Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Glorious Apple

"I taught my children to treat life like a big apple. Bite it, chew it, suck it, let the juice dribble down your chin. If you bite a worm, spit it out. But don't stop eating that apple." ~ Arabella Ark, Ceramics Artist, Maui

Sometimes life isn't fair and sometimes, yes, it has worms in it. But think about all the other times when it's just plain wonderful -- juicy, sweet and delicious. If we stopped eating apples because we might happen upon a wormy one, imagine what we'd miss by doing so. Not to mention the simple joy of biting into a crisp, juicy apple, what about.... pie with cheddar cheese dumplings in maple syrup tart
...pork chops with apple sauce buttered toast and apple butter crisp with vanilla ice cream
...flaky apple strudel apple cider
...toffee apples on a stick
...Waldorf salad fritters
...fried apple rings

Oh, my mouth doth water. Yours? Here's to the apples of life. Let's keep eating.



  1. The versatile apple! This is part of the legend of John Chapman - better known to us as Johnny Appleseed - who saw the versitality of apples being a perfect pioneer food = hence his passion to plant orchards in advance of the westward travelers in the 19th century. He planted the seeds of apples - and the seed of the Word as the Bible was His book and through it he taught many pioneer children to read!

    Sound like I need to write a post on this guy . . .


  2. And, as they say, "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!"

    Now I'm hungry for warm Apple Crisp with real whipped cream!

  3. Sweet entry. :-)

    And I have a bag of Mac's on my counter, just waiting to become a couple of Baked Apples (for us tonight) and Apple Pie (for family dinner, on Sun.) Yes, apples rock!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    "The gilding of the Indian summer mellowed the pastures far and wide.
    The russet woods stood ripe to be stripped, but were yet full of leaf.
    The purple of heath-bloom, faded but not withered, tinged the hills...
    Fieldhead gardens bore the seal of gentle decay; ... its time of
    flowers and even of fruit was over."

    - Charlotte Bront

  4. The best bite of an apple was when I had just gotten my braces off.
    I have enjoy every apple since.

  5. That hot apple cider looks yummy!

  6. My favorite way to use an apple is just to eat one, cold and fresh from the refrigerator. Fall apples are best. We just went apple picking this weekend. What fun.

  7. Yummers.... I love apples in any form or fashion... especially with cheddar cheese!

  8. And don't forget the Dutch apple pie! One of our favorite 'meals' is sliced summer sausage and cheese with apple slices. Easy and delish!

  9. Your post made me very hungry! Warm apple strudel with vanilla sauce. Even the name is delightful!

  10. An excellent apple post. You put everything into the proper perspective, and always in a beautifully illustrated way.


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