
Dear Beautiful Reader,

"In difficult times carry something
beautiful in your heart."

Since its beginnings in August 2008, I have dedicated this blog It's A Beautiful Life to focusing on what's beautiful in the world around us. Ofttimes, with the ugly stuff too much in our faces, it's easy enough to lose sight of all that still makes life beautiful for us. Which is probably why I love the words nestled in Rosamunde Pilcher's soul-comforting novel Winter Solstice: "Life is sweet . . . Beyond the pain, life continues to be sweet. The basics are still there. Beauty, food and friendship, reservoirs of love and understanding. Later, possibly not yet, you are going to need others who will encourage you to make new beginnings. Welcome them. They will help you move on, to cherish happy memories and confront the painful ones with more than bitterness and anger."

I am so grateful for the countless moments when something lovely has soothed my agitated soul and given me the momentum to face another day with renewed inspiration and peace of mind. And so, I write to remind myself to keep watching for glimpses of heaven in unexpected places. Many years ago, I found these words from Mother Teresa—they've become a lifelong prayer of my heart for my own life and now for this blog:

"Lord, give me an open heart to find You everywhere,
to glimpse the heaven enfolded in a bud, and experience
eternity in the smallest act of love."

Thanks for visiting. I hope you'll find something that makes you glad you stopped by.

Wishing you grace and heart's ease,


(Top)Photo credit:
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
John William Waterhouse, Artist
The Soul of the Rose, 1903