Saturday, February 28, 2009

Favourite Snoozle-Spots

"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a  nap."
~ Carrie Snow

Cats truly have one of life's great pleasures figured out—there's nothing like taking a nap for restoring one's sense of balance and well-being. Miss Kitty certainly has learned the art of the nap. And she is well aware of her favourite snoozle-spots for her daily 'doze' of catnaps... the Victorian chair with its button tuck back being one of them. She knowing where the sun beams will hit at certain times of the day, where the quieter out-of-the way corners are for one of those longer snoozes, or where naps on a lap along with gentle chin tickles are doubled pleasures.

In truth, I have a few of my own favourite snoozle moments.... 
Under the shade of a palm tree on a Maui beach -- so far, I've only done that once, but it remains a favourite memory even years later.

A sunny bedroom with gentle summer breezes blowing through the lacy curtains at the open window.

Nestled beneath a soft downy comforter on a rainy day.

Beside the fireplace on a wintry evening.

Arriving at our comfortable hotel room after a busy tourist-y day and taking a nap before going out for dinner.

Stretching out on a blanket under the trees after an alfresco lunch in the park.

After a soak in the hot springs when your body feels all mushy and mellow.

Kitties really do know best. Naps are so luxurious and restful for both body and soul. Ovid once said, "Take rest; a field that is rested gives a beautiful crop." He's right.



  1. In my recliner every afternoon after I read the newspaper, a short nap while soft new age music plays on the stereo. Ah!

  2. I'm sitting it in right now. My bedroom chair with my feet up on the chair next to my patio door. The bright Fla sun is shining in!

  3. I love every single one of you snoozle spots!! your torti is gorgeous!!!!!

  4. Hi, Brenda,
    I love to relax in my home office with so many framed pics of family & friends, definitely the bedroom so comfy and my front deck. I'm thinking of planning a prayer garden in a very private section of our yard.
    Your blog is so beautiful and your writing is wonderful. Thank you for visiting me and leaving such nice comments.

  5. Thanks, each of you, for taking the time from your naps to leave a message.

    Fun to hear about some of your own favourte snoozle-spots.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda