Sunday, May 08, 2022

Birthday Presents to Match the Season

" Books make great gifts because
they're everybody's favourite things. "

The gift card sat on my desk for days. I thought it'd be easy to spend, new books certainly being a top contender, for I have a list a mile long of 'wanna read' titles. But I didn't want to rush my purchase. I wanted to choose something that matched the season—a book that read like poetry, words hanging in the air like fragrance in a flower garden, with pictures that enlivened the senses. I wanted a book in keeping with Spring's awakening.

I suddenly remembered a book I'd been hankering after and went online to order Christie Purifoy's latest book, Garden Maker. Yes, I do select books by their cover. This one, so utterly captivating, was definitely going in my shopping cart. Then, the too-solicitous website recommended another title that would go along nicely with it. Oh yes, I'll take that one, too. And so Andrew Peterson's new book, The God of the Gardenwritten during COVID-19—joined Christie's in the cart. And did you know that you purchased floral stickers in the past, would you like to purchase them again? Why not, it's Spring, and with the flourish of a button pressed, my selections were soon on their way.

While I've not had a chance to sit down and read the books yet, my sneak peek browse certainly sharpened my anticipation. Both authors I've read and enjoyed in the past, I do believe I'm in for a treat. In her book, Christie shares her love of flowers and some of the life lessons she's learned in her garden. Andrew says, "The early Christians believed there were two books of revelation: the book of scripture, and the book of nature. The God of the Garden is the story of what I learned from both." I'm intrigued to read what he learned.
Below I've included a bit of the description with a few lines from each book. I hope it whets your appetite to search out these titles for yourself.
Growing a Life of Beauty & Wonder with Flowers
by Christie Purifoy

"Much more than a how-to flower gardening book . . . Garden Maker is for those who want to grow beautiful things that reflect the glory and majesty of the Creator and bring a little bit of heaven down to earth. . . . Lavishly photographed and lovingly written, this all-seasons guide invites you to discover the innumerable joys and wonders to be found in the flower garden." — excerpt from Amazon product description
"When I was a child, my father grew flowers. He was raised on a family farm in Comanche, Texas, and had a very utilitarian approach to any plot of landeven our typical small-town backyardand yet he primarily grew flowers. Our half-acre lot gave hot peppers, tomatoes, plums, and dewberries, but in my memory it's the canna lilies by the back fence that dominate the scene, like giants in a fairy world."

Thoughts on Creation, Culture, and the Kingdom
by Andrew Peterson

"Award-winning author and songwriter Andrew Peterson, being as honest as possible, shares a story of childhood, grief, redemption, and peace, by walking through a forest of memories: "I trust that by telling my story, you'll encounter yours. Hopefully . . . you'll see that the God of the Garden is and has always been present, working and keeping what he loves." — excerpt from Amazon product description
"Due to COVID-19, early 2020 had me literally and figuratively grounded in a way that allowed me—forced me—to work in place: slowly, rhythmically, without the frantic pace to which I had grown accustomed. I had to exercise my imagination, casting thoughts far and wide, thoughts creeping like ivy beyond the confines of this place to other places in the distant past and the distant future, traveling not on an airplane or in a tour bus but in the pages of books and the memories kept by photographs."

image from amazon website
Pkg of 50

Flower stickers in a rainbow of colours, shapes, and styles. Great for decorating journal pages, garden diaries, and envelopes. Creates a sweet surprise tucked into a handwritten note to a friend. If you're like me, you'll wonder why you didn't order two packages right away.

* * *

On that note, I'll sign off. Spring is at last in the greening up phase this week. Catkins are trilling out and leaves are unfurling. The garden is alive with birdsong. Oh, the joy of it all! On that note, I'm wishing you a beautiful week ahead. For those who celebrate, Happy Mother's Day! We are having Afternoon Tea with my mom later today. Can't wait! 

Warmest thoughts and heart hugs,


PS. It seems Blogger has changed something on the comments section so that there are more 'Anonymous' commenters. Which means I have no idea who is leaving a comment for me😟.

Would you mind please adding your name (whatever you use on public media) when you leave a comment. Thanks!



  1. What an interesting selection of books! I feel the same way about the covers of books and have sometimes rejected one just because.........

  2. Both of the books sound wonderful and I love that first cover. Enjoy!

    1. I must like the cover before I even pick up a book in a bookstore. :)

  3. What a delightful treasure trove of books and stickers! I'm heading right now to said website to have a peek:)

  4. Beautiful books and lovely stickers. I love it all. Happy Mother's Day with your lovely Mom!

  5. The above comment by Yvonne. Didn't realize that I click on Anonymous instead.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. We had a lovely Mother's Day with my mom. I hope you had a beautiful day as well.

  6. Tea with your mother sounds perfect. I like the stickers, but aren't they terribly pricey? Everything is so why not stickers? The leaves are just out here. Sounds as if you are right on our heels.

    1. Tea with mom was lovely. We enjoyed all the goodies. And, yes, stickers are pricey, but I hear paper is at a premium at present. Hopefully things will stabilize down the road.

  7. Books are indeed the perfect gifts and these two are ones I'd happily add to my own library. I hope you enjoy tea with your mother today, after two years of not being able to.

    1. Tea with Mom was most enjoyable, and it was extra special because we couldn't be together the last two years.

  8. Ah Books! I've seen that Andrew Peterson one (I enjoy his music very much) and I follow Christie Purifoy on social media. I'm sure they'll be delightful and full of good truths.

    1. I do like the writing of both authors so I'm glad for these new books.

  9. Both books sound intriguing . . . and one can't go wrong with flower stickers! Enjoy your birthday gifts!

    1. I've been busily adding those lovely stickers to my journal pages, not to mention on the envelopes of cards I'm sending out. It's such a pretty treat, it makes my heart tickle with delight.

  10. Good morning, Brenda. Your new books look lovely and I know you will enjoy them. I wrote them down on my 'wish list.' Wishing you a wonderful week of gorgeous spring days.

    1. Sandra, spring has been unfolding beautifully around here ... coolish still but at least it's rain and not snow that's coming down this morning. It will make the trees and garden happy, happy.

  11. Those are both beautiful book covers and sound intriguing. I'm writing down the Peterson book on my library search list. My sister sent me an Amazon gift card the other day and I knew immediately it was going to go for books! I chose a decor book and a 1913 book about the state of cooking in the U.S. then, written by a famous music critic. Both are fascinating! Oh, and a daughter-in-law gave me a cookbook from Half-Baked Harvest that I'm excited about using. Books are my favorite gift!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda