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Friday, July 19, 2024

Blooms and Current Favourite Quotes

"God spoke today in flowers,
and I, who was waiting on words,
almost missed the conversation."

Happy Friday! I'm a little later getting this up as it was just too hot yesterday to work on a blog post. This morning, thankfully, the air is fresh and cool. I was out taking a few photos of what's blooming in the garden, and I bent my ear to listen... I didn't want to miss the conversation. 

Here are a few photos to go with the quotations that have been speaking to me of late. Hope you enjoy!

"Be fearless in the pursuit
of what sets your soul on fire."

"We cup our hands to gather
pieces of heaven... we open our
hearts and scatter love." 
from COMMON PRAYER, p 243

"I want to see what happens
if I don't give up."
TERRIE TODD, as seen on Facebook

The real luxuries of life
- slow mornings
- freedom to choose
- good night's sleep
- peace of mind
- calm and boring days
- being present
- people you love
- people who love you

"I love the Lord because he has heard my
voice and my pleas for mercy. Because
he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will
call on him as long as I live."
Psalm 116:1-2 NLT

"Become the person you want to be—decent,
honorable, kind, good and good at what you do."

"It was her habit to build laughter
out of inadequate materials."
JOHN STEINBACK, Grapes of Wrath

These Johnny-Jump-Ups are my heart's delight this summer. I planted them years ago, and each year I find new patches showing up in the spring. But this summer... they've outdone themselves. They are a perfect example of what Terrie Todd said in her quote earlier, "I want to see what happens if I don't give up." Little by little, seed by seed, word by word, day by day... a garden is created, a blog post is written, a life is lived.

Wishing you a beautiful, beautiful day,

Photo credits:
Brenda Leyland @ It's A Beautiful Life

My Summer blog schedule:
I post on Fridays


  1. As always your flowers and your quotes are refreshment to my soul! I couldn’t believe you have bleeding heart blooming! Mine flowers in the spring!

    Deanna Rabe

    1. Thank you, Deanna! Our bleeding heart is mostly done but there are a few blossoms here and there still. Spring seemed late this year so maybe that's why it's blooming into July this year.

  2. "Little by little, seed by seed, word by word, day by day... a garden is created, a blog post is written, a life is lived." Although I loved all the quotes you've shared here ... this one of yours is my favourite. :)

  3. Johnny jump ups, a favorite here too. I love seeing all the little volunteers pop up in the most unexpected places. They seem to be the epitome of the old saying, bloom where you're planted! "I want to see what happens if I don't give up"--me too! Although I didn't realize it was so until I read those words.😊 As always your photos are lovely. Happy Saturday!

    1. Johnny jump ups really do epitomize that old saying. And isn't Terrie's quote clarifying? Thanks, Kathy.

  4. Hi Brenda....Your flowers are just gorgeous. Loved seeing all your wonderful photos. I love seeing the blooms people have in their yards and gardens. Yours really are quite exquisite. You must have a total green thumb. Thanks for sharing. Sincerely, Susan

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the pics, Susan. They are a joy to share. I'm not really the green thumb, most of the work in our garden is done by Rick, my hardworking hubby. :)

  5. I love the quote that begins "God spoke today in flowers..." How He delights us when we attune our hearts to his. Your garden is full of loveliness, Brenda. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    1. I agree, Lorrie, that is such a lovely quote. I love imagining His delight when our hearts attune to His. Thanks for stopping by. xo

  6. I love all the quotes and the flowers illustrate them beautifully. Our Mid-Atlantic heat wave/no rain have scorched/bleached most of my flowers/foliage, but at least the Cone Flowers and Black-eyed Susan are loving it. Even my Autumn Mums are in bloom.

    1. I feel sad for your scorched/bleached garden. Thank goodness for the Cone flowers and Black-eyed Susans who never seem to mind heat and dryness. Thanks, Cathy, for your note.

  7. Beautiful words . . . beautiful creations! Thank you for gathering them for us, Brenda!

  8. A beautiful post - the quotes as lovely as the photos, Brenda. I love that last quote. I feel that way about my garden this summer. I found some blossom end rot on a few early tomatoes, but I plug on, not giving up and hoping for a bountiful harvest. I love the larger meaning of the quote too. Before we know it, a life is indeed lived.


To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo