Monday, March 29, 2021

A Spring Visit to the Bookshop

" So often, a visit to a bookshop has cheered me,
and reminded me that there are good things in the world. "

One beautiful morning last week, an email landed in my inbox to say the library book I had on hold was ready for pickup. Splendid. While out, I decided to stop in at the bookstore across the street. After all, I could use some new notebooks, and maybe a scan through the magazine section would reveal something inspiring to celebrate Spring. With face masked and fingers freshly glistening with hand sanitizer, I was ready for a quick browse.

When I was a girl, I remember coming home from shopping trips. I'd empty the bags on the bed and settle in for a gleeful inspection of all my new purchases. It was such fun. Although I don't plop myself on the bed anymore, I still get great enjoyment from unpacking everything, setting it out, and duly anticipating the delight each purchase promised.

Do you, like me, also find pleasure in showing your purchases to someone else when you get home? Of course, it has to be someone who truly appreciates the snoop even if it's not her stuff. I felt quite certain you'd be interested, so here is a peek. Because most of my shopping is done online these days, a physical bag filled with items in my hand in real time becomes a true moment of deep satisfaction - it was my treat of the week, as my SIL is wont to say!

I chose three magazines: Victoria, Bella Grace, and The Creativity Notebook - I could have stocked up on a dozen more, each boasting inviting covers. I found a set of three notebooks and a journal, all with a lovely exposed spine binding. And, I happily snapped up the pretty box of floral notecards nestled on the sale table.

I was very focused - no snoops through the book section;
they weren't on the agenda that day. After all, I had books from the library to read.

A zip past the sale table revealed these delightful notecards ...
Got home to realize they were thank you cards. I would have preferred blank;
perhaps it's a sign to send thank you's to people touching my life these days.

The Spring edition of the 150+ page gorgeous Bella Grace Magazine ...
with a peek inside below!

* * *

The March/April issue of Victoria Magazine...
Although I admit to still feeling disappointed, even after all these years,
in how few articles there are in the current magazines,
the pages of luscious photography always more than make up for it.

* * *

The Creativity Notebook ...
with a peek at the Table of Contents below.
It's a hands-on, interactive magazine with prompts and exercises
to spur your creativity and imagination. 

A quote found in The Creative Notebook...

" To practice any art, no matter how well or badly,
is a way to make your soul grow. "

* * *

A journal and three notebooks ...

Don't you just love the scalloped edges? 

The exposed spine allows the pages to lay flat when open ...
which makes the notebooks quite lovely to write in.

* * *

Thanks for letting me chat about my purchases. Hope you enjoyed the peek.
Sending my best wishes for a beautiful week ahead.

Heart Hugs,

Top tulip photo: Image by Rondell Melling from Pixabay
All other photos are mine


  1. How delightful all your treasures are! It really makes me want to go shopping with you soon, To find a few treasures for myself!!

  2. Yes, I love the scalloped edges! I love every single one of your purchases, and it makes me want to stop in a bookshop myself. Thanks for sharing your shopping spree with us. 💕

  3. Wow! What a great bunch of magazines, note cards etc! I might need to take a run to the book store!

  4. If the thank you cards are blank on the inside you could cover the thank you on the front & still use them. I often embellish ready made cards with stickers or pretty papers. I send a lot of mail. These are so beautiful.

  5. You certainly chose some lovely material to bring home.

  6. You know I love everything you found! I am SO in need of a creativity boost! I'll go look at that magazine and the notebook. I look forward to visiting a book store soon too! Loved this post! Makes me feel more beautiful!

  7. I don't buy many magazines these days but when I do, Bella Grace and Victoria are favorites. As part of my daughter-in-law's Christmas gifts, I gave her a pretty bag with the Cozy issue of Bella Grace, a scented candle, a bottle of Mrs. Meyers scented dish soap, and a couple other items every mother of preschoolers needs.

  8. What a lovely shopping haul. So glad you shared your items with us. Love those notebooks. My daughter gave me one for Christmas and it's a delight to write and sketch in it. I have not seen the Creativity Notebook, but will keep an eye out for it next time I'm at a bookstore!

  9. I love see the treasures that people find! And hurray for library books!

  10. Oh, I loved this shopping trip! I love Bella Grace! I’m way overdue for a browsing at the bookstore; have been going for curbside pickup most recently. It’s always a special treat to find good items on the sale table!

  11. the journal and notebooks are really nice. I really like the thank you cards as well. I've been making my own cards and stationery but need to go shopping and pick up a little something special for my letter writing.

  12. What a beautiful post, Brenda. Thank you for sharing your goodies with us -- I am one who loves to see what others have found in their "travels." Whenever I come home from a thrift shop with several items that thrill my heart, I carefully unwrap and display them and then beckon my hubby to come take a look. It certainly doubles the joy when there is someone to share it with. Thank you again for sharing your treasures with us!

  13. Thank you for sharing your lovely "haul" with us!

    These days, I'm experiencing retail therapy vicariously through vloggers. During the pandemic, I discovered vloggers who would share their tea hauls or do "shop with me" YouTube videos at dollar stores, Michaels, Home Sense or Winners!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda