Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Favourites: In The Pink at the Botanic Park

"Where flowers bloom
so does hope."

Spring generally comes later to this part of the world here in northerly Alberta, but it truly felt as if the season dragged her heels this year. Perhaps it was because our souls were so ready for our world to be transformed with light and warmth and colour. The last couple of weeks, however, have more than made up for the lag time—we are in the throes of seasonal wonderment, for wherever we look, front yards and tree-lined boulevards are bursting with colour and beauty.

Our visit on Tuesday to the St Albert Botanic Park was pleasant, even though the skies only hinted at sunshine peeking through the high cloud cover. We enjoyed a leisurely stroll with friends through the tree park. For the most part, the perennial beds are just getting started. Spring bulbs will soon wane and summer perennials begin filling in. Flowering for many is still several weeks away.

The joy of this trip was walking beneath trees laden with blooms—and the tree in the photo above was the pièce de résistance. Below are a few more photos to give you a glimpse of pink bliss. 

"Can words describe the fragrance
of the very breath of spring?"

"Never yet was a springtime,
when the buds forgot to bloom."

"Such a wondrous thing to be
alive beneath apple blossoms."

"The day the Lord created hope was probably
the same day he created spring."

Spring blooming Bergenia, aka as Elephant's Ears

"A flower blossoms for its own joy."

"Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer!
I must get out and breathe the air deeply again."

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Photo credits:
Brenda Leyland @ It's A Beautiful Life
Taken at the St Albert Botanic Park, May 2024


  1. Oh my, Brenda! What beautiful blossoms. I think you are further on than we are here, though things are beginning to bloom now that we have a bit of sunshine. That tree in your first photo is exquisite. What a lovely day!

    1. I was surprised to have you say that you think we're further along - Spring-wise - here in northerly Alberta than in Cornwall. Things are coming along. It's a joy to watch it unfold. I know, isn't that tree exquisite, indeed! Thanks, Barbara.

  2. Brenda the photos and quotes are wonderful. Glad to read that you are finally seeing such lovely pink and white blooms. It can be so hard to wait but when it finally comes (spring) it is that much sweeter because of the time it took to visit us. Have a great weekend dear one!

    1. Thanks, Debbie - loved hearing from you. Thanks for your wishes. It's bright and beautiful here this Saturday morning.

  3. Beautiful colors. Out here it is dandy-land, mostly just pretty bright yellow and green, but I love the change from brown and white! Maybe I should invest in some perennials!!

    Your anonymous friend Betty.

    1. We have been enjoying the sprightly sparkle of the dandelions around town and out in the countryside this May. What displays! Thanks, Betty.

  4. I love to get out in the Spring too. Our summer temps have gotten here a little too early but I have a hike planned for tomorrow. Thank you SO much for the list of words to describe Manatee Springs. You really surprised me and got me excited about putting together the list for my post today. You are such a precious blog buddy! Sweet hugs!

    1. Ha - I'm so glad you loved that list of words I found online. I love expanding my vocabulary, so that list should help me, too! Thanks, Diane, for your kind words.

  5. Hi Brenda.
    Oh, such splendorous blossoms you showed us in today's post. Just beautiful. I love pink. It's my Number 1 favorite color. I am glad spring is finally springing there. The scent of some blossoms, like apple and lemon, is so mesmerizing, too. Take care, Brenda, and have an awesome weekend! Hugs. Susan

    1. Susan, do you have lemon trees where you live? How wonderful if you do, to have the scent of lemon blossoms. I imagine them scented like lemons - are they? Thanks!

  6. What a beautiful and peaceful place for a stroll! I always think fall is my favorite season, and then spring rolls around in all its glory, and I find myself reconsidering that.

    1. Patti, I know exactly what you mean. Autumn is a firm favourite for me, but I enjoy and love all the seasons in turn. This year, I've come to really appreciate Spring's wondrous, hopeful gorgeousness.

  7. Oh my goodnes - what Patti said, yes! These are beautiful pictures, Brenda. The blossoming trees are glorious. And I loved every quote you chose for this post. I now wish I could go back and experience our pretty spring again, but I must wait another year.

  8. Oh, those lovely pinks! Spring is slow to come here this year, too, but we delight in every blossom that shows up in its time. I do love your words - "such a wondrous thing to be alive beneath apple blossoms". Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda