Monday, March 16, 2015

Musing on Spring

Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again. ~ Gustav Mahler

Rick and I just got back from a walk in the neighbourhood. Although the sun's shining, there is still quite a bite in the air, and while I enjoyed the bracing wind on my face, I was glad for my jacket.

Over the years I have grown to appreciate this earliest part of Spring even though it's still much too early for green grass or trees swelling with new buds, and even though all the world looks worn and disheveled from a long, weighty Winter. The murky snow, mostly gone, has no resemblance of that fluffy pristine stuff we enjoyed weeks earlier, and brown lawns look frightfully pressed in with mounds of leaves moldering somewhere between mulch and compost. There is certainly no evidence of daffodils yet, except for those sitting in a jar on a table.

And yet for all that, I love this in between time. I love the smell of earth and warm air mixing, tree branches still barren against bluer skies. I love that birds seem to know something's afoot as they start singing different melodies. Honking geese, newly arrived from the south, seem eager to get a head start on claiming territory for the new season, even as they skate over ponds still frozen.

Now we wait for days to truly warm up. No doubt we'll have some snow yet before it's all said and done, after all, it is still early (especially here in northerly Alberta, Canada).  But one day soon, we'll go for a walk in the woods and we shall find these little blue starry treasures again... just as we did one Spring morning a number of years ago.


 While we wait, we wish you
warmth for your shoulders and love in your eyes,



  1. The market this morning had pussy willows in buckets, and with the warm sun and brisk air, it feels like a classic Alberta spring!

  2. Waiting with you my friend! But in the mean time, thanks for sharing the beautiful yellow daffodils with us.

  3. I love your description of early spring. It is such a thrilling time of year, isn't it? :)

  4. The beginnings of Spring are so lovely.

  5. Brenda, thanks for the lovely Spring post. My hubby and I just said yesterday that you can smell it in the air.

  6. What a lovely post! And your "blessing" is dear. Hope that we catch up to you one day soon. We still have feet of snow.

  7. Gustav Mahler and I have a few things in common!
    I just can't stay inside. And with every breath I take in, I smell Spring. Yippee!

  8. Such a wonderful walk, Brenda! I know exactly how you feel! In the Midwest, our snow has finally melted. Yesterday I discovered so many wee bits o' green popping up in all of my garden beds. The early days of Spring are always so exciting! Wishing you warm walks and blue, starry treasures! ♡

  9. Hi, Brenda, thanks for coming to my blog and commenting! We are seeing signs of spring all over the place down here in Georgia. It's amazing how fast spring comes when it does come. It's magical! Take care, dear lady!

  10. It's 80 degrees here now with a promise of a hot summer not far off...

  11. Hello, Dear Brenda, I love your description of the wakening woods and I agree, it is a wonderful time of year - that first stirring of spring. You do live very far North, don't you? The air is fresh and there is a certain scent to the air in the far North -that wonderful scent of Balsam and Pine. I remember spending summers in the mountains of northern New Hampshire and it had that wonderful scent and always brisk nights even in mid-summer. The deep snow always brings along lovely wildflowers in spring. Hope you have a lovely week with a bit of sunshine. Hugs xo Karen

  12. I love the spring as well, Brenda, watching nature come out of its winter sleep, it's like magic. It is however a sneaky season and not to be trusted :-)

    1. Amalia, I had a LOL chuckle when you say Spring is a sneaky season...yes, I totally agree. :)

  13. So beautifully written . . . there's an anticipation in the air, isn't there? The snow has melted here, and we hear the birds busy with spring nest-building. Enjoy your walks dear friend!

  14. You make me ashamed! Here I've been been deploring that dissolved look outside that you wrote about, but reading your post makes me realize that I need a change in attitude, for sure. I'm glad you noticed all that you did on your walk and appreciated it.

  15. What a beautiful post, Brenda. I love those little starry blue flowers. I hope you are getting closer to daffodils by now!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda