Saturday, March 17, 2012

What Are You Up To This Saturday?

I'd love to have a peek into what your Saturday looks like today. We can talk about the weather. We can chat about what's for breakfast. What you're doing, wearing, reading; what you're saying, feeling, thinking. In just a few short sentences (or longer ones, if you have lots to say). Using the letters that make up the word 'Saturday'. I'll go first...
S - Soft gray skies

A - Appreciating my hubby as he does the errands this morning

T - Trying to stay quiet of body and mind after a busy week

U - Underlining a few ponderable quotes (see below)

- Reading Jan Karon's In This Mountain and vintage March issues of Victoria

- Delighting in a pottering, snoozing, simple kind of day

A - Admiring the gift of Mozart's music as its cheery notes waft through the house

Y - Yummy plans to make a quick apple strudel

Wishing you a beautiful day,


  1. S - sitting in my set-apart chair
    R - resting in his sweet presence today

    enjoy your saturday, brenda ~ it sounds lovely

    p.s. hope you don't mind if i steal one of your quotes :)

  2. hello Brenda. Glad you like my blog. Thanks for commenting.

    Me? Baking, walking,blogging and sorting some papers!

  3. S - surrounded by seed catalogs
    T - thinking of Spring
    D - debating on seedlings to start

  4. S oup...potato
    A nd soda bread...hmmm...good
    T hinking about ice cream next
    U nless we stay home and veg
    R eading some blogs
    D oing some decorating
    A ntsy for spring
    Y es!

  5. Hey Pam, since it's not 'my' quote you're welcome to it... hehe

    Barbara, Betty, Vee, So lovely to catch glimpses of your day...

  6. Hi Brenda! I hope you are having a wonderful saturday. Let's see, I overdid my back a bit yesterday and have been resting today. It is a beautiful spring day, the grass seemed to turn green overnight. My dog Barkley had a bath and he is so soft and fluffy, I have been holding and petting him every time he walks by. The house is quiet today, which is very relaxing. Hubby is off in the garage tinkering and my mother-in-law has gone to a baby shower. I have been watching re-runs of Dr. Who and old Betty Davis movies. What a combination! I have also started crocheting a new afghan for our guest room. It is a lacy pattern with a pineapple design done in soft ivory yarn. I hope you have a lovely weekend! Delisa ;)

  7. Some pancakes with fresh maple syrup.
    Add a trip to town for my daughter and groceries.
    Talk with my mother -in -law.
    Use my children to help put groceries away.
    Realize it's past lunch.
    Do all the cleaning in a hurry.
    As the sun is shining.
    Yesterday will be here before I know it!!
    Thanks, Brenda!!!

  8. Hello, Saturday is almost over, Things I did today,
    went for early breakfast,
    chicken sandwich and corn chowder for lunch,
    spent 2 hours in the library,found some fun quilting books.
    It is raining to wash away winter's grime,
    It has been a lovely day.

  9. well it's sunday so I'll do those letters.
    S-sabbath day or rest
    U-understanding why I am here
    N-noting God's hand in my life
    D-daily returning my thanks
    A-always remember His love
    Y-you are most important to Him!

  10. I really enjoy your Blog Brenda, may you have a great Saturday always. Me i'm gonna cook a nice breakfast for my family today and spend time with my kids, they are growing to fast. Hope today Thursday you woked up to a a lovely morning like I have.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda