Saturday, October 15, 2022

Saturday: Sayings that Resonated This Week

"Come along inside . . . we'll see if
tea and buns can make the world a better place."
KENNETH GRAHAM, The Wind in the Willows

Happy Saturday! As I mentioned to a friend in an email, we've had another week of gorgeous weather. We had a near perfect summer and come September, and now October, it eased so gracefully into Autumn, I hardly felt the bump of seasonal change. I'm still wearing my summer sandals, if you can believe it. Many trees now stand bare while others hold their autumn coats a few more days. To my joy, winds have crisp leaves dancing down the streets. The Peace Rose has several buds on the verge of bursting open; alyssums and the tall purple salvia bloom as if still in deep summer. And most unexpectedly, one hydrangea which struggled all summer to grow up, blazed forth a single hot pink bloom this week. What a delightful surprise!

So our yard continues to create a happy place for us and the few insects still passing through. Many migrating birds have flown south, which means the year-round locals start circling back to us, our yard a part of their wintering feeding area. We hear the chickadees and finches again, and the blue jays call every morning for their share-out of peanuts.

Now, I have been working away on the next installment of My Homes series; alas, it's not ready for today. So, instead I share a few quotes that have been meaningful to me over the last few days. Hope something resonates as you read.

—— ❦ ——
"Often God's voice
comes in a whisper,
in a breath of silence.
Remaining in silence in
God's presence, open to
the Spirit, is already prayer.
Allow Christ to pray within you silently—
One day you will discover
that the depths of your being
is inhabited by a presence."
BODMIN HERMIT, as seen on Twitter

—— ❦ ——
"Be as gentle as you can, to everyone you
brush shoulders with, with yourself.
It seems to me that lately everyone is walking
wounded, worried, weary. Make room, be patient, speak softly.
Carry mercy in your body like a necessary salve,
for the world is aching."
JOY MARIE CLARK, as seen on Twitter

—— ❦ ——
"The purpose of art is not the release of
a momentary injection of adrenaline,
but a gradual lifelong construction of a
state of wonder and serenity."

—— ❦ ——
"The best moments in reading are when you come across
something—a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things—
which you had thought special and particular to you.
Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have
never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand
has come out and taken yours."

—— ❦ ——
On creative work...
"Nobody tells this to people who are beginners, I wish someone told me.
All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste.
But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good.
It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not.
But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer.
And your taste is why your work disappoints you.
A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit."
IRA GLASS, as seen on Twitter

—— ❦ ——
"Loneliness does not come from having no people around you,
but from being unable to communicate the things
that seem important to you."

—— ❦ ——
These words I penned in my journal to remind myself:
"I can be a light in someone's darkness;
I can be a patch of blue sky in someone's grey day;
I can be the pink surprise of one hydrangea bloom on an October morning;
I can be present to my world today."

Wishing you a beautiful weekend,

Photo Credits:
(Top) Chulmin Park from Pixabay
(Bottom) Rebekka D from Pixabay


  1. I was going to tell you my favorite quote, but they are all so good! However, yours at the end really touched a special place in me! Oh, thank-you for all you do to keep us Beauty-aware!!
    Happy Saturday to you.
    Around here we are suddenly quite seasonally cool!

    1. I'm so glad we share that mutual love of all things beautiful in our world. Wishing you a joy-filled week ahead, Janet. xo

  2. Brenda it sounds like your autumn weather is just all the wonderful quotes you shared...especially your very own words at the end. Have a superb weekend friend. Hugs!

    1. Debbie, thank for that ray of sunshine in your note today. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

  3. All of the quotes ... so perfect each in its own way. And yours the best of all. I love that your garden is still surprising you with blooms.

  4. I do love your quote, Brenda! And I seem to always come away from your blog with a new/old book on my list. Wind in the Willows has been on my shelf since I was a child. I would love to re-read it.

    1. Karen, Oh, I am glad you still have some of the 'old' books on your shelf. Although I no longer dip into the old favourites as often as I once did, I am glad they are still around for the occasional time I do want to revisit them. I hope it's as delightful a read this time round.

  5. Brenda, You never disappoint!! We will all look forward to your “new topic( Home) when it is ready. Meanwhile you chose important quotes to share !! Thank you!!
    Each morning I wake up, get my coffee and look out at our BEAUTIFUL “Blazing Maple!” I loved your expression of your Autumn leaves “holding their Autumn coat!!!” My daily walks are SO enhanced by the amazing trees that seem to “light up” this October!!
    Thank you for our weekly “delivery” of beautiful and important thoughts!!!!!!☺️🙏

    1. This note feels like you, Ann, even though it doesn't say. :) Thank you for your lovely thoughts today!

  6. Lin Floyd says #6 certainly resonated with me...thanks for sharing.

    1. It's meeting up with those who 'get it' in the same way we do that is so meaningful, isn't it? Thanks, Lin. xo

  7. It would be impossible to choose a favourite from this collection of lovely words. Number one does resonate with me just now. Our autumn is lingering long just as yours is. And although it's lovely, everything is so very dry. Have a most wonderful week, Brenda.

    1. What a joy to have such a beautiful autumn this year. It seems to be like that across the country. The worm in it all is, as you say, it's so very dry. Here too. I lament for our land and trees and rivers.

  8. Quote #1 pricked my eyes. It brought to light how very tired I am and that I need to rest and allow God to take over. Bless you for this. In this way, you have fulfilled what Alan Bennet said in #4, you have put out your hand and taken mine.

    1. Dear Caitlynne Grace, you do have a way with words that truly sing - they touch my heart. Thank you!

  9. Your quote is my favorite!

    Deanna Rabe

  10. I've kept this post up to read and reread and didn't want to forget to thank you for it. You've given us all some encouraging words and I appreciate that. I want to sit down and write some of this in my journal today. Thank you SO much. Diane

  11. Hi Brenda. Loved your photos and post writing as well. And OH! I LOVE your header. All the quotes touch me but I loved number 2 the best. This world IS aching and perhaps a gentle touch or word or smile can help. Thank!

    1. Thank you, dear friend, for your kind words. They are a gentle touch in my life this morning.

  12. Oh yes, as Alan Bennett has said, I've had that experience a number of times. It always catches me off guard. The quote by Joy Clarkson is truly a balm for the times isn't it? And then the wise words you've penned are like a prayer we all could follow.

    1. Thank you, dear Diane! Always enjoy your thoughtful and lovely comments. xo


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda