Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Playing with Picmonkey

Simply Version One


This morning we are learning how to create collages on picmonkey. Above is my first attempt.....

Much as we've admired the creativity so many of you share on your own blogs using collages for your photography, I've never felt I had the time to play with this. Plus, with so many technical learning curves as I venture into social media, a smart phone, some online writing classes... sometimes my brain says that's all for now, Girl, please don't add anything else into the mix right now!

But on this quiet, sublime morning of autumn, both me and my brain feel lively and ready to take a playful tour through all the buttons provided... to see what kind of monkey business we can get up to.
We're Getting Fancy Version Two
Here's My Favorite Version Three

Now this was FUN, FUN, FUN!  I'll be p-l-a-y-i-n-g with this some more.  But now, I see by the hands on my clock, I  best be off to accomplish some other projects... writing on my story, for one.

Oh yes... Which would be your favorite version?  Version Three is mine.

Wishing you a*´¨)
> ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
> (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * beautiful day! *

Photos: Brenda Leyland, 2014



  1. I've only just learned how to use Picmonkey too!

  2. Brenda - great minds think alike. I was out at Picmonkey the other day just getting acquainted. Going to give this a try too - I loved all three versions but like you the third one was my favorite. Will keep you posted on my working with Picmonkey!!

  3. It's wonderful to play and have fun while we're learning new things! I like all three samples; one might suit a specific project better than another, but they are all very nice.

  4. I found that photobucket had more types of collages to choose from, rather than the three pictures that were allowed on picmonkey. But I love, love picmonkey and use it all the time, even to just add a title.

  5. All your collages are nice, Brenda! It is fun to play with the images. Thank you for stopping by for tea today. If you try my grandmother's sauce on gingerbread, please let me know what you think, OK? Happy Autumn!


  6. They are all so pretty, but I, too, like the third one the most. I think.
    It is such fun to play with PicMonkey. It seems I am always discovering something new! (Sometimes I play too much!) :)

  7. They're all beautiful. I do my collages using Picasa. Very easy and there are a number of formats available, all unique.

  8. Hello Brenda. All the collages are lovely, & it's hard to choose but like you I feel the 3rd one is my choice. I've been using Picasa but now the evenings are drawing in I'll have more time to play around so I'll certainly give Picmonkey a try. Love the book arrangement

  9. Making collages can be so much fun! You chose great photos. I like the second one best, although they are all lovely.

  10. Love it!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  11. I like the second version best because of the larger picture of the trees and lake. I've not heard of picmonkey. I'll have to go check it out. I have used picasa or photos and collages and use paint shop pro for most photo editing. Thanks for posting this.

  12. I play in Picmonkey! So glad you have joined the playground.
    Blogging is my creative outlet and with Picmonkey it adds to my delight.
    I really like number two! It must be because I can see the lake more.
    Good Job!


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