Monday, August 31, 2015

So Soon A Season

If you're wondering where she is, this little birdie is instructed to tell you that she has not flown the coop. She is well. She has been enjoying the warm days of summer, but she finds it strange to be saying farewell to August already. Surely not?

But if crows are gathering, little brown bats not normally around here are finding solace on a summer day in the peek of our umbrella, and female humming birds consider our garden a stoppinghouse as they prepare to head south, then we guess it really must be so.

Anyone who has followed this blog a while will know that we love, love all that autumn and September offer us, but at this moment we are dragging our toes just a teeny bit when we think about turning the calendar page tomorrow. No doubt in the morning I shall feel quite differently, but it seems a shame that our long summer days have so soon grown short.

In the village store someone
says, "I heard the geese go over," and
there is a moment of silence.
Why this is so moving, I do not know.
But all of us feel it.
~ Gladys Taber 
(as read in Susan Branch's Autumn book)

One of summer's delights this year was to join with my mom in watching the unfurling of her new Peace Rose -- a birthday gift from her son and his family. From tight buds edged with red to the soft yellow bloom tinted pale pink to the wide open rose in deep yellow.

Pure pleasure. It was interesting to note that it smelled the sweetest once it had completely opened, as if spilling all she had into one final perfect moment. On reflection, there might be a lesson somewhere in that last sentence for those of us who find ourselves in our later blooming season.

On that note, dear beautiful friends,
may your glimpses be as beautiful in those unexpected places,

Linking with Mosaic Monday


  1. I feel the sweet wistfulness of your words, Brenda. They echo my own heart's thoughts today.
    And like you, I feel quite sure tomorrow I'll begin eagerly anticipating September's bounty and beauty.

    Sending back a glimpse or two for you...

  2. Summer did seem rather short this year for some reason. Even so, we are getting a nice extension of summer weather this week, so enjoy it while it lasts :)

  3. Happy September, Brenda. I feel as you do, that summer has flown by on gossamer wings and left me unwilling (for the moment) to face autumn. But soon I'll be involved in making things cozy indoors and I know that you will, too.

  4. Love that little birdie and ribbon in the first photo.( Just a reminder that this meme is to show off mosaics that you create.)
    I love autumn too and the change in weather is welcome.

  5. Summer always seems the shortest season - perhaps because it is so filled up with so many activities. I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures of my favorite season, but I will miss the flowers. Your Mother's Peace rose is wonderful. xo Karen

  6. Hello, Brenda! Your little birdie is cute. It is odd to have the bat under your umbrella? I love the hummer and will miss them when they head south. I know it is Sept, but I am not ready to let go of summer yet. Lovely post, enjoy the rest of your week!

  7. It's a beautiful time of year to enjoy the end of summer. We have roses blooming and I have 5 in a little vase by my sink. Enjoy your week sweet lady! Hugs, Diane

  8. So lovely an entry and yet I am also having a bit of a huge sigh saying farewell to Summer. Here in KY we have enjoyed many beautiful days, but also this whole year we have had some very strange weather for this area and now I await what the remainder shall bring, all pleasantness I do hope~


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda