Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Where Are You?

Wouldn't it be lovely to once again catch a glimpse of the author of this blog? Alas, I know it's been a while and you'll see me here again soon... soon... soon.

I haven't lost my interest in blogging, but I have been away busy with needful things -- I've explained more in the comments below. While I'm away, I am also taking time to ponder the next chapter of It's A Beautiful Life -- dreaming about a new look and pondering some fresh ideas.

In the meanwhile, I trust that old saying is true about absence making the heart grow fonder. I have been missing you and do look forward to being back here as soon as I can.



  1. soon...soon...

    It seems as if there's an echo in Blogdom these days...

  2. Hi Vee,

    I have found over the years that the 'life-expectancy' of many projects/hobbies, jobs (volunteer or otherwise), the 'current' passion (not the abiding life-long ones of which there are a wee handful), is about 3-4 years. And then a change needs must happen if my soul is to remain healthy and happy.

    When I wrote and designed newsletters for Mary Kay directors, I found as the fourth year approached I used to drag my feet to the computer to work on what had been till then a joy and a bliss. I'd reached the top of my learning curve and then it became old hat.

    That was, in part, what was happening with my blog. And then I read another blogger who said she'd said everything she needed to say on the theme of her current blog, and she took a leap to refocus and begin with a new theme. It got me thinking...

    So I pondered that for ages, wondering if my message had changed, or if I hadn't really allowed my heart to say what's deeper inside. I haven't lost my zest for living a beautiful life -- that is a lifelong focus and passion -- but I needed some new things to say, some new ways to say it, to change the whole look and feel for the person I am at this stage, not who I was 5 years ago when I first started blogging.

    And all that to say that having my part-time job with Rick cleaning the performing arts center in the middle of the night really 'did a number on me'... body, soul and passion.

    So we're repositioning... not changing altogether but taking it to another level.

    I sure hope it will be worth waiting for...............

    Thanks, Vee, for your continued rah-rahs in my corner! They've been much appreciated.

  3. Absence HAS made my heart fonder (and eager to see what you have up your sleeve and on your heart).

  4. Oh, Brenda! Whenever I see a note from you in my Inbox, my heart goes pitter patter. I LOVE reading your eloquent words and their message. XO

  5. Looking forward to that new level!

  6. Yes, you have been missed.
    Looking forward to what you have in store!
    Your words and thoughts have always been so interesting and creative.

  7. You have been missed, Brenda. I look forward to reading more about what's in your heart, perhaps in a new format or with a new direction. I think we all go through times of re-evaluation and course adjustments.

    And I just realized that I missed my deadline for the Inscribe Blog. This month has been a doozy - some of which is written on my blog. I do apologize.

  8. Hi Brenda! I too have been away for awhile tending to "needful things". I like that expression. I have really had to portion out my energy and I haven't had as much time to write and visit on the blogs as usual. I look forward to seeing what you have in store with the new blog. But, I really love this one too! It has always been one of my most favorite. I really appreciate your genuine and caring spirit. Your blog is always restful, thoughtful and beautiful. You are a wonderful writer. I so enjoy your stories and your recipes. I hope you are having a lovely evening! With Love, Delisa :)

  9. Ah, its easy to get swamped with other things, isn't it?

  10. Good morning Beautiful Readers ~

    I had the most beautiful post compose itself in my mind this early morning as I enjoyed a quiet and lazy start to this Saturday morn. Eager to post it, I sat here in my mom's cozy guest room cum computer nook, but when I went to sign in, I couldn't recall the password (I'd updated it recently and at home it signs in automatically). Rats in a poke.

    So we'll post tomorrow when I get back to my own computer. (Mmm... I seem to recall that I did have a little quiet nudge that I should take along my password booklet when I came to visit Mom, but I ignored it, thinking I wouldn't need it.)

    It's been raining... blissful after the cold and late start to spring with its drought-feeling winds of late. Nature and critters and people rejoice.

    Mom and I are going shopping today. And I'm sure, though unspoken, lunch out will also be in the outing schedule. We'll have fun.

    On that note, here's wishing you a wonderful day... I'll post tomorrow.


    1. And you did everything okay?

    2. Vee...

      Yes, we're fine enough... no threatening life events, just the little stuff keeps me treadmilling these days. I'm now dealing with arm and shoulder issues that keep trying to turn my focus pain-ward instead of Him-ward. So it's a swiveling time too. It's hard work to stay joy-filled when one is pain-filled.

      Maybe I should blog about that.... LOL

    3. Now this is interesting. I, too, have issues being sweet when I'm hurting. The older I get, the more I hurt. Oh ouchie! I'm learning, too, and you certainly should write about it.

  11. I just began connecting dots! You are Brenda Leyland from fellowscript! The 'Brenda' I look for in the magazine. I smiled through your last article, What Inscribe means to me. I love this magazine! Glynis Belec is the leader in the writer's group I am in. This makes my day.

    1. Janet, now YOU'VE made MY day...and I'm joyed to hear you and Glynis know each other. It's a small, small world. Thank goodness for connecting dots!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda