Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Writers Conference

The writers conference looms straight ahead and I'm finalizing my speaking notes for Saturday. I had gathered so much information,  I had the job of paring down to essentials. It's been a good exercise as now everything is fresh in my mind again. Getting excited now!

I just enjoyed reading a posting by Kim de Young at the Get It Done Girl. She shares about how women tend not to truly value the gifts they have because they come so easily to them. I know I've done that in the past, so it was good to be reminded to value the gifts that have been given to us to share. Kim says,
"What I’ve noticed for myself and what I want to share with you is the importance of noticing that which comes easily to you, and placing value on it. What’s easy for you probably isn’t what comes easily to others. And, if you’re like most women, you’re probably taking your gift for granted. We do that to ourselves very often. We don’t often value that which comes easily.  For me, stepping into my gift, opened up so many opportunities that I could never have imagined a year ago."  Click here for the complete post.

For instance, some people ask if I'm nervous about speaking this weekend, but I'm not. Because I know from past experience that when I get in front of a classroom of people, my teaching gift slips on as easily as comfy slippers and I feel quite at home.

Have you ever experienced that? Where you just know this is where you're supposed to be and what you're supposed to be doing?

With that I'm off now...



  1. So rarely that I don't remember...

    There's always so much food for thought here...

  2. Beautiful roses....

    Have fun at the conference!

  3. looks good, would love to have a copy of your notes etiher paper or digital when you get time. I start my creative blogging class next week. I too love to teach. enjoy!

  4. Wow, this leaves me with much to think about. I know that I have a number of gifts, but I don't really know how to use them fully.

    I hope your class goes well and that you report on the conference!

  5. Enjoy your conference Brenda! Wish I could slip into seat and listen to your presentation.

    As for the message of this post, I need to think about what comes easily for me. I think this will be a devotional topic for tomorrow morning.

    Thanks for posting this.

  6. Lovely post. Your roses are stunning. And thanks for the food for thought, too...

  7. Have a wonderful outing and we salute the inspiration that will flow from your blogshop this weekend!

  8. I sure enjoyed your comments today!

    Thanks, dear friends, for taking the time to stop in and give me a 'hug' with your words.

  9. Hello Brenda! It's been awhile since I syopped by but it's not for lack of wanting to! I read of freezing temps and we just cooled down to 70 at night last night with a cold front. HA. I've made a note of this:
    Notice that which comes easily to you, and place value on it. What’s easy for you probably isn’t what comes easily to others. It's not humility to take your gifts for granted.
    Blessings to you!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda