Friday, December 04, 2020

Five on Friday: Hints of Christmas

Notice the gifts

" Reflect on your present blessings of which every (wo)man has many,
not on your past misfortunes, of which all (wo)men have some. "

December is already well on its way, and the decorating is coming along at a peaceful pace. We are not in any rush this year—simplicity is our key. As hints of Christmas appear in various corners around the house, I thought you might like a peek.


" Poinsettia all blooming on the table centre sit,
Now we are ready to share our delight... "
DAVE TIMPERLEY, Christmas 2016

It was early afternoon when I took this picture, but already the sun feels like
late afternoon. I love the shadows and slant of the winter light at this time of year.


Christmas—that magic blanket that wraps itself about us,
that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance.
It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting,
or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance—
a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.


Take JOY in the world around you.
Scatter JOY with smiles and acts of kindness.
Sing to the world JOY.


Oops, that candle sat a little too close to the fireplace. Rick was going to take care of it
but I said, "No, wait, I have to take a photo—that'll be good fodder for the blog post."
It looks like jade and not wax. I know I need a new candle now, but
I'm loathe to discard this bit of melted marvel.


" The rooms were very still while the pages were softly turned
and the winter sunshine crept in to touch the bright heads
and serious faces with a Christmas greeting. "


Like the lilies,
bloom beauty to your last breath.

" May your walls know joy;
may every room hold laughter
and every window open to great possibility. "

* * *

I'll be back Monday with December's edition of The Simple
Woman's Daybook. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Stay safe.

Heart Hugs,


  1. Well, that was a lovely little visit. It made my busy brain slow down, and I took a deep restoring breath. The afternoon light coming into your cozy Christmas corners is exquisite. And that candle! A work of art if ever there was. Thank you for sharing your five on Friday.

  2. Christmas decor here is simple, also. I'm deliberately giving Adventseason its place...

  3. I do enjoy my visits to you, Brenda. And I love to see what books you are reading, many of them my favourites.

  4. It's fun to see these beautiful spots in your home (and to peek at your reading pile!). Thank you for giving us a tour.

  5. Love the 'art' of the melted candle--beauty in unexpected places! This seems indeed a year for a simplified Christmas season. A few treasured pieces to admire, add in some candlelight and twinkly strings of lights and voila, a cozy peaceful atmosphere.

  6. Lovely! That candle is amazing! You always have the best quotes, Bren.

  7. Everything looks wonderful! At first, I thought you had melted a Christmas cactus. 🙂 It is a unique piece of natural sculpture. Enjoy the season...

  8. I love your home and I'm trying my best to keep things simple this year and not cause myself so much work. But you've given me an idea for this afternoon....I'll get my Christmas books off the shelf and put them on the coffee table to enjoy! I love pretty winter pillows and snuggly throws! Hugs

  9. The candle really is a work of art and we all love to see something 'out of the ordinary'!

  10. Each of these scenes is lovely, but that 'jade waterfall' is my favourite.

  11. Brenda your Christmas decorations are just perfect. I love that Kitty cushions. Such a lovely scene. Will be looking forward to your Monday's post. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  12. All these are just wonderful, but I really love number three - the colors of the posies,the card,and candle are so beautifully matches.

  13. Brenda, that jade candle is stunning! A professional designer would kill for one like that! I wish you could leave it but can see as it might not be practical. I always have to have a poinsettia, too. It brings back memories of our garden center days when RH would buy truck loads of them. This year my brother-in-law brought me a beautiful one. I love your purple lilies! I never see that color in the markets here and would have to have a vase of them for my bedroom if I found them. I loved the tour of your Christmas pretties, each little detail!

  14. These are lovely quotes and the decorations are super.

  15. Lovely, Brenda! It’s a breath of fresh air to read your posts!

  16. love reading this on a quiet cold 20 degree snowless morning. Reminds me I need to dig out my Christmas holiday rush plenty of time. Thanks for sharing....

  17. Love this post Brenda. We are not in a rush to decorate this year either, although most is finished. We scaled back to a smaller tree this year and it is just as pretty. Love the quotes, your gorgeous poinsettia and your wonderful stack of Christmas books.

    Wishing you December days to treasure, always.

  18. Lovely photos and quotes to match. I thought the green candle wax was some sort of abstract sculpture - that didn't look quite your style!

  19. Loving your Christmas-y bits and pieces this evening! The "bit of melted marvel" made me smile! :)


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda