Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday Doings

Life feels really good when one has had a good sleep. And I had a good one last night. In fact, I feel quite alive and energetic. I've been dragging my toes around for days, so it was a delight to wake up at a normal hour, instead of three in the morning, and actually feel fresh.

So what have I done with my very good day?

1. First, I wrote all kinds of nice things in my journal. I tend to write first thing before I'm quite awake. Probably a habit I picked up years ago reading Julia Cameron and her lovely idea of morning pages. It's a good habit. I don't do it religiously or with any 'must do', but at that early part of the morning, it catches those first thoughts before the day starts. As I write, I tend to gently herd my thoughts along a more positive flow; often, heart prayers pour out too as I write.

2. Later in the morning, I made a simple homemade soup for lunch. Got the chicken stock done yesterday and so today it was easy to chop vegetables, add some herbs and seasoning, include a few macaroni noodles, and simmer a while. There it was, all ready when hubby came home from the gym. He was one happy camper, since soup for him is a favourite lunch item any day of the week.

3. When we opened the cookie tin after lunch, we realized there was only one Walker shortbread cookie left. Which raised the question, shall we buy or bake. Because we are feeling so alive and energetic today, we pulled out a recipe from the family cookbook and made Oatmeal Raisin cookies. The fragrance in the kitchen was quite delightful.
"Good cooking carries magic in it; a house, big or little, that smells good from cooking, is the place everyone wants to be." ~ Susan Branch
4. Not related to anything in the kitchen, I wanted to tell you that I've been reading Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber. I'm loving it. I forgot just how much I enjoyed it when I first read the book in 2011. Funny, this time with our Oxford trip just around the corner, I'm really noticing the places she mentions, taking note of street names and spots for a nice lunches, etc. Here is what she wrote about her first trip from the airport to Oxford on a bus (probably what we'll be doing too):
“I dozed, jolting occasionally at the driver's loud pronouncement of upcoming stops. At this early hour the bus hummed along quietly with few passengers, so the stops were infrequent. In the hazy surrealism of predawn, there really was not much to see--what I could make out was mainly countryside, though not what I would call quaint, and certainly no Shakespearean cottages or fairy folk peeping from the trees.”

5. I'm enjoyed the tulips sitting on my desk. They have been opening and add so much pleasure while I sit here at my desk.

6. Learned my brother's dear father-in-law is in critical condition after surgery. If you feel a tug to say a prayer along with me, I know it will be appreciated. Hard things. Update: Things are turning around for the better. Good news.   

7. I'm off for my exercise around the neighbourhood. Maybe with the snow mostly melted, there might be signs of spring in some sunny corner. I'll let you know if I catch any glimpses.

Here's wishing you a pleasant day,



  1. As always, simply lovely! I felt like I was with you and we were chatting away!
    Hugs to you, Bren!

  2. It does sound like a lovely day . . . soup and tulips and writing and (especially) answered prayers.

    Yes, I think spring is around the corner. I am ready!

  3. Thank you again Brenda, for the way you share. I have Surprised by Oxford, and think it's time I read it again.

  4. It sounds like an ordinary day imbued with the loveliness of simple things. I hope your brother's father-in-law continues to improve.

  5. I could ~virtually~ smell the cinnamon raisin cookies ...mmmmmmm... and love the Susan Branch quote. I have been reading her bio trilogy, and it has been some of the most fun reading of a "book in my hand" that I have done in quite some time. So, seeing this quote made me giggle out loud. Tulips and cookies, what more could you ask for?

  6. A day full of nice things, baking, flowers and reading. Always lovely to visit.

  7. That's a very nice new profile're looking right at me! 🙂

    This is a book I have read of before, but have not read for myself. I wonder...

    Soup and cookies baked together...a lovely day described.

    Joining you in prayer for the gentleman you mentioned. Good to know that things are improving. God is good. All the time.

  8. I'm going to look for that book at my library. Sounds like one I would enjoy. Love your Susan B. quote too! Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. I thought when you opened the cookie tin and saw only one cookie, the question would be "who gets it"!! I think it's sweet that you and your husband bake together. Mine just waits in the family room until he smells baked cookies and then reappears ... like magic ;)
    I journal in the early mornings too. It's nice and quiet in the house and I have time to myself.
    Enjoy your weekend Brenda, I hope you do find some signs of Spring!
    Wendy x

  10. I'm glad the weather out west is heading to spring as well, I've done a few jaunts around the block with our dog which will increase in length once it's warmer.
    I'm working up to making your date and orange muffins - purchased the dates during shopping, have zested an orange and aim for Saturday since my blueberry muffins are just about gone.
    Happy Spring Brenda

  11. fun thoughts, I too do morning pages religiously and try to write a poem each day also. love the idea of homemade soup and cookies though mine would need to be sugarfree....happy spring still coming to you in the near future...

  12. it's sound lovely day... Have a lovely weekend...

    Please visit:

  13. Morning jottings, home-made soup and cookies, a good book, tulips on your desk, and a walk around the neighborhood - sounds like a perfect day to me! I'll have to find that book - it sounds interesting. I'm reading Frances Mayes, 'Bella Tuscany' right now. I love visiting foreign countries from the comfort of my own home :) So exciting that you are going to visit the place that you are reading about! The Susan Branch quote is so true. Sending hugs xo Karen

  14. What a productive day. You inspired me to get back into journaling last year. I'm always rushing to get out the door in the mornings, so I usually journal before I go to bed.

  15. I love the way you have with words!
    You take ordinary, everyday moments and transform them into exceptional. All with the power of words.

  16. Dear Brenda - one would never know that you ever lack energy. Your writing always motivates me in some way or another. Thank you for the lovely how about one of those oatmeal raisin cookies - Yummy! Hugs

  17. Oh I loved Surprised by Oxford! How fun that you are going there soon! Haven't been there yet myself but I should start making notes of what I would want to see!!!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda