Monday, April 30, 2012

Remembering Miss Kitty

 Being a little heat seeker,
sunbeams were a particular favourite of Miss Kitty's,

 And yes, all the chairs in the house were hers...

Including the one in the office...

Where I had to perch more than once on the
edge, as we wouldn't want to disturb the kitty, now would we.

 Not to mention, all outdoor lounge chairs were her special domain and
personal property...

This is our Miss Kitty --
aka as Missy, Kitty, or Little One

She filled our lives with lots of purrsy joys during
her many years with us!

A year it's been since we said our sad goodbyes to the little furry love of our lives.

Not only did she know how to communicate her very precise wishes, on special occasions we even were able to get past the people/kitty language barrier and actually have a conversation.... no, not like Dr. Doolittle, but there were times when the look and feeling that passed between us seemed more than just a chance eyeball contact. 

One time a few years ago, when Miss Kitty first started having issues with her thyroid and thus causing me and her vet some moments of anxiety..... I prayed for her.... do you pray for your pets?

And I had a very vivid 'in the spirit' moment when my inner eye caught sight of Miss Kitty being held very gently in the hands of Jesus.  They were both looking at each other, He very tenderly as he held one of his furry creatures, and she... I don't think I saw it so much as felt that she was totally safe, at home, as if she knew He was the One who'd originally set the purpose in motion for kitties in general in this world, and her specifically.

Do you know how comforting that was for me?  Over time as she grew older and frailer, I held that memory close to me.

There have been many moments over the past year when I've missed my little Kitty.  Especially when I'd come home and the front entrance empty with her furry, purry presence as she'd plop on the floor for pets.

It's a pleasant day... warm, a little overcast with rain clouds... Missy would have loved poking around the garden on such a day. She was usually not one to chase after birds, she chose objects nearer her 'size' -- butterflies and bugs -- but she certainly enjoyed watching their movements from a sunny spot in the garden or the lounge chair we already mentioned.
So here's to remembering... and enjoying those wonderful memories. And here's wishing you joy and peace and heart hugs to any of you who may be remembering their own special loved ones this day!



  1. Sending you a hug today! She was a beautiful cat. She reminds me of a tortoise shell cat that I had about 20 years ago!!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss - I know when Disco's day comes we will be so sad too. Sandie

  3. One year... how we do love our pets.
    Moving words, seeing Miss Kitty in the arms of Jesus.

    Yes, I do pray for our dog Lucy. And I prayed for Arthur, too!
    (Miss him)

  4. What a sweet post...I'm all teary! Yes, I pray regularly for my pets. I know that my love for them is just a weak expression of His love for them. I once had a wonderful kitty, Brutus. One day when he was very aged, he came and jumped on my chest as I was resting on a lounge chair. We had a very lovely 'conversation' full of soulful looks and nuzzles. I knew it was a special goodbye. He left us a few days later. I still miss him.

  5. beautiful remembrances in pictures and lovely words of a lovely creature God created to give you love, peace, joy and memories!

  6. Pets do have a way of capturing a very special place in our hearts. They create such joy when with us and leave a big hole when they leave us. You can come hug my Missy need a kitty purrsey hug!
    I do pray for my pets too.

  7. Grandma miss's her too.
    Keep your memories close

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  9. Aww, that's've done gone and made me cry. Just now my sweet baby walked up and is now in my lap. My almost-15-year-old baby, that is. We've had some very loving torties, also, that we lost way too soon. And yes, I've prayed for my kitties.

    Your Miss Kitty somewhat resembles our Sophie, although she has long hair.

    I know you miss her a lot, but I can see that she lives on in your heart and in your wonderful memories of her.

  10. I happily stumbled upon your website looking for a Rosamund Pilcher fan club page. I'm sure I will spend many happy hours here, a kindred spirit. I just lost my Miss Kitty a couple of weeks ago after 16 wonderful years with her. Thank you for sharing your joy and grief with us.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda