Monday, December 14, 2020

A Thrill of Hope

" Music is the divine way to tell beautiful,
poetic things to the heart. "

The music of Christmas carols and holiday songs have always been a favourite part of Christmas for me. There are so many favourites I could talk about—I have probably loved them all in turn. But let me take you back in time and share just one carol that touched me as a girl. It still sings in my heart to this day.

I wasn't very old, maybe seven or eight, when I first heard the lovely carol O Holy Night and loved it immediately. I remember feeling something sweet swell up on the inside of me in response to the beautiful voice soaring on the top of that enthralling melody...."A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices...". It wasn't the words that stopped me in my tracks as a youngster; it was the music that made a place for those words to live in my memory forever. As I grew up the words took on meaning, especially when hard things made my heart weary. 

There are seasons when we almost fall beneath the weight of the world's woes, the sorrows and suffering of people near and far, our own personal burdens. This has not been an easy year for anyone. There comes a fresh reminder every time I hear the song—perhaps a reminder for each of us—that God is with us in the midst of these hard times and places. I never have to carry these burdens by myself. If I ask, Jesus, where are you in all this, there comes the thrill of hope as He gently reminds me a name that was given to him according to ancient texts: Emmanuel, which means 'God with us'.

Not that many days from now we have a party to celebrate, albeit in smaller than usual fashion this year. In the fairy tale, Santa Claus comes to visit once a year and returns to the North Pole, but in another story Emmanuel once came and He stayed. God With Us. He lived physically on this planet for a while—now He dwells in hearts. In those words I feel a thrill of hope. I hope you will feel it too.

Wishing you a beautiful day.

Heart Hugs,

Photo credit:
(Top) Image by Islem Benzegouta from Pixabay


  1. Beautiful is too small a word but oh, it will have to do! thank-you!!

  2. "A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices" exactly what we need in these days! Some of the old favorites are still the most meaningful!

  3. O Holy Night has always been one of my favorites as well. 'I heard the bells on Christmas Day' is another that has really encouraged & buoyed me as I've aged. The music isn't quite so gripping as 'O Holy Night' but it is so beautiful as well.

  4. Music... it fills your heart. Christmas music never gets old, each song full of HOPE.
    My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night.

  5. Thanks for your sweet peaceful reminder of what this season is all about.

  6. No other Carol has the same feeling as that one. It has always been a favourite of mine.

  7. I also loved that lyric! There's a reason that these traditional Christmas carols are timeless.

    I think that the only contemporary Christmas song that brings me as much joy is Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas". I listen to this song at least once a day until Christmas. LOL.

  8. Amen! I am so thankful that God never leaves us, even during times of difficulty .

  9. Thank you, thank you for this beautiful post! Indeed, Emmanuel, "God With Us," is cause to rejoice no matter what is going on in our world! As I read your words, my hope was stirred!

  10. This is my favorite Christmas carol as well. It moves me every time I hear it. **Emmanuel once came and He stayed. God With Us. He lived physically on this planet for a while—now He dwells in hearts. In those words I feel a thrill of hope. I hope you will feel it too." Beautiful and oh so true!

  11. Yes, He never leaves us! I am always so thankful for the gift of Jesus! "The thrill of HOPE the weary world rejoices!"

    Thank you Brenda!

  12. I love this, Brenda. I think that the music we love, more than most other forms of art, is never just music, it comes with so many memories.

  13. O Holy Night is Christmas for me.

  14. In such a weary world, hope really is that thrill that goes up your spine isn't it? The most thrilling part of that song for me is when the singer hits that top note - "Oh night divine ..." I'm so glad there is still a reason for this very weary world to rejoice.

  15. Brenda, your post was a beautiful read; filled with hope and joy, for He is ever with us! Even as a small child, the Christmas carols thrilled me and spoke to my heart. Like you, I felt that thrill all the way down to my toes and I sang them with all the joy I could muster in the concerts and choirs. I had many favourites and I still do. Each one moves me. I remember one time many years ago now, a newly saved friend of ours who has an amazing voice, gave a short testimony in the church service before he sang, "O Holy Night." He broke down at one point before he continued but what a blessing it was. There weren't too many dry eyes in the service that evening. Music moves me, and many of us, like nothing else does. God uses music to minister to me and I think music is one of His most precious gifts to us. Thank you for sharing, and Merry Christmas, Brenda! Hugs...Sandi

  16. Oh, what a beautiful post! Be of good cheer! God is with us!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda