Saturday, January 16, 2021

What Does Your Saturday Look Like?

" What can be better than to get out a book on Saturday afternoon
and thrust all mundane considerations away till next week. "

Good Morning, Saturday! Oh yes, what could be better than delving into a good book to while away a Saturday afternoon in the middle of January. Especially when our activities are still curtailed with Covid restrictions these days. As soon as this post goes up, I shall plant myself in our sun-filled living room with John Grisham's new novel A Time for Mercy. I like the title of this book, and my friend tells me it's a page turner. Looking forward to it. 

With just a few lines today, I'm sharing a peek into what my Saturday looks like—by simply using the letters that make up the word 'Saturday' as my prompt. Hope you enjoy. 

Skies are cloudless and blue this morning as the sun creeps over the horizon. Temperatures have been mild, but they are forecasting colder days ahead, so we have taken joy in this one. As I took my walk, the sun was already well over the hill by the community garden and the finches were singing their little hearts out. Passed one fellow walking with his sweet, friendly poodle. It all made me feel so glad to be alive!  

Appreciating my hubby for making us coffee and toast first thing. It's how we start our mornings—he brings the tray with our steaming cups back to bed, and we ease into our day. We are rarely in a rush to anywhere during these please-stay-at-home-as-much-as-possible Covid days. I certainly don't mind.  

Trying to start on my desired goal to detail clean my house before spring. It’s off to a slow start, I must admit. I finally got the Christmas decorations down. Now there's a pile of items to sort in the spare room and a pile of other 'this and that' on the table downstairs. Turning off the light, I come back upstairs. Haha. Maybe next week it will feel less overwhelming and I'll know just where to begin.

Undertaking a reading challenge for the new year based on a partial list by a local bookstore. I plan to do a post soon with that reading list. One of my long term reading goals is to read some works by or biographies of Nobel Prize winners. So many interesting people who have changed the world and influenced it for good. I really need to learn more about these amazing people.   

Reading Gloria Steinem's memoir My Life on the Road. I found these words on page 177 and am inspired to hold them close during 2021: "...In truth, we don't know which of our acts in the present will shape the future. But we have to behave as if everything we do matters. Because it might."

Delicious! This breakfast sandwich whets my appetite. I found the photo on Pixabay. Let's see: A crusty bun filled with crispy bacon, thinly sliced cheddar cheese and tomato, scrabbled eggs, and avocado slices. Do you see anything else? It really is too bad that I have neither buns nor avocados in the house; otherwise I'd be making these for brunch today. The ingredients are going on the shopping list for we must try this soon.  

Admiring and so grateful for Mozart's gift to the world. His music never fails to cheer my heart. I woke the other morning hearing something hum-ably Mozart in my mind—a familiar phrase from a piano concerto, I think. It made me smile. 
Yardsticks, yesterday, yearbook. Yachting, yearning, youthful. What good words to tuck away for our daily Scrabble games for two. We're pretty evenly matched, so one day I win, the next time he does. Since neither of us are by nature competitive, we might end up helping each other when our tiles really suck, casually dropping hints of possibilities we see on the board without actually knowing what the other holds for letters, although from the groans we assume they can't be good.

* * *

That's our Saturday—I hope you're having a pleasant one.
Stay well and safe.

Heart hugs,

(Top) Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay
(Bunwich) Image by Aline Ponce from Pixabay


  1. It’s such a joy to read this post from you today! Yes! Reading is a great choice! I’ve just recently gone through some magazines and discover there are those I’ve not explored! Correcting that immediately! Decluttering is at the top of my list; unfortunately, I never seem to start at the top.:-) Too many things need to be returned to their rightful spot! We’ve had a bit of snow; no accumulation; cold and windy - perfect to stay by the fireplace! Sending wishes for all good things to come your way!

  2. Overwhelming it the word at the moment, Brenda. I had a plan to start with my bedroom, but have failed miserably as the effort seems too much right now. Longing for a sunny day instead of grey rain.

  3. This is a beautiful post! Your Saturday sounds just perfect. And the sandwich looks soooo good:) It's been a nice Saturday here, too. A morning of writing and listening to a webinar. A bit of time in the backyard, too early for gardening, but the day is so beautiful I spent some time just puttering and cleaning up gardens. My granddaughter is coming over soon and we're going to do some baking.

  4. I spent my morning doing some deep cleaning. I'd gotten far behind. I've also written a letter, read a little & plan to do some embroidery before the sun goes down.

  5. Brenda your Saturday sounds like a wonderful way to spend one in the middle of Jan. Don't tell anyone but January is one of my favourite months of the year. It is a quiet and lovely time to regroup. Have a blessed week. Hugs!

  6. Hope your day was even better than you expected.

  7. I spent most of the day cleaning and doing laundry, and now the house is tidy and I'm feeling good about that. This evening will be the time for a good book, or perhaps a British mystery - we love those. The cold weather is set to arrive here at the end of the coming week and I'm hoping for some snow, although it's unlikely. Have a wonderful evening, followed by a blessed Sunday.

  8. S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y That is an awesome writing prompt! And your day sounds most delightful.

  9. What a relaxed and happy Saturday. And I’m happy to see I’m not the only one with ideas of cleaning and decluttering, only to find it hard to get moving on it. Many of your commenters agree. 🙂

  10. I did some tidying and needed vacuuming, and then read through some old cottage style magazines. Prepared for my granddaughters coming to spend the night. Played Mexican Train after dinner. I'm planning a lot more reading this year.

  11. Bren, I love this. I don't get your notifications of a post through my email anymore, so I have to check your FB page. Anyway, I agree with you about the sandwich, it looks scrumptious. I just began a new book today, a Christmas gift from hubby. It is a true story of a woman who led the French Resistance during WWII. I will let you know how it is.
    Enjoy your reading, it is time to check the soup. We had snow today.

  12. Hearing about your "Y" made me smile! I love that you both love Scrabble (and words), that you are non-competitive, and that you help one another. What a thrilling game! Unfortunately, my husband does not share my love for Scrabble so I have to content myself with "Words With Friends" online, but your games sound delightful!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda