio


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda