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Friday, July 26, 2024

A Coolish Friday

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather,
always bring your own sunshine."

The hot weather has now turned cold and windy on this Friday morning. Smoke hangs in the air from wildfires burning in our province. Our beautiful Jasper National Park and the town itself is burning. It's so awful! Our Emergency Alert app works overtime buzzing when yet another alert goes out, evacuations, warnings of extreme heat or bad storms or tornados brewing somewhere in the province. It begins to feel surreal. It doesn't seem right to carry on with our normal things when so many people and wildlife are impacted by these destroying events. But we do carry on, what else shall we do? Wring our hands and weep? Well, we can do that, but groceries must be bought, stomachs must be fed, and laundry needs doing. And we have loved ones to hug, books to read, neighbours to visit.  

We are safe where we are. Mostly, my own days are quiet and pleasant; even so, they do feel prickly and tilted sideways. Somehow it's not a day for dreaming up a beautiful blog post. But I did find this gorgeous dahlia photo I had taken a couple of summers ago. It lifts my heart.

And I've been indulging this week in a few Mrs. Pollifax spy mysteries by Dorothy Gilman. She wrote the first in the series The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax back in 1966. I was just a girl then, and it's only recently that I came across these delightful novels at the thrift store all these years later. Already I love her. Emily Pollifax is a 60-something widowed woman with grown children, and she's a tiny bit bored with her life. She somehow gets involved with the CIA and goes on what are supposed to be quiet undercover assignments. They always end up being much more adventuresome and thrilling, even a bit nail biting, but Mrs. Pollifax cleverly rides them out. For some reason, the stories make me think of the old movie Romancing the Stone with Michael Douglas and Kathryn Turner, in which they are involved in car chases, shoot 'em up scenes, and getting tied up by the bad guys with threats of death... concluding with the amazing escape at the end as you sigh with relief. Mrs Pollifax novels are perfect summer reads—a few hours entertainment, and then you can turn off the light and go right to sleep because there isn't anything in the stories to turn your sweet dreams into nightmares.

I want to mention that I'm taking a wee break from the blog. Rick and I are thinking of taking a little road trip, hopefully visit spots that aren't under threat of fire. So I won't be around for the next week or two...or three.

When the world gets too noisy and ugly, I go quiet. I read.
I wait. I listen. I watch the birds and enjoy my garden in bloom. I pray. 

Wishing you pleasant days ahead,

Photo credits:
Brenda Leyland @ It's A Beautiful Life

My Summer blog schedule:
I post on Fridays


  1. That Dahlia is gorgeous, Brenda. I'm hoping some I planted in a pot bloom successfully. I do understand what you say about when catastrophe strikes elsewhere, that it feels wrong (at least for a bit) to carry on as normal. I do hope you enjoy you road trip!

  2. Oh Brenda, the Dahlia!! How could anyone look at that and not glorify the Lord? Have a peaceful break.

  3. A gorgeous dahlia, Brenda. We've been saddened to watch the news about the Jasper fire. Mrs. Pollifax is someone I discovered quite a few years ago and love her adventures. She's such a sensible creature and manages to escape unscathed from dastardly situations.
    Enjoy your time away.

  4. Sorry to hear about the fires, that must be so upsetting and worrying. There seems to be so many fires around the world lately.

    The dahlia photo is just beautiful.

    I love the sound of the Mrs Pollifax books! I do like a good mystery book.

  5. Have a wonderful get away. I took 3 weeks off and it helped...some. I get overwhelmed sometimes and need to do more physical work that computer fun. Hugs, Diane

  6. Dear Bren, so glad to hear you are okay! You said it; 'But we do carry on, what else shall we do?'. We pray and we revere and trust the One who put us exactly where we are for such a time as this!! Enjoy your break! I am enjoying mine. Just got home after a week away<3

  7. I was so sorry to hear about the fires up north and Jasper in particular. But, how right you are, we have to carry on. Enjoy your time away, Brenda.

  8. Oh Brenda. I am SO SORRY for all the people, in numerous locations, that are impacted by the fires. That is absolutely horrible. I hope You and Rick are safe. I am glad you are taking a break to get away. I always love your posts. You are a beautiful writer. Love the photos, too. Thanks so much for any and all visits to my blog, Writing Straight from the Heart. I appreciate your visits sooooo much. Have a well deserved break. Will be waiting for you when you come back. Sincerely, Susan

  9. The Jasper wildfire is heartbreaking. Glad to hear that you're safe.

    Enjoy your blogging break!

  10. Brenda - thank you for taking time to visit and to write this lovely post in the midst of those wildfires. I am sure it is hard to focus on life when there is so much suffering. Hope you and Rick have a lovely road trip and good blogging break. I am sure when you get back you will have wonderful things to share. Hugs!

  11. I feel certain that you will "bring your own sunshine" in your travels with your dear husband! I hope that you two are having such a lovely time of rest and restoration! Oh, yes, I can certainly relate to your struggle to carry on as normal when there is devastation or sadness around you. And yet, as you say, our only choice is to carry on . . . all the while praying for those who are suffering and lending a hand when able. (I am giving this advice to myself.)

  12. when the worlds gets too noisy and ugly, I stop by your beautiful blog. It never ceases to inspire and encourage!

    1. Hello Dear Brenda,
      It has been too long since I tapped into your wisdom and beauty! So thankful to arrive here today!!
      I am SO sad that the fires are near you . It must seem very odd and scary to get continuing alerts .
      It is always a human struggle to feel the fear and pain for others while needing to carry on in our daily lives.
      So glad that you are getting away for awhile! I hope you will share with us down the pike where your adventures took you and your husband! Our souls and brains need breaks. I hope you will savor every minute!!!!!
      And yes, the Dahlia is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Makes me want to “try again!!”
      Enjoy yourself!!!!! ☺️😊💗
      Ann from Ohio!!!

  13. Back in 2018 when horrible fires burned in our area, I had a preplanned trip on which i was scheduled to leave two days after the fires started. I delayed one day, and then I departed and stayed away for the full 2-3 weeks, far out of state. As soon as I was on my way on the bus to the airport, my eyes stopped burning and my throat felt better. It was good therapy to get away to clean air; by the time I returned the smoke had diminished a lot.

    Do you have an air purifier?

    Gretchen Joanna


To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo