Wednesday, April 10, 2019

I Love Oxford in the Springtime

I love spring anywhere,
but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.

Do you remember that old song they used to sing, I love Paris in the Springtime? Now I haven't been to Paris in the Springtime, but ever since we visited Oxford two years ago in April, I feel that way about Oxford. The last few days I've been feeling a little homesick. Spring in Oxford (well, in England generally) is something to behold -- such aliveness to the countryside, to life and love, beauty and poetry. It didn't take me long to realize that that place of 'dreaming spires' really was my soul's home, and I felt as if I'd come home when I arrived.

I'm indulging myself today by browsing through some of the garden photos we took while there. Each of the colleges in Oxford boasts lovely grounds and gardens, and they can be viewed by the public when classes are not in session. How lucky then were we to visit when term was over.

And, the Botanic Garden, that spot of quiet beauty and elegance, was such a joy to wander through on that warm Spring morning. The birds were in full chorus and the sun squeezed its warmth past barely leafed out trees onto our faces. It was like a little heaven on earth. And, I'm in this moment reminded of those lines from that poem "God's Garden" penned by Dorothy Frances Gurney (London: Country Life, 1913) . . .

"The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's Heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on Earth."

It's true, that's how I felt that day. So, I've gathered a few garden photos from our visit to Oxford in the Springtime -- I hope you enjoy.

Spring has returned.
The Earth is like a child that knows poems.

Holywell Cemetery

"The first blooms of spring always
make my heart sing."

April hath put a spirit of youth
in everything.

Spring comes:
the flowers learn their colored shapes.

"Spring's greatest joy beyond a doubt
is when it brings the children out."

The Botanic Garden and Harcourt Arboretum, Oxford

"Despite the forecast,
live like it's Spring."

"Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and
sunshine are hard to beat."

"Can words describe the fragrance
of the very breath of spring?"

Magdalen College Tower as viewed from the Botanic Garden

"To plant a garden is to
believe in tomorrow."

"Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer!
I must get out and breathe the air deeply again."

"No matter how chaotic it is,
wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere."

"Let us dance in the sun,
wearing wild flowers in our hair."

"Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers.
Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul."

* * *

There -- I feel much better. I've love to know if you have a favourite photo or if one of those lovely quotes popped out as you went along.

Don't forget to carry something beautiful in your heart today. It really does help keep the uglies at bay. And so now, beautiful friends, here's wishing you a wonderful day. Sending love and



  1. Beautiful spring images. This is truly one of the best times of the year. Signs of new life everywhere.

  2. Lovely photos! Such lushness! Now I have spring envy, hehe.

  3. Beautiful pictures and quotes Brenda. I like the one about spring bringing the children out - it's lambing and calving season here and those babies are just so cute!!

  4. A beautiful post, I know it was written just for me. I adore every word and photo. Hope you are seeing loving spring weather, Brenda.

  5. It's such a glorious place! Your photos are wonderful!

  6. Beautiful and the quote that hits me this week (hopefully, not next): "Despite the forecast,
    live like it's Spring."


  7. Thank you for the tour, Brenda. Very refreshing. I like the crocus flowers (I think they are called that) with the tiny splotch of blue. All of the quotations are very nice...the one of spring and bringing the children out was especially nice. Plus, "Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers.
    Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul." Lovely post, as always.


  8. So very very lovely. Thank you for this meander through Oxford’s gardens. This was my favourite:
    “Spring has returned.
    The Earth is like a child that knows poems.”

  9. I think you saw Oxford at its best. There are some lovely hidden spaces in the city.
    The Gustav Mahler quote meant a lot to me, it;s exactly how I feel some days!

  10. How lovely to revisit Oxford with you. I'd love to visit England in the springtime sometime. I really like the photo of the tall iron gate, so black, yet opening with a welcome to come in and explore.

  11. Dearest Brenda - such a lovely post with the most beautiful flowers. Oxford certainly looks like it would be the perfect spot to visit in the spring. Thank you for sharing. There you have made me homesick too and I have never been to England...perhaps my heart knows this special place. Take care - Hugs!

  12. It says my comment was published but I don't see it on here. Oh well. Loved your post and thank you for sharing all your quotes and beautiful photos with us. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs!

  13. The quote that impacted me the most,

    "Let us dance in the sun,
    wearing wild flowers in our hair."

    The reason, I wore daisies in my hair instead of a wedding veil. I danced with Tom, on one of the nicest March days we had in years.

    Thanks for taking me down memory lane.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. When my daughter and I visited Britain, the gardens we toured most thoroughly were at Blenheim Palace and Chartwell. I took lots of notes on unfamiliar plants or methods, and years after returning managed to acquire by mail order a potentilla such as I had seen blooming there. In England they were blooming in June, but mine is blooming right now. :-)

  16. I can't decide which I enjoy more - the photos or the quotes, I couldn't possibly pick one, the are all wonderful and lift the heart.

  17. Hi Brenda!
    Haven't been by in a while and enjoyed catching up on a few of your recent posts. And all of the gorgeous pics you shared just feed my soul! I'm so ready for Spring to start bursting forth here in the northwoods - but she's being quite fickle this year. Lovely one moment and remnants of winter the next.
    I so hope to get to England one day. But thanks for sharing your photos and experiences. Made my day 😊
    Blessings xo


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda