Sunday, September 17, 2023

Embrace Something New

"Autumn shows us how
beautiful it is to let things go."

I love this time of year—it makes me feel spirited and creative and alive. There really is something in September's atmosphere. Along with the deep blue skies, warm but not croaking hot days, the smell of harvest in the air, long shadows, and leaves dancing on the crisp breezes, something about it all makes me feel hopeful about life. And it comes with a readiness to begin again, which perhaps stems from childhood school days when a new school year created that frisson of new beginnings. New pencils, new notebooks, and days still new with no mistakes in them.

So... let's fling off the remains of the old season. Believe something good is about to happen. Something that will jostle and startle our wonderment at being alive. And give our minds new patterns to play with and get us out of the rut.

Today I'm inviting us—you and me—to engage in the simple pleasure of embracing something new. Putting aside some of the usual routines and choices, and without thinking about it too much, doing something a little different, even if it's just for the day.

Don't study the menu when you go out for lunch. Close your eyes and point to a spot on the page. Order it, even if you've never tried it before. And if it isn't quite to your taste, well, that's okay, isn't it? You've pushed the boundary, explored a little, maybe even created the start of a new blog post.

This morning choose something other than your favourite mug, blouse, or pair of earrings. Select something you haven't used or tried for a while. See with fresh eyes. Do you still like it? Has your soul outgrown it?

Don't take the same route on your walk or trip to the grocery store. Take some other leafy street and crunch through a pile of dried leaves.

Don't listen to the usual radio or streaming service. Choose a listening style not your usual taste. Appreciate it, even if it's for just a few minutes.

Don't call your mom, sister, best friend to chat about the same old things. Introduce something new to chat about. Ask what she's reading, what she remembers about autumn days in her girlhood, what made her feel happy today.

Don't sit in your favorite chair when reading or watching television. Pick a spot elsewhere in the room. Look around from that vantage point. Maybe you'll see something that should be fixed, rearranged, or tossed. Or you'll see something lovely you've not noticed before. A couple of quarters, perhaps?

With it being just days before Autumn's Equinox, will you embrace something new to celebrate the new season? Will you share something with us?

"I can be a light in darkness;
I can be a patch of blue sky;
I can be the pink hydrangea
alive on a cool September day."

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

Photo credit:
Top Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay


  1. Lovely post! Do you know who the artist is of that beautiful painting?

  2. oops - saw the answer at the bottom of your post. lol.

  3. I love this! I too find the change of season invigorating. I have often wished we could celebrate New Year's in the month of September:) Thanks for the challenge to "fling off the remains...", I feel that in my very soul! I shall post myself a note on the bathroom mirror as a daily reminder to embrace the new season and welcome new things!

    1. There's a lightening to those words 'fling off the remains' -- like letting go of something that weighs down. I hope your bathroom mirror reminder helps set you on a new path this season.

  4. I am in a "new" stage of life right now which doesn't allow for a whole lot of variety . . . but I think I can find some new little thing somewhere along the way this week! I'll report back!

    1. Cheryl, yes, you are at present in a new and different stage of life. I hope amid routines that must remain in place, there will appear tiny opportunities to create something that gives cheer and hope for you and for those you love. xo

  5. This last year has been full of 'differences' and new starts for me. It takes time and courage but eventually one gets there. Today I am going to plant some indoor hyacinth bulbs that have sat patiently waiting. That's always an Autumn job.

    1. So many new starts for you, indeed, Barbara. Your plan to plant indoor hyacinth bulbs sounds delightful. Something to look forward to in the months ahead. xo

  6. "...let's fling off the remains of the old season. Believe something good is about to happen. Something that will jostle and startle our wonderment at being alive." Love this! what a grand and wise attitude to step into fall with.

  7. I really like this idea. I know I need to start a new creative or artistic project and be inspired. I love to read and blog but I need to mix it up! Thanks for a beautiful....and timely post! Happy Fall!

    1. Diane, you and I may be cut from the same cloth. You mention loving to read and blog but need to mix it up. Books and blogging are my true joy, I sometimes forget there are so many other pleasures to partake in. Thanks for your note!

  8. New in autumn is very appealing. For me just now, I've had enough "new" and want to get back to "familiar". That said, I have some new ideas in my head and my journal for things to try! Love this post!

    1. Thanks, Lorrie. My brother said the same thing--he'd been away from home long enough for one trip, he was ready to get back to the familiar. Have a wonderful rest of your trip!

  9. Originally found in the September 2015 Bella Magazine, it came up on my Facebook memories this morning. I think it belongs here:

    “There is such freedom in releasing the past
    so we can weigh ourselves with the joy and
    anticipation of what is to come.”
    — Alisha Fridland

  10. Brenda what a refreshing post to move us gently into the coming autumn season. Love your ideas of doing something new and different. Hoping that this lovely fall brings you plenty of new and fresh things to do. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. Lovely to hear from you. Hope things are well in your corner of the world. xo

  11. My something new is the in law addition being built for my parents. This also includes a new kitchen for me, and it means that this week a 5 ft section of the wall will be opened up between new and old kitchens. This means losing my kitchen sink and dishwasher for some weeks, and it means a rearranging of some furniture in the living room area to accommodate the refrigerator! Ah change! I do love change, so that is good!
    Oh and I love going down roads I've never been on before!

    1. Deanna, yes, you've got a lot of 'new' happening in your world. I've been watching the construction going up on your blog. I hope you get a chance to take a drive down one of those roads you've never been on before. I love country drives at this season of the year.

  12. Doing things a little differently keeps our outlook fresh! Very often, in a restaurant, I could just begin with the first item on the menu and be totally pleased! You have such a wonderful blog!

    1. I think I will try that, Nellie, next time we eat out -- just pick the first item on the menu. Thanks for stopping by! xo

  13. Hi Brenda. Loved your post. September is a lovely month and autumn is a most pleasant season. I will try to do or see something new and then let you know.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I hope you are enjoying this beautiful month. It's still quite lovely here - and no frost yet in these parts.

  14. You have inspired me this morning! September is such a treasure, but because of my large garden it also come with harvest pleasure/pressure, making it exceptionally busy with canning joy! I am going to purpose today, to try something new! It is definitely easy to fall into a rut of 'same-old!' Thank-you as always for the beauty you bring and share!

    1. Oh yes, those harvest pleasures/pressures. They are a definite part of life this time of year. Thank you for your lovely note.

  15. Wonderful advice, Brenda! I love Autumn, too. Everything you said can be applied to our seasons of life. I'm in the Autumn of my life......something I'm not quite in love with yet. But if I can let go of what used to be by embracing something new I just might be able to grab onto the enthusiasm I felt when I married at 18 and moved half-way across the country to start my new life. I couldn't wait to execute all my hopes and dreams, to set up housekeeping with my husband and plan for our future together. Thankfully, we still have each other after fifty-four-and-a-half years of marriage. It's so different, though, to plan a future that feels fragile (life is always that way, but when you're young it's hard to fathom). Learning to live each day to its fullest by noticing what we too often take for granted makes all the difference in enjoying the life we've been granted.

    1. I agree, Cathy, it does take some adjusting to this Autumn time of life. I loved turning 60 a few years ago - I'm wondering how I'll feel when I reach 70 which isn't so far away anymore. Like you, I want to keep living each day paying attention to the many gifts we still have to enjoy. Taking each day as it comes, remembering life has always been fragile, we're just noticing it more now that we feel more fragile ourselves. Thanks so much, Cathy, for sharing your thoughts - I so enjoyed reading them.

  16. Well, this is just so September-y. Such beautiful words and so inspiring. I will be coming back to read over and over. Love love love.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda