Monday, May 23, 2022

One May Morning

When I first open my eyes...and look out
upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive. 

It's the start of a new week and still in my jammies, I pop out to the garden for a quick peek around. With the sun shining and the birds singing, it's hard to keep a huge smile from my face. These beauties greet me on this gorgeous May morning. Had to share them with you.

I have a busy day ahead so I won't stop to chat. Except I have to tell you one thing not flower related. Yesterday afternoon I went with friends to the new Downton Abbey movie. It just came out here on May 20th. If you are a fan, you do not want to miss this latest episode of the Crawley family where Julian Fellowes once again keeps us in our seats with lots of twists and turns, both funny and poignant, happy and, yes, sad. I laughed. I had tears down my cheeks. I was deliciously satisfied as the credits rolled by.

" Now and then, in this workaday world,
things do happen in the delightful storybook fashion,
and what a comfort that is. "

" Flowers seem intended for the solace
of ordinary humanity. "

Yes, this is a tulip, double petalled in red,
and it's wowing us these days.

" In all things of nature there is
something of the marvelous. "

The Clematis is about to bloom. Can't wait. Rick overwintered her in a pot
in our garage and so she's ahead of the game—the clematis plants out
in the garden are just now coming up.  

" In every moment, everywhere, we are not
even inches away from the divine presence. "
JOHN O'DONOHUE, Beauty, p.227

I must dash - wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

Heart hugs,


  1. Brenda, thank you so much for the beauty of this post this morning… So encouraging!! Am looking forward to Downton Abbey:)

  2. Oh the beauty of flowers! Thank you for sharing bits of your garden here.

  3. Exquisite tulips! They make me smile and I am not there with them. The new Downton Abbey movie sounds delightful. I shall have to wait for pay per view. My movie theater went out of business with the events of recent years. Hope you had a splendid day.

  4. Such lovely glimpses from your garden, Brenda. Now that our tulips are done, it's so nice to see yours, especially the yellow ones, and the frilly one. I'm hoping to see the new D.A. movie, too. Better get it organized!

  5. Beautiful, happy flowers . . . and tulips are my favorite! The three of us went to see Downton Abbey tonight, fearing that it is leaving our theatre soon. I felt that same satisfaction as the credits rolled.

  6. Beautiful flowers! I saw the Downton Abbey moving on the 20th with my sisters. I loved it and like you I laughed and I cried.

  7. Your flowers are fabulous, Brenda. And so are the photos! I'm looking forward to the Downton movie and seeing my old "friends" again on the screen! I'm glad it has a good Brenda review!

  8. Brenda, all of your flowers are magnificent. The buds on your clematis are huge, and your red double tulip is glorious. Your garden should win an award - your work shows. Have a lovely week!

  9. You have great luck with your flowers! I fear my thumb isn’t green! Looking forward to seeing the new Downton movie! As usual, I’ve really enjoyed this blog post!

  10. Lovely garden! My daughter and I went to see the Downton movie yesterday. We loved it!

  11. Lin here, loved the Downton movie also and your spring flowers!!!

  12. What beautiful spring blooms you have! Ones I can't grow down here in s.e. FL.

  13. Lovely quotes! Lovely flowers! I'm always refreshed and inspired when I visit here.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda