Thursday, November 30, 2017

November's Sweet Goodbye And A Nice Surprise

Met this festive fellow at the local conservatory the other day

Put my toe in the door quick before November closes behind me and it's a new month. Well, it sure went from Autumn to Winter overnight in my corner of the world. Just days after my last wind-up summer/autumn post went up, winter arrived with a flurry. It snowed for several days making the neighbourhood a winter wonderland. And, it did not melt either, it's still here with more on top. I went from my cute summer shoes to big boots in a day!

Although I love winter it arrived much too early, my head was still enjoying the last of the garden. The leaves on one of my rosebushes stayed green for a week or more after the snow came. I think it felt like me, hey, wait a minute, I'm not quite done with the last season, what's your hurry?

It feels an age since I last posted. And, in truth more than a month has passed. I've thought of you often but have had my head down, working many days and long hours on a Christmas project I should have started weeks earlier. But with other needful matters wanting my attention first, well, there it is, I'm a little behind. But happy to report it's now completed and ready for unveiling.

Christmas Magazine
A Collection of Favourite Seasonal Blog Posts
and other nice things to read
Childhood Memories | Recipes | Holiday Musings

It's a old-fashioned paper holiday magazine called Christmas! In which I house my favourite seasonal Christmas posts from my blog archives. I wanted something where I could be more creative and in control of how the finished product looked and felt. I wasn't keen on the blog-to-print versions out there.

I have known about for a while; it's a self-publishing company that allows a person to create books, photo books or magazines. A person can buy one, a few, or set up it to sell to the vast public. It was my sister who got all excited with her vision of seeing my articles and essays in a magazine format. She was ready to purchase copies and give as gifts to family and friends. I only had to think about it for a second, and I knew this was the way I wanted to go.

Not having done anything on Blurb before, I had a learning curve to overcome, but it wasn't too steep, although at two in the morning sometimes it sure felt steep. I had SO much fun working on this writerly creative project. I didn't want to sleep or go to bed at night, and I'd wake up early in the morning and be at it again. Poor hubby, he was sorta fending for himself some days.

The final product, which will be available online in the next week or so, is an 88-page...
"collection of seasonal posts originally written on the author's blog. Beautiful photos and thoughtful conversational-style pieces about cherished childhood memories, recipes, special family traditions, and other nice things are woven together in this special keepsake magazine. Perfect for reading by the fireplace as you wait for Christmas. Makes a great gift for the gentle readers on your list."
The magazine is not an exact duplication of my posts in design or wording. It's evolved a lot, but if you follow my blog, you will recognize the themes and stories, all laid out in a format that, I hope, will make it feel familiar yet new again.

It will be available on the Blurb web bookstore in about a week's time should you be interested in purchasing a copy. Once it's up, you'll be able to preview. There will be a Giveaway around December 10th, so I hope you stay posted.

Blessed is the season which engages
the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

Since I'm now fully in the Christmas spirit, I want to share my Advent blog series Restoring the Joy of Christmas should anyone be interested in it again this year. Perhaps you are new and have never seen it. There are 25 short cheering thoughts to help look for the joy as we count down the days to Christmas. A blogging friend emailed me this morning and said she'd been to see it already. How exciting. Seems like we're all ready for the season to begin.

Source: Pixabay

A jolly tip for those greyish days in mid-winter bleakness:

"When you go out shopping, try to be a decoration,
wear something red, put on a cute hat, a sprig of holly ...
and be an elf." ~ Susan Branch

* * *

For me, December 1st kicks off the Christmas season in earnest (anything before that date is just preamble). I plan on being a decoration when I go out: spreading smiles, kindness, and cheerful words! I'll be posting more regularly in December. I hope that makes you feel happy!

Wishing you a beautiful day, dear friends.

With love and hugs,
x x


  1. wow you have been busy-good for you. I'm thinking of publishing some of my blogs too.

  2. Wow, snow already! We usually get our snow in Jan here in NC if we get any. Your magazine sounds wonderful!

  3. I am very much looking forward to getting a copy of your magazine! Can't wait!

  4. How wonderful, Brenda! I just popped over to look at your advent series! I'll link to it tomorrow.

    We've been so mild, with just a few days of real cold. Happy December to you!

    ps- I am honored to be on your blog list!

  5. Your magazine sounds a delight....maybe not available here though. Christmas memories are so precious.

  6. Brenda: How exciting about your magazine. I am happy you will be posting more often, I miss your post. I always wait until I have time to really read them, they are always a treat and I don't want to miss a word. Love the Susan Branch quote and you are an elf, Bren. You spread lots of JOY. Happy December to you and yours.

  7. Dear Brenda this is certainly a wonderful project you have undertaken. For sure you will spread lots of joy to everyone who reads your stories. Your posts are always so joyful and uplifting. I know they always make me so happy to visit. Take care and have a blessed start to the Christmas season. Hugs!

  8. You deficiently are a Christmas Decoration, Brenda!
    When I read about your Christmas Magazine, it had you written ALL over it! This just what you do BEST, write!
    Congratulations on a job well done.

    (I didn't know about your Advent blog! You have so many "things" up your sleeve. I love it!)

    "Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart." Washington Irving

  9. What a lovely project to work on. Christmas magazines/books are kept here and pulled out each year to savour the delights within.
    No snow here, instead, 28 out of 30 days in November had rain in them. It's rather dreary outside, but cozy and warm with fires, candles and tea indoors.
    Wishing you the delights of the season.

  10. Congrats on completing your Christmas magazine! I look forward to seeing new posts this month.

  11. wow! Good for you for doing what some of us give a passing wistful thought to!! We are still enjoying autumn-like weather in Ontario but the forecast says it will change this week! Thank-you for your visit and thoughtful comment on my 'porch':)

  12. I'm reading back through your Advent series, and also sent it to a friend. Thanks for reposting the link.

  13. And here I am still waiting for sweater weather. lol! (Heat index is currently 86. Ouch!)

    Looking forward to your posts!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda