imagine by congerdesign from pixabay |
"The smell of that buttered toast simply spoke to Toad,
and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts
on bright frosty mornings, of cozy parlour firesides on winter evenings,
when one's ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the
fender; of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries."
November arrived with nary a bump -- it was calm and warmish these past few days. Suddenly I knew the post I'd been working on wasn't gonna cut it this week, so here I am musing my way through the prompts for November's edition of the Simple Woman's Daybook. Although I'm ever in awe of how quickly the days and months slip by, I'm not gonna mention it today (wink).
Without further ado...
Outside my window... grey and overcast. Flowers are done, trees are barren, and the only real colour left in the garden are the bunches of red berries on the Mountain Ash and the deep carpet of orange-bronze leaves beneath it. Blue jays are busy burying peanuts under those leaves.
"November comes and November goes,
with the last red berries and the first white snows..."
(Insert) I wrote the above yesterday ... this morning as I sit down to finish this post, the vista has changed -- the leaf carpet is under a layer of snow and the red berry clusters are sporting snowy white
toques. With a smudge of pale blue sky beneath billowy grey-white clouds, in this moment it's postcard-perfect.
Alas, my iPhone camera did not capture its perfection, but here's a go:
I am thinking... of a Twitter friend's post from the other day. Carrie and her husband Stuart were our hosts when Rick and I visited Oxford a couple of years ago. No longer BnB proprietors, they and their two beautiful dogs (Jack and Tex) now make their home in the lovely Cotswolds. Carrie posted a video of their daily routine of driving Stuart to the train station. The video shows a gorgeous vista as they drive through English countryside on narrow, winding roads, hugging hedgerows on the left side of the road. I made the comment that she's truly living the dream -- you could see how beautiful it all was. She said it feels amazing to be living the life she knows she was meant to live -- better than she even dreamt. If you are on Twitter, her handle is @CarrieHerself.
That makes me happy. To know there are folks like Carrie who are truly living out their heart's dreams. So I think to myself, if life were different, would I actually pick up sticks and move to England, for my soul doth long to do so. Ah, but there are so many factors to consider, some which definitely include family -- would I really want to live that far away from my dear ones? No, not really, not right now. Besides, I do have a very good life here in Canada. Still, I let myself dream about the possibility to live there, even for a while some day. Because we all know what Carl Sandburg once said, "Nothing happens unless first a dream."
I am thankful... for another quote, this particular one is from Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance book. I was reminded of it when I saw it on a friend's Facebook page: "You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you."
That line I put in italics really jumped at me ... to become so aware of the abundance that exists in my life. Oh my, there are so many 'abundances' of all sorts filling and overflowing my life: I'm thankful that I am loved abundantly, that I've got access to an abundance of clean drinking water and fresh provender, fresh posies of flowers, and good coffee beans. That I have the freedoms granted to me as a Canadian citizen, to come and go as I please... really, the list is endless. So, I'm going to focus a while on the idea of all I enjoy in abundance, and give thanks.
One of my favourite things today... is that there is nothing pressing on my schedule, and so I am at ease knowing I don't need to be somewhere else, doing something else. What a treat not to feel that over-the-shoulder presence of Should. I can truly relax into writing this post and think about you and look for things that I hope will make you glad you stopped by.
I am wearing... black slippers, black leggings, teal coloured t-shirt (which I'm happy to report is getting awfully loose on me, and that nasty muffin top/spare tire around the middle is paring down). The scale gives me good reports too. All by doing tiny gradual changes in my lifestyle, one being choosing to eat less carbs and sugar. I didn't cut out, but I gradually cut down. As the weeks go by, I feel able to let go of other things I know aren't good for me. A much better way for me. I've learned over the years that trying to make big changes do not work for me. I need to come at it gradually and as easily as possible so as to make the journey enjoyable, and sustainable. It's about being kind to oneself.
I am creating... lists in my head for cleaning and preparing for when it's time to full out decorate for the holiday season. I've got twinkle lights out and as the days unfold, there will be more on display. And no, I am not in a hurry to start Christmas. I'm quite content in this between time of November's grey dullness.
I am watching... the sky these days. Around these parts, the brilliant colours of early autumn are over and now the world is cocooned in shades of grey, including the skies on many days. Have you ever noticed just how many shades of grey there are? Cool greys, warm greys, blue greys, cadet greys, dove grey, slate grey, green-grey, metal-grey, heather-grey, charcoal-grey, steel-grey ... could there actually be 50 shades of grey?
Just finished... reading the last chapter of an old favourite: Anne of Windy Poplars by L.M. Montgomery. It's been years since I read it, so I'd forgotten how delightful and entertaining it is. I used to love pulling it out at this time of year because it's autumn: Anne is writing her first letter to Gilbert one dusky September evening in her new home at Windy Poplar on Spook's Lane. You just know there are going to be those cozy, shadowy descriptions of her life in Summerside, PEI.
Looking forward to tomorrow... That's how Anne lived her life in the book. She was always looking with anticipation of what little adventures and things of interest might come her way each new day. The people around her loved her spark of life and often took their own comfort and joy in her presence. Like Davy when Anne came home to Green Gables for Christmas: "When you come home, Anne, everything seems to come alive."
That's what I have aimed for in my own life -- both Anne and her creator were always such an inspiration to me from way back. So it was lovely to feel that lively energy surging as I immersed myself in this old novel once again.
Image by annca from Pixabay |
I am listening to... classical music on CBC Radio 2 FM, the good old-fashioned radio with buttons to tune into the radio stations. One day we'll come into the 21st century and live stream.
I am hoping... can't say I have anything I'm particularly hoping for today. Except, yes, I do hope your day is unfolding pleasantly. And if not, that you have the grace and ability to carry on till it gets better.
I am learning... French on
Duolingo.com. These lessons are short and snappy. Fun. And there is no fear of getting it wrong, for they set you up to work on it until you get it all right. Win/win. There are spots for listening to the pronunciations, places where you pick up the grammar and spelling. I took French one semester in Junior High, but I never did anything more with it. It's one of my wishes to learn the language well enough to one day visit Quebec and Paris.
If French isn't your cup of tea, they offer all sorts of other languages: Spanish, German, Portuguese, Norwegian, to name a few.
In the kitchen... about to enjoy a warm slice of Cobb's apricot fruit loaf with a cup of freshly brewed Lavender Earl Grey tea.
Around the house... Laundry done. Fresh linens on the bed. Typing away on a blog post. Friends shortly arriving for tea and a visit.
A moment from my day... the weather has changed again. As I finish up this post, the skies are cloudless in that wispy pale blue, the sun shines through the tree tops over snow-laden rooftops, and the temperature is frosty at -11C. There is a decided nip in the air, so dress warm if you're going out.
I believe in kindness
Also in mischief
Also in singing.
Especially when singing is not
necessarily prescribed.
* * *
On that note, I'm wishing you a beautiful day.
I hope your November will be filled with an abundance
of heavenly glimpses in unexpected places.