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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tulips Are Happy Things

On a recent visit to the local conservatory we were delighted to find the pavilions in full Spring bloom. It no longer mattered that it was still cool outside -- we'd been transported into a fragrant, cheery place -- maybe even heaven.

The seasonal pavilion was filled with tulips of all colours; I was smitten with these purpley-red exotic versions. And I couldn't get enough of the pink fringed variety. I just loved how some tulips opened their petals with such wild abandon. What loveliness to see them so freely unfurled... allowing us glimpses into their very hearts.

Makes me wonder if I were to open my own heart to let in Love that way if my life wouldn't blossom as beautifully. It's too bad that fear tends to holds us in. It's also sad there are those who have no qualms about treading on trusting hearts and dreams, which is why many of us keep hearts hidden in the first place. Yet....

I do allow myself to imagine what it might feel like to be that free, that bold. In a world perfected by Love, where fear and cruelty hurled far from our presence, allows us to blossom into our truest selves. Surely, we'd be as happy as these flowers seem to be.

One day we shall be free to do so. In the meantime, we marvel at these pretty petaled ones who remind us to be less inhibited and more open to receive His Light and Life and Love today.

Here's wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,


  1. so much to enjoy and ponder in your post today. I agree, tulips are happy things and when i gazed at their beauty this verse came to mind...God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Gen.1:31

    WE are enjoying lovely warmth for the first time this year!

  2. The tulips almost look like peonies with their frilly petals. Most unusual and very pretty.

  3. Brenda, I love the collage with the tulips and the teacup. Very lovely!

  4. Tulips are my favorite! These are beautiful!

    As I read your words this morning, I thought of how our Father God loves completely and fully that He gave His most precious treasure to redeem us! Thank you for sharing these thoughts and images...

  5. Beautiful post, Brenda! Yes, many of us are afraid to expose our hearts because they might be trampled. I am keenly aware that what I say and do must be gently done so that I never crush another's spirit. I've been careless in the past (most young people are, I think - just look at Twitter), but once my own spirit was trampled on I realized how it felt and I learned to be more conscious of others' feelings. God warns us that our words are powerful things, and heeding that warning is the ultimate in kindness.

    Btw, those tulips are incredible! What beauty!

  6. A beautiful post about much more than the beauty of these amazing tulips. You have a way of doing that.

  7. I love your happy tulips and agree that do give forth a feeling of openness, for who does not love a flower? After a whopping dose of Spring (bordering on Summer), we are having a chilly rainy day here in the not-so-sunny South today.

  8. Such a beautiful, positive, inspirational post, Brenda! I do enjoy reading your blog.

  9. Beautiful frilly tulip photos accompanying words to ponder.

  10. Just beautiful Brenda. Oh, to be that free to bloom with abandon . . .

  11. I know God wanted me to read this post, on this very day!
    Love, trust, openness, and to give it away freely.
    I know I need to blossom!
    (again your words went deep into my heart!)

  12. Too little I've been here on my beautiful life blog. And too little visiting with you dear beautiful friends. There are changes coming in my life, which I trust will pave the way for me to be here again on a more regular basis.

    I miss you!

    Thanks SO very much for your kind and thoughtful comments.

    Wishing you a beautiful day with big hugs...

    1. Praying for you and knowing that God has control.

  13. I so enjoy coming here, Brenda. Your writing is beautiful and the sentiment behind it is always inspirational to me.

  14. I love tulips and your's are gorgeous!

  15. Dear Brenda - such a beautiful and heart felt post. I am so glad you share your heart with all of us who so enjoy your posts. Take care and enjoy those lovely tulips.

  16. Just stopped by to let you know I'm thinking of you!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda