Friday, May 01, 2020

Five On Friday: Quiet Days, Simple Pleasures

Image by Andrian Valeanu from Unsplash

" The world's favorite season is the spring.
All things seems possible in May. "

It's early Friday morning, the end of a week and the beginning of a new month. The air is cool and blows through the open window. I tug the fleece blanket closer, for the robins are singing and the chickadees are whistling, I cannot close the window.

I've been awake since the wee quiet hours. I've written in my journal. I've worked on an upcoming guest post that's not due until September but the inspiration for it was right there. Now I'm thinking about today's post.

By now, the world outside my window is fully alive. Finches have joined the chorus. There is the palest of pink on the horizon and skies are cloudless.

At our house, it's been a quiet week and our pleasures have been simple. Today I offer five gifts from this week....with open hands and heart.  

* * *


The waxing crescent of the moon, bright and buttery, was
shining through our bedroom window when I woke at three.
Did you happen to be awake too and see it?
Oh my....bliss.

* * *


I came into my study. The robins were warbling.
At three in the morning. Talk about early birds.
I was thrilled.

* * *


I'm anticipating homemade cinnamon buns
with coffee this morning.
When a certain sleepyhead wakes up.
Can't wait.

Image by Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life

* * *


"Thirty-nine years of my life had passed before
I understood that clouds were not my enemy; that they were
beautiful, and that I needed them. I suppose this, for me, marked
the beginning of wisdom. Life is short."

I took this sky photo yesterday morning just outside my front
door. I love how it turned out. Grey really is beautiful. I think an artist would
have fun painting those shades. Along with the author of the
quotation above, I have come to truly appreciate cloudy, overcast skies.
They are a gift not to be cast off.

Image by Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life
* * *


"Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy.
And cooking done with care is an act of love."

Homemade pasta sauce really is one of life's good gifts to human noses.
Can there be anything as satisfyingly fragrant as garlic hitting
the hot oil and tomatoes starting to simmer?

* * *

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a beautiful weekend.
I hope there's something in it that makes you glad to be alive.

Heart Hugs,


  1. I love seeing the planets and stars in the night. It always reminds me that God is in control.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. I could almost smell that delicious sauce!

  3. Lovely images formed from reading your words, Brenda. I don't ever get up that early so I guess I miss out on things to see. But I could see and hear them vicariously through you! Love your writing and photography. Hope your weekend is good, despite the pandemic news. Each moment is a gift. Susan

  4. Happy Friday! So many simple pleasures to be grateful for, lovely!

  5. So many lovely things to dwell on. Simple pleasures that make one be glad to be alive!

  6. So much beauty and encouragement in these words and images - thank you for a lovely start to the weekend. I opened our front door late last night and was also struck by the brightness of the moon and the freshness in the air - such a change!

  7. There is nothing quite as invigorating as the early morning songs of the birds.

  8. Dorothy In PA2 May 2020 at 00:13

    Ahhh, I exhale after reading your lovely words and I realize I have been holding my breath. I do that sometimes when I am taking things in, I just forget to breathe.

    You have given us five wonderful gems to savor throughout the weekend. The photographs are a delightful bonus.

    I think I will begin by searching for the moon tonight. We are old friends. As I am a night owl, we stay up together and share secrets.

  9. SO worth the wait. thank-you for continuously spreading joy and beauty!

  10. I'll have to ponder that gray skies bit longer. I am not a fan of gray skies, though a rainy day once in a while is a lovely thing. All that birdsong is a very good sign.

  11. Oh, Brenda I love this post. I am happy to see I am not the only human who adores a fleece blanket. Aren't they simply wonderful. And I have copied your Iimani David quote to send to a friend. Gray days and clouds have always been distressing for her. I thought the quote may help her to see them differently. And, I do agree there isn't much that tops great pasta. It is always welcome on our table. And, do send me some cinnamon buns, please. It has been ages since I have had them and I do not know why I don't bake them.
    Again, Brenda, a beautiful post. Your post and the fragrance of my Carolina Jessamine certainly make me "glad to be alive." Blessings, my friend.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda