Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Glimpse of Paradise

"I couldn't live where there were no trees--something vital in me would starve."
~ L.M. Montgomery, Anne's House of Dreams

I'm staring out into the backyard at the bubble-gum pink blossoms that have turned the 'Toba' Hawthorne into a cascade of summer delight.
I could well imagine a row of these along either side of some ambling country road to soon feel I'd been transported straight into Anne's world of Green Gables where she swooned with delight as she and Matthew passed under bowers of pink cherry blossoms.

Surely this is a glimpse of paradise...
Beguiled by the bounty of beauty right under my very nose I take moments out of my otherwise full days of writing and needful tasks...  to pause and just while away a few moments to let it all soak into my soul. For I believe beauty has something of a healing balm in it. And in our up-side-down world where woes oft carry the day's news, we surely need our souls restored and refreshed.   

"And the Lord God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden (which means delight) ... And out of the ground He made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight or to be desired..." from Genesis 2

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places...



  1. Paradise indeed! What an absolutely gorgeous tree! If I could see that outside my study window, there would be little to no writing happening :)

  2. I am with you on beauty. I believe it is healing and that we need more of it in our lives. That's why a couple years ago, I had a blog dedicated to pursuing the beautiful in our lives. (Fill My Cup with Beauty). And, oftentimes, finding beauty simply involves taking the time to look for it and/or seeing things with a fresh perspective.

    Your tree is absolutely stunning!

    Patti @ Magnolia Cottage

  3. You're living in a beautiful world...

  4. How very beautiful, Brenda. Thanks for sharing. Pink's my favorite color, too. Susan

  5. I'm in complete agreement with your thought that beauty heals. Something such as a hawthorne tree that blooms every year is a picture of God's faithfulness in all of life, along with the minute detail He shows. I think humans are wired to look for and appreciate beauty. (That's why you're filling nail holes and getting ready to paint, isn't it?)

  6. The beauty is refreshing!

  7. Enjoyed your post and your Eden! Lovely. -Vickie

  8. We, who love the 'fine arts', appreciate GOD's beauty all around us!!!

  9. the beauty of spring and summer makes up for the long dark winter too in life!

  10. What a beautiful backyard to view. And I'm agreeing with Lin, that spring and summer make up for the long dark winter days. I think it makes summertime even more precious to us.

  11. How beautiful!! And thanks for the quote "I couldn't live where there were no trees--something vital in me would starve." My heartiest amens to that!

  12. What a charming little tree! I think it is one of the prettiest I have ever seen! I think you are very right about beauty having a healing balm in this troubled world. Seeing your pretty little tree is a lovely way to lift the spirits on a busy day. I love all the beautiful passages. xo Karen

  13. You captured your retreat, in words that match it's visual beauty.

  14. Your comments here, dear friends, have their own healing and enduring properties. Thank you SO much for writing. I loved each of your comments.


  15. Oh my goodness!

    I don't think I have ever known what a hawthorne tree looked like. I am in love with that tree and your beautiful piece of paradise.

  16. Lovely to hear from you, what an amazing blossom. Your words always empower us. Love Helen, Bingley & Darcy xxx


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda