Friday, March 22, 2024

Things I Like

Often it's the little things we
like that get us through the day.

Inspired by Linda's list on her blog who was inspired by Joyce Carol Oates's list, I borrowed the idea to create one for myself. I tried not to be too fussy or perfectionist about it... wanting to just let the random thoughts flow up. It's by no means a comprehensive list, and if I were to write it next week, you'd probably see one that's altogether different.

Here's today's version of Things I Like:
Making lists. Robins in spring. Canada Geese in vees. Handel: Messiah "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" / Water Music. JS Bach. Agatha Christie / Louise Penny / Donna Leon. Phases of the moon. All four seasons. Emily Dickinson: "I am out with lanterns, looking for myself." Lattes / Latte art. Rainy days / Snowy mornings. Books on Nature writing / Memoir / Historical fiction. Blogging / Writing. Solitude. Sitting in the garden. "Go. Be. Love." Pussy willows / Tulips / Peonies. Bringing order from chaos. Juxtaposition of light against dark skies in a rainstorm. Deep prairie skies. Harvest moon. Waves lapping. Helping out. Writing letters. Lamps in a window. Happy childhood memories. Ice cream cones. Debussy: Claire de Lune. Pretty notebooks. Chariots of Fire: "And when I run I feel his pleasure." Sandwiches / Dark chocolate / Birthday Cake. Presents. Blue / Sea-green. Singing. Laughing. Pencils.
Kindred spirits. Van Gogh / Monet. Beauty. Honesty. Gift From the Sea. "Who said the world was fair?" Cheezies. Libraries / Old Bookshops. Purring kitty cats. BeeGee's Too Much Heaven / Staying Alive (the beat gets me doing my walking workout 😊). Skirts that twirl. Sparkling windows. Flowers and taking closeup pics of them. Henri Nouwen / C.S. Lewis / L.M. Montgomery. Mozart's Requiem as sung in Oxford one spring evening on my 60th. Lavender scented anything / Spritzing on Joy by Dior. Curtains wafting on a breeze. Giving gifts. Pottering. Good conversations over coffee. Enchanted April / 84 Charing Cross Road / You've Got Mail / Out of Africa / Pride and Prejudice (1995). Bees in the garden / Leaves in the wind. Kindness. Compassion. Comments from blog friends. Dog barking in the far distance / Lawn mower droning on a summer evening. Amor Towles: A Gentleman in Moscow. Pretty postage stamps. Cozy: Sweaters, blankets, nooks. Children laughing. Reading in bed. Twilight. Coffee brewing / Bacon sizzling / Crunchy toast. Learning new things. Oxford / Victoria / Edinburgh. Aretha Franklin singing I Say A Little Prayer for You.

Even as I close this list, there are dozens more I could add, but enough is as good as a feast. Are your thoughts running? Have you been inspired to create your own list?

Wishing you a beautiful day,
Photo credit:
Top Image by Oldiefan from Pixabay


  1. Well!! If this doesn't get the reader's day off to a cheery, flying start I don't know what will! So many kindred 'likes'! Topped off by a beauty of a quote...'enough is as good as a feast'<3
    Happy Weekend, Brenda!

    1. I know... isn't that a great little quote 'enough is as good as a feast'. I've often come across it in old English novels and was gleeful for a chance to use it in my blog post. :) Thanks, Janet!

  2. Brenda,
    This is a fun and enjoyable post! I'm going to use this idea this next week!

    I used Water music for processional music at our wedding 36 years ago. So many shared likes!

    Deanna Rabe

    1. Ooo... having Handel's Water Music for your wedding processional... I imagine it brings up those wonderful memories every time you hear it. Thanks, Deanna, for sharing that lovely memory!

  3. Love your list, Brenda! It's a fun exercise, isn't it?

    1. It certainly was a fun exercise. Thanks, Linda, for the inspiration!

  4. That is quite a list! And yes, you've got my thoughts running ... and running ... and running. :) Happy Friday!

    1. I hope you'll share a similar list one day - I'd be so happy to read it. Thanks, Joy!

  5. That is quite the list! Probably a great thing to do, keep the focus on things you like, not on all the things that we don't like.

    From the Anonymous - Betty

    1. Betty, lovely to hear from you! I agree it's good to focus on what we like rather than on what we don't care for.

  6. Your interesting list made me think about the things in my life that I like. I need to sort them out in my mind, though often it is something fleeting and small that brings cheer to a day, like the first buds on my Cherry tree.

    1. You are so right, Barbara, about how often the things that bring cheer are fleeting and small. Hardly noticeable sometimes but so necessary to our well-being. How thrilling it must be to see those first buds on your Cherry tree.

  7. Your lists contain many things I would have on mine as well. I think we would definitely be kindred spirits. 😉 Blessings on your weekend ahead. 💗

  8. Brenda, your list brought to mind shared loves and was a springboard to so many more. It is wonderful to be reminded that even with the aches of this world there is still such a richness all around me. I always need to remember that!

    1. Yes, there is so much richness in our world in spite of the aches. So glad for these little respites along the way. Thanks, Dewena, for stopping by! xo

  9. So many similar likes, Brenda! I read Linda's post the other day and have been pondering my own likes since then - may do my own similar post.
    On a side note. I took little Iris (4 1/2) and Cora (3) to McDonald's for a lunch treat one day last week. While we were eating Staying Alive played over the speaker. Cora began swaying and bopping her head in perfect time to the music - she's got a great sense of rhythm. I had to laugh. We all felt like dancing!

    1. What fun - Staying Alive really gets the feet tapping and the body swaying. Even the little ones know a good thing! Thanks, Lorrie, for sharing that.

  10. Lists are so much fun, both to make and to read. Yours today conjures up so many lovely images and wonderful associations, perfect on this Saturday morning when we have a gloomy sky to start the day.

  11. What a delightful list!! Indeed, my thoughts are running . . .
    Thank you for a lovely morning read and some inspiration, Brenda! A happy weekend to you!

  12. This could almost be my list as well! Very nice.

  13. Love your list, Brenda. And yes, you did get my brain in gear thinking of things I like. :)

  14. Things I like

    Way, way too many to list
    Cookies right out of the oven
    The bread and salad at The Olive Garden
    My son-in-law’s burgers
    Miss Potter—> Brenda, if you haven’t seen this, you must, I’m certain that you will love it.
    The Harry Potter series
    The Godfather series (Totally out of character for me, but true.)
    My home
    Folding warm clothes right out of the drier
    Organizing a drawer or shelf
    A clean kitchen
    My family
    Anywhere in Italy
    Anywhere in the UK
    Anywhere along the California, Oregon, Washington Coast
    Classical music
    Bees on flowers
    Waves on the seashore
    Morning birdsong
    Impressionists-Monet and Van Gogh
    Botanical Gardens
    Birding especially in the Rio Grande Valley or the Texas Gulf Coast
    Almost anything baking in the oven
    Fresh linens
    Mulch in the garden
    Babies fresh out of the bath

    I love Susan Branch’s admonition to find as many things to love as you possibly can.

    I’m Florence. I live on the Texas Gulf Coast. My husband and I are retired hospital pharmacists. I love your blog!

    1. Florence, thank you so much for your note and the beautiful list of things you like. I so enjoyed reading it and relate to pretty much everything you mentioned (except I have never been birding in the Rio Grande Valley or the Texas Gulf Coast). Oooo, I LOVE Miss Potter, it's a forever favourite. I didn't even think of it as I was creating this list. I'm so glad we share that common thread as well. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

  15. What a fun list! I actually rewatched the Pride and Prejudice mini-series a few weeks ago. Colin Firth will always be my favourite Mr. Darcy. Hee!

    1. I'm with you, Margie - Colin Firth will always be my favourite Mr. Darcy! :)


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda