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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tulips Are Happy Things

On a recent visit to the local conservatory we were delighted to find the pavilions in full Spring bloom. It no longer mattered that it was still cool outside -- we'd been transported into a fragrant, cheery place -- maybe even heaven.

The seasonal pavilion was filled with tulips of all colours; I was smitten with these purpley-red exotic versions. And I couldn't get enough of the pink fringed variety. I just loved how some tulips opened their petals with such wild abandon. What loveliness to see them so freely unfurled... allowing us glimpses into their very hearts.

Makes me wonder if I were to open my own heart to let in Love that way if my life wouldn't blossom as beautifully. It's too bad that fear tends to holds us in. It's also sad there are those who have no qualms about treading on trusting hearts and dreams, which is why many of us keep hearts hidden in the first place. Yet....

I do allow myself to imagine what it might feel like to be that free, that bold. In a world perfected by Love, where fear and cruelty hurled far from our presence, allows us to blossom into our truest selves. Surely, we'd be as happy as these flowers seem to be.

One day we shall be free to do so. In the meantime, we marvel at these pretty petaled ones who remind us to be less inhibited and more open to receive His Light and Life and Love today.

Here's wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

We All Matter - Guest Poem by Janet Martin

Today I'm pleased to share a poem I first read at Another Porch. Janet Martin, who authors ever so many beautiful and thought-provoking poems on her own blog, has kindly given permission for me to share this one with you today.

I hope you enjoy it so much that you'll visit Janet's blog for more... she is a gifted poet.

Kindly, Because We All Matter
Sometimes we forget
Like a secret well-kept
In a jar we dare not shatter
That, whether rich or poor
All we’re looking for
Is to be treated like we matter
So then, in the rush
Of tug and push
And coming-going clatter
We should endeavor
To treat each other
Kindly, because we all matter
© Janet Martin

Isn't this just beautiful? A lovely reminder for us to walk kindly towards one other as the week unfolds.

Wishing you a beautiful day,

Sunday, April 05, 2015


Woke early this morning to the sound of birds. It was lovely as the daylight started breaking through. For me, it felt as my corner of the world was celebrating on the outside what I was celebrating on the inside... our risen Savior, Jesus the Christ. Because He lives, I can face all my tomorrows with hope, joy, and confidence.

Today I'm sharing links to a couple of posts I wrote as Easter meditations in previous years. I pray their timeless message still gives a moment's reading pleasure today.

Sending hugs and wishes to you for a beautiful day.



Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Dutch Apple Skillet Pancake

If you are planning an Easter Brunch celebration this coming weekend, you might want to add the Dutch Apple Skillet Pancake to your menu.

The ingredients are simple to put together. It makes a great brunch dish or a simple breakfast, and it's lovely with a splash of maple syrup or a generous scoop of fruit sauce. Bacon as a side really goes well too.

I found the recipe a long time ago -- so I no longer have any idea where it originated, but now my copy permanently lives in my recipe binder of favourite dishes. You'd probably even find a stain of cinnamon dust or flour on it, which I never mind as it's a nice reminder of past delightful cooking experiences.

If you decide you want the recipe, you should be able to right click on it and save to your computer as 'Save image as...' and then print it out. 

Enjoy and be happy,