Saturday, July 29, 2023

Vee, We Shall Miss You!


Oh, I am so very sorry to receive the news that a lovely blogging friend Vee from Haven for Vee passed away. I 'met' Vee years ago through blogging. She was a joy to follow, and I was always glad for her sparkling and thoughtful comments on my own blog. Vee's presence here will be greatly missed. I learned something new upon reading her obituary - her name is Vickie. I'll always remember her as Vee.

My heart condolences to all her family and friends. God bless Vee, and God bless those who mourn her passing. What a reunion for Vee and John, now both safely with the Lord.

Click HERE for the link to her obituary.

Heart hugs,

Photo credits:
(Top) Image by Beverly Buckley from Pixabay


  1. Vee was such a warm blogging friend. She will be missed. But oh how joyfully she will have entered God's presence.

  2. So very sorry to hear that sad news, Brenda. I did not know Vee or her blog, but you did. So I am sorry for your loss. She must have been a very lovely person. May she soar with the angels. Sincerely, Susan

  3. I met so many blogging friends through Vee! She and I had become close friends over the last several years, texting and keeping in touch. I miss her daily. Thankful I'll see her again one day!

  4. Brenda, I'm so sorry that you've lost someone as special as Vee. I've never read her blog posts till recently. I agree - she has a soul that just sparkles and shines. In this world of many, it's not easy to find someone like Vee.

  5. I'm very sorry to hear about Vee's passing. I didn't know her well, but we crossed paths on blogland.

  6. May she rest with the blessed!

    Thank you, Brenda, for passing along the news. It is disconcerting when bloggers "just go away," and you do a service by letting us readers know.

  7. Dear Brenda,
    Very sorry that you and it sounds like SO many others have lost such a dear friend whose “life spirit” brought SO much richness to the lives of others. Although you and her family can be grateful that she is with her Savior and departed husband, her voice and all the voices of those we have loved are missed sorely in our days.
    Her life sounded FULL and I send love and caring to you and ALL in this posting who knew and loved “her voice.”💖🙏~ Ann from Ohio


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda