Monday, October 05, 2020

The Simple Woman's Daybook: October Edition

" Even if something is left undone, everyone must
take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn. "

Autumn is a time of year that 'fills my well' and gives me so much to muse about. Activities that feed my soul are usually simple and soothing as well as nourishing. Going for a walk at dusk, kicking my feet in the fallen leaves, and watching the ducks fly overhead into the sunset.... it's moments like these that make me oh so glad! to be alive.

I find working on the prompts set out by Peggy from The Simple Woman's Daybook puts me in touch with the simple things going on around me. Usually nothing fancy or newsworthy, in the grand sense, but these are the things that become daily bread for the soul. I find myself on the lookout for these ordinary glimpses when I read the writings of other bloggers. I hunger to know the details—the little life secrets—of what makes life meaningful and beautiful for you. It is what I look for when I happen to re-read old journals of mine too. Sharing my little findings with you gives me joy. And it is always my sincere wish that something I offer will have made your visit here worth while.

So.... it's the first Monday of the month and time for October's edition of The Simple Woman's Daybook. I hope October will be good to you. We have Canadian Thanksgiving coming up this weekend. Alas, no big family events planned, but hopefully a bit of turkey and stuffing and pumpkin pie will add some festive feeling to mark the occasion. For, indeed, we are thankful for all blessings and gifts that come our way.

For Today
" October gave a party:
The leaves by hundreds came
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing
Professor Wind, the band ... "

Outside my window...
Although Autumn still dazzles in spots with brilliant colour,
in our corner it is already on the waning side—many trees stand
 barren as gullies and lawns deepen in curling leaves. 

My window is open a crack and autumn's peculiar scent wafts in—
that mix of wood smoke, cool air, earth, and dead leaves.

I am thinking... 
When I was a girl, I disliked the forlorn, barren look of late autumn.
Trees void of leaves left me feeling unsettled. I did not like the emptiness,
the starkness. It was a far cry from the snug, cozy, homey feeling I loved.
'Twould be many a year before I'd come to truly appreciate the
clean open space of empty branches stretched against a grey sky. 

I am thankful...
for deep breaths and the ability to delight in the natural world around me.
Like Anne of Green Gables, I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. 

One of my favourite things... 
Going out with my guy for a drive in the countryside
and then stopping somewhere for a picnic lunch.

" A picnic is a state of mind
and can be made anywhere. "

I am wearing...
black jeans, black long-sleeved tee-shirt, a red and black plaid vest.
In this photo, I'm posing along the main street of the village that was
central to our family life growing up on the farm.

I am creating...
I'm itching to write and ideas dance inside my head, much like
fluttering leaves dance down the street on a breeze. I mutter to myself
thinking about this word and that one, as sentences take shape on paper on
my computer screen. As the daylight hours shorten and time in the
garden draws to a close, I find myself drawing nearer to my desk,
my books, and pen keyboard.

I am watching...
the sparrows having a grand splish-splash bath in the luncheon plate size
clay pot tray on our deck. Had to fill it up three or four times
because they were so exuberant in their ablutions.

I am reading...
Bella Grace,  a 160-page magazine deliciously filled with
lovely articles, quotables, photography.

" An ordinary life can be extraordinary;
there is beauty in imperfection and that magic
can be found in the every day."

I am listening to...
Harvest Moon (Neil Young) as sung by Lord Huron,
since we enjoyed a harvest moon earlier this week. The song is a favourite. 

I am hoping...
to finish reading the insightful little volume I recently found by
Louisa May Alcott Hospital Sketches from the Civil War. She volunteered
as a nurse around 1862 and recorded her experiences in letters
she wrote home. I appreciate hearing more about this well-known author's
personal encounters during this tumultuous time. Little Women
was published eight years later.

I am learning...
restraint in offering my vociferous opinion on every topic at hand,
especially the ones that make me hopping mad or upset.

Using my tongue to speak generous words of comfort,
praise, and affirmation is a much better way. I don't have to ask
God for forgiveness so often (wink).    

In the kitchen...
Our next door neighbour dropped off fresh plums
from their tree. They are so sweet and juicy.
Don't you just love that plummy colour? 

In the garden...
We've had no killing frost yet (fingers crossed) so many plants are still blooming,
including this climbing rose. 

A favourite link... 
is the blog handmade by amalia. She's creative
with fabric and yarn as well as words in poetry. And
she always knows how to tickle the fancy of the child within.

A favourite quote...
Like the trees that are dropping leaves, this is a time
for each of us to gently release anything that has become
a burden…trusting that it is this letting go that
will eventually lead to the new growth we seek. "

A moment from my day...
When out for my walk last night just as the sun was doing its theatrics,
I caught glimpse of its reflection in the neighbour's window.
That's some artist!

Closing notes...
Take no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall
take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Grace and mercy are freshly minted every morning for us— 
I plan not to waste today's energy on tomorrow's business.
As they say, sufficient for the day.

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful day. Stay safe. 

Heart Hugs,


  1. You have a cute outfit for Fall! I love wearing vests and it's what we reach for here in FL when it gets cold. I'm still in shorts today though. Love that you included a favorite blog to visit! Amalia is one of my best blog buddies too. Love all of the Fall photos and I'll look for that magazine! Hugs!

    1. I love vests too, Diane. They add warmth without the bulk of sleeves. Glad you also enjoy Amalia's wonderful blog.

  2. Your blog is a balm for the troubled soul! Love the poem about October’s party. I don’t think I’ve read it anywhere until this year. I also enjoy Bella Grace Magazine! We are having a truly beautiful fall here in the south, though not too much color yet.

    1. Nellie, thank you so much - I always hope to create a place that feels 'safe' when people visit. I'm glad you are having a beautiful fall.

  3. Beautiful, Brenda. I had to grin at your response to "I Am Learning." A lot of us are learning. In fact, I just saw a graphic saying "My greatest achievement today was not saying what I was thinking." Have a blessed week!

    1. Now, there's a good saying to keep near to hand. Thanks, Vee.

  4. How beautiful to see your climbing rose looking so 'summery' still.
    I think your plums are similar to our Damsons, which are delicious and difficult to find. I remember Grandma making Damson jam, and that first taste stays with me.

    1. Whenever I'd read about Damsons in a book or novel, I'd wonder what they were like. It's such a lovely name. Our neighbour's plums are tiny compared to some plums we get from B.C. growers. My mom used to make plum jam and a German cake called Plum Kuchen which had a white cake base, cut plums on top with a lovely crunchy streusel sprinkled on top. Both were delicious.

  5. I used to get severely depressed when the leaves fell from the trees. Like you, though, I have finally found the beauty in those barren branches. And I absolutely love the smell of autumn. My favorite home fragrances right now are Around the Campfire and Autumn Road Trip, both from Scentsy. They both have a woodiness to them, which I dearly love.

    1. Patti, I'm glad you, too, have found the beauty in those barren branches, especially since they are with us for so long some seasons. Your home fragrances sound delightful. I might have to go shopping now that you told me about them.

  6. I also enjoy Amalia's delightful poems and crafts.

    Keeping opinions to ourselves is one of the greatest skills to have on social media. Just keep scrolling...

    1. I'm glad, Margie, you enjoy Amalia's delightful posts. She's a real treat in blogland.

      Oh yes, just keep scrolling. Least said the better. I never engage on social media about things that stir people up - the universe doesn't need my 'two cents' worth posted. :)

  7. Lovely sentiments . I have to admit, that my least favourite time of year, is that time when the leaves have dropped until we get the first snowfall.

    1. It can be gloomy and dull. Perhaps that's why the first snowfall is so anticipated by many of us.

  8. I always your Daybook posts. Looking at the simple things around us brings happiness. I visited Amalia. Her verses are very witty and her blog is so colourful. Learning to use supportive language at home is a challenge to me. I'm positive with students and colleagues but sometimes judgement shows up in personal interactions. We are always learning.

    1. It's my dear hubs and my sister nearest me who hear the main 'blast' of my opinions on what's going on in the world. I don't share my thoughts with others generally, certainly not on social media. Yes, we are always learning. Least said is best.

  9. Ooooh, I do love the plums... and that window!! Also, nice to get a glimpse of your husband, as I suppose him to be ;-) You are smart to get your picnics in, while the weather is crisp but not biting yet.

    1. Yes, that was a glimpse of my dear man. It was such a lovely day.

  10. Dear, dear Brenda ~ your post is lovely and inspiring. Thank you. What a soothing magazine Bella Grace looks to be, one to be savored and enjoyed over and over. Happy Fall to you and your dear husband and have a comforting, wonderful Thanksgiving together. Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you, Lorraine!

      There is so much to read and savour in the Bella Grace magazine. I hope you are able to find a copy for yourself.

  11. So much beauty in your words, Brenda. I now must get this issue of Bella Grace, and with our color changes coming on our trees, I need to get out and get some photos and sit among the beauty! That sunset captured in the window is gorgeous!

    1. I almost walked past that sunset shimmering in the window, but I realized that was a photo op. Hope the neighbours weren't peeking out at the time.

  12. I love this post. It’s funny, but I was just thinking about The Simple Woman’s Daybook and how long (years) it’s been since I participated when I came across your post. I enjoyed the glimpse into the simple things that are making your life beautiful right now. Thank you for reminding me that it is, indeed, the simple things that are most precious.

    1. That is 'funny' interesting - I've had that happen myself, where I think about something and suddenly it's right there in front of me. Thanks for stopping in, Linda. Hope you have a great day.

  13. Beautiful. :) Autumn is definitely my favorite season. I love that photo of the sun's reflection in the window! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Cassandra, lovely to see your comment. Thank you. Wishing you a great week.

  14. Your fall is way ahead of fall weather here. This was such a good read, something I needed this afternoon. It has brought my thoughts around to some positive thinking. Wishing you many blessings.

    1. Lisa, thank you for your lovely comment! The wind is blowing heartily this afternoon - leaves are flying every which-a-way and the lawn is a mixed palette of orange and gold and green.

  15. Ah, a lovely post to read after a long day at school- refreshing and calming. I have learned to enjoy the stark architecture of bare branches against the sky, too. And as for refraining from sharing my opinions - I remember Elisabeth Elliot's words, "Never pass up an opportunity to keep your mouth shut." It's something I continue to learn. We are enjoying sunny days just now, but the rain is headed our way later this week.

    1. Elizabeth Elliot offers excellent advice, and I thank you, Lorrie, for sharing it. It was quite blustery yesterday - leaves flew off the trees and skittered down the street. I kept thinking someone was following me when I went out.

  16. I love that you and your guy go driving and picnicking! What a lovely way to enjoy fall's beauty together! I, too, like the "I am learning" thoughts. (And I secretly wish that many others were learning that too . . . )

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. Cheryl, we could all take 'learning' classes together (hehe). Going for a drive and picnic has been one of our Covid outings. We don't go out to restaurants or coffee shops, we visit so rarely with any friends or family, so the two of us head into the countryside to keep company with the bison (there's a national park nearby) and the water birds on the ponds and sloughs. Thanks, Cheryl, for the Thanksgiving wishes.

  17. What wonderful comments from your readers! I really enjoyed this glimpse into your day. The sunset reflection in your neighbour's window is my favourite, how perfect that you were able to capture it. Neighbourly plums, climbing roses, and Bella Grace. Just a lovely visit to brighten my day. Thank you!

  18. Brenda you always give such rich and uplifting posts. Picnics at this time of the year are extra special because we know that it may be a long while before we get to enjoy eating outdoors again. Your rose is so beautiful. It seems to be flourishing in the autumn sunshine. Hope you enjoy the rest of the week. Hugs!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda