Friday, February 18, 2022

Five On Friday: 5-Year Diary in Full Swing

" Enjoy the little things. "

A friend the other day asked about my progress on filling my pint-size diary with short sayings EARLIER POST HERE. I was happy to report that I'm having fun keeping an eye out for simple quotes to include in my 2022 Collection. Some days it's easy to decide—I'll find something right away that jumps out at me. I also find, with the myriad of great sayings coming across my path everyday, there are occasions when it's hard to narrow it down to only one. But I do. Selection always has to do with that two-sided coin—what we choose as opposed to everything else we do not choose. I remember reading an author who thought it worth paying attention to both what we choose to include and what we leave out. Both can reveal things about ourselves and what we deem important, or not. In the case of choosing a pint-size quote, I remind myself in that decision there is no right or wrong. I sigh with relief.

We are all bombarded with information coming at us from every direction that, as the old saying goes, has a tendency to go in one ear and out the other. With barely a chance for even a ghostly imprint left on the mind. So, my aim in this venture is to make myself stop long enough to notice the one thing that stands out from the rest. The one line that expands my mind, thrills me, makes me LOL, causes me to listen with my heart a moment before moving on with the day. Letting the rest peacefully go by.

On that note, here is today's post Five on Friday. It includes this week's quotes and a glimpse of Spring in photos that caught my eye on Pixabay.

Feb 14th
Monday - On Humility
True humility is not thinking less of yourself;
it is thinking of yourself less.
Attributed not to C.S. LEWIS, but to RICK WARREN

Feb 15th
Tuesday - On Writing
You're always building a habitation in your prose,
A place from which you speak to the reader . . .
who are you? That's a question every piece needs to answer.
VERLYN KLINKENBORG, Several short sentences on writing

Feb 16th
Wednesday - On Life
Our life is a short opportunity
to say yes to God's love.

Feb 17th
Thursday - On Choices
Kindness is in our power
even when fondness is not.

Feb 18th
Friday - On Writing
Don't dream of getting published—
dream of writing a beautiful book,
whose existence is helpful,
for its compassion, truth, humor.

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful weekend.


1. Top photo by Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life
2. Photo by Mabel Amber from Pixabay
3. Photo by Olga Oginskaya from Pixabay
4. Photo by Pasja1000 from Pixabay
5. Photo by Congerdesign from Pixabay
6. Photo by 165105 from Pixabay



  1. Beautiful thoughts and photos-thanks for sharing...

  2. Such a poignant quote 'on life'. And lovely flowers too.

  3. Beautiful photos, Brenda, and I love the quotes that you chose for each day. I love them all, but especially the last one on writing.

  4. Gorgeous images and a lovely gathering of quotes. Don't listen to Anne, you are already published and you have many books within you.

    1. Awww, thank you, Vee! I guess I took her meaning to be that of not so much focusing on being published for its own sake but rather focusing on writing what is beautiful, true, and good.

  5. I love the hellebore. Mine are beginning to bloom right now too. They are so very lovely.

    I jumped up when I read the CS Lewis quote, to tease my husband, because I thought he just came up with that himself! I told him I didn't realize he was quoting CS Lewis when he said that to me. He's said it to me more than once! But his reply, "It's usually attributed to CS Lewis but he didn't say that. Rick Warren said it. I think what CS Lewis said was even better."

    Then he showed me this link explaining the confusion. My husband really likes what Lewis says here: "if you meet a really humble man....Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him. If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility: he will not be thinking about himself at all." Not a short quote. But I think both of them basically say the same thing. Lewis is just so eloquent in explaining it. I have notebooks full of Lewis quotes.

    Here is the link to what I quoted if you want to check it out.

    I hope you don't mind the correction. I know how hard it is to find true credit with the internet these days.

    1. Jenny, Thanks so much for this information providing the proper attribution of that quote. There have been times when I have wondered about sharing quotes online, because it's so easy to read them without knowing if they have been properly accredited. So thank you!

    2. I would never have thought anything about it if my husband hadn't corrected me. I still think quotes are worth sharing. we do our best to give proper credit & I think that's the most important thing.

  6. Thanks for sharing these quotes. I have been collecting quotes for a long time. I use them to add to my photos or at the end of a blogpost.

    1. Quotes give us wisdom and delights in bite-size pieces. Thanks, Ruth. :)

  7. These beautiful quotes brightened my morning.

  8. Lovely post, Bren. With beautiful quotes. I have volumes of little books and wonder what I may do with them one day. Enjoy your writing - I know you do. Have a beautiful day and week ahead.

    1. Thanks, Sandra. I know what you mean. I have my own quote books, not to mention all kinds of other notebooks filled with all sorts of info that's meaningful to me, but may not be to anyone else in the future. Maybe we'll just think about that another day, shall we?

  9. Your flower photos are lovely reminders of what is ahead! I imagine it is a good exercise to be looking for words that speak to you each day. I like what you say about that two-sided coin. I think that applies in lots of circumstances . . .

    1. Thanks, Cheryl, for your lovely comment! Spring is on its way.

  10. I love that quote by Samuel Johnson!

  11. Brenda, it's always a pleasure to come over and visit and read the beautiful and thoughtful quotes that you share. Your photos are so calming, and I love that candle. : )

    Happy March days.



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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda