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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

We All Matter - Guest Poem by Janet Martin

Today I'm pleased to share a poem I first read at Another Porch. Janet Martin, who authors ever so many beautiful and thought-provoking poems on her own blog, has kindly given permission for me to share this one with you today.

I hope you enjoy it so much that you'll visit Janet's blog for more... she is a gifted poet.

Kindly, Because We All Matter
Sometimes we forget
Like a secret well-kept
In a jar we dare not shatter
That, whether rich or poor
All we’re looking for
Is to be treated like we matter
So then, in the rush
Of tug and push
And coming-going clatter
We should endeavor
To treat each other
Kindly, because we all matter
© Janet Martin

Isn't this just beautiful? A lovely reminder for us to walk kindly towards one other as the week unfolds.

Wishing you a beautiful day,


  1. Brenda thank-you so much for your kind encouragement! I really like the picture you chose to go with the poem!. you always leave lovely *'vestigia' in blog-land! (latin for footsteps) and the title of beautiful Bliss Carmen poem (one of my favorite Canadian poets)

    1. Dear Janet Martin, I have enjoyed reading your poems. Some of your poems have touched me deeply. For the same reason I decided to recite one of your poems (Mother's Hands) for my Grade 8 Speech and Drama exam. Unfortunately I have not been able to find much information about your biography as to your works and what led you to start writing poems. Pls let me know from where I could find background information about you as I will be questioned by my examiner about the poet I have chosen. I am Dilushi and I am from Sri Lanka.

  2. It is beautiful! Janet is a talented lady.

  3. Beautiful! Janet's poems are always uplifting and so cleverly written.

  4. Such lovely sentiments, beautifully written. Thanks for sharing! xo Karen

  5. Lovely. Wonderful imagery. A lesson to take to heart.

  6. Lovely -- kindness is essential in relationships. Thanks for sharing.

  7. How beautiful, Brenda. I've been reading Janet's blog for a while but missed this one. So important and true.

  8. It's important to remember that we all matter, and equally important for us to remember that we matter. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Oh, how beautiful! I bet Mister Rogers would've loved that poem.

  10. thank-you for your kind comments,

    God bless you!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda