Friday, December 20, 2024

A Page From My Christmas Archives: A Thrill of Hope

"Music is the divine way to tell
beautiful, poetic things to the heart."
PABLO CASALS, Spanish Cellist/Composer

There seems to be such heaviness in the world some days. News that can fill our hearts with trembling. In my own little world, things are good, we're content, yet still the larger picture of sorrow and hardship often drifts into my own space - I feel the pain of the world in my heart. As I thought about what I could share this week here on my blog, I found something I wrote four Decembers ago, back in 2020. Four years later I find the words I wrote then still speak hope and peace to my own heart. It repeats the sounding joy.

And so I offer it here today... with the fervent wish that you, too, will find your own thrill of hope in the midst of whatever you, or someone you care about, might be facing these days.

A Thrill of Hope
- written December 14, 2020
The music of Christmas carols and holiday songs have always been a favourite part of Christmas for me. There are so many favourites I could talk about—I have probably loved them all in turn. But let me take you back in time and share just one carol that touched me as a girl. It still sings in my heart to this day.

I wasn't very old, maybe seven or eight, when I first heard the lovely carol O Holy Night and loved it immediately. I remember feeling something sweet swell up on the inside of me in response to the beautiful voice soaring on the top of that enthralling melody...."A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices...". It wasn't the words that stopped me in my tracks as a youngster; it was the music that made a place for those words to live in my memory forever. As I grew up the words took on meaning, especially when hard things made my heart weary.

There are seasons when we almost fall beneath the weight of the world's woes, the sorrows and suffering of people near and far, our own personal burdens. This has not been an easy year for anyone. There comes a fresh reminder every time I hear the song—perhaps a reminder for each of us—that God is with us in the midst of these hard times and places. I never have to carry these burdens by myself. If I ask, Jesus, where are you in all this, there comes the thrill of hope as He gently reminds me a name that was given to him according to ancient texts: Emmanuel, which means 'God with us'.

Not that many days from now we have a party to celebrate, albeit in smaller than usual fashion this year. In the fairy tale, Santa Claus comes to visit once a year and returns to the North Pole, but in another story Emmanuel once came and He stayed. God With Us. He lived physically on this planet for a while—now He dwells in the hearts of humans. In those words I feel a thrill of hope. I hope you will feel it too.

Wishing you joy-filled anticipation as we count down these
last few days. A Merry Christmas to you!

Heart hugs,

PS. On Tuesday, Dec 24th, I will be guest posting on
the InScribe blog - a short seasonal piece titled A Xylophonic Vibration.
If you are interested, I'd love for you to stop by then.

Photo credits:
(Top)Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

My Winter Blogging Schedule:
I post on Fridays


  1. Such a lovely post Brenda. Thank you. May your Christmas be blessed and peaceful.

    1. Our Christmas was indeed blessed and peaceful, thank you. I hope that 2025 will hold many sweet and cheering moments for you. Soon you'll be able to look forward to your new garden ambitions. Happy New Year, Barbara! xo

  2. Have you heard David Phelps's rendition of O Holy Night? I get goosebumps just THINKING about it. It's absolutely bring-down-the-rafters glorious. And the pianist is not too shabby either. :) Check youtube if that link doesn't work.

    Yes, a thrill of hope despite the weary world. That's why we can rejoice. Beautiful words today, Brenda. Thank you.

    1. It's a song for goosebumps, that's for sure. Thanks for that link to the David Phelps rendition of that gorgeous carol. Happy New Year to you, dear Joy! xo

  3. The world is indeed weary and in need of hope, along with joy, love, and peace. Thank you for reprising this lovely post. Merry Christmas, Brenda.

    1. Thanks for your note, Lorrie. Wishing you a beautiful and Happy New Year. xo

  4. Brenda I am so glad you shared this archive post. It resonates today as much as it did when you wrote it. Emmanuel - God With Us. Always and forever - thanks for reminding me of what hope looks like in our crazy world. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hugs!

    1. Yes, it's a hopeful thought--truth--to hold onto, no matter what it looks like out there. Wishing you a Happy New Year, Debbie! xo

  5. I have always loved this lyric. Thank you for resharing this post.

    Merry Christmas, Brenda!

    1. Hope you had a great Christmas - wishing you a Happy New Year, Margie! With lots of new tea experiences.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda