Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday Afternoons

" Summer afternoon—summer afternoon;
to me those have always been the two most
beautiful words in the English language. "

What do you do on a Sunday afternoon in summer?

Sometimes we . . .

Go for a Sunday drive, windows down, in the countryside.
Stop for an ice cream cone on the way home.
Sit on the deck, smell the roses, watch the birds.

Visit with friends in the shade, sip something cool.
Read a book, mesmerized by its compelling tale.
Drift off, snooze like a cat.

Watch shadows dance on the ceiling and breezes flirt with the curtains. 
Laze on a day hazy with heat.
Slurp juicy watermelon or icy Creamsicles.

Sometimes we just sit—letting
hours slip by at a pleasant pace.
Grateful for summer afternoons and
the chance to 'just be'.

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful day.


Top photo: Image by Pezibear from Pixabay


  1. Sunday afternoons are usually quiet around here, too. A walk, some reading, clipping flowers, and not much more. Today has been especially quiet as I've been dealing with the effects of vaccine #2.

  2. Sounds marvelous to me. I have been eating more than my fair share of watermelon these days. No creamsicles yet, but I should remedy that. They are so refreshing.

  3. Watching breezes flirt with the curtains ... one of my favourite things. 😊

  4. Since we are both retired now, every day is like a Sunday afternoon!

  5. My Sunday afternoons tend to be quiet and low-key, as I prep myself for a new work week.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda