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Friday, July 05, 2024

Friday Five: Favourites This Week

"Nobody sees a flower—really—it is so small
it takes time—we haven't time—and to see takes time,
like to have a friend takes time."

I only have to walk into the room to catch the scent of freshly picked peonies sitting on the dining table. Although the deep magenta blossoms make quite a show, it's the soft pink ones (name escapes in the moment) that fill the room with their unforgettable fragrance.

Summertime, summertime... oh the joy of garden delights in the summertime.

Here is a mix of favourite moments from my week, mostly in the shape of flowers... either from my own garden or from the small but delightful botanic garden at Greenland, a local garden centre.

"Peonies are always fully themselves. We never
mistake them for some other flower. No one ever says,
"Oh, that peony looks just like a double-flowering tulip!""

"I am excessively diverted."
JANE AUSTEN, Pride and Prejudice

"At some point in life the world's
beauty becomes enough."

"We might think we are nurturing
our garden, but of course it's really our
garden that's nurturing us."


And outside my study window wafts the fragrance of hundreds and hundreds of blossoms on the mock orange shrubs blooming beneath it. Planted four summers ago, they now nearly reach the second story of our house. And if I lean out my window, if I dared, I could almost pluck a few sprigs for my desk. We planted a mock orange about 20 years ago, which is almost as tall as our house. A gift that keeps on giving, it's the most successful plant in our garden and continues to thrive.

"And because the breath of flowers is far
sweeter in the air..."


Ever beguiled by the next new book that crosses my path, I must tell you about one that arrived on my doorstep this week. I first heard of it from Lorrie who blogs at Fabric Paper Thread. It's called Dear Paris, The Paris Letters Collection. Oh my, I can already tell this is going to be a summer favourite. The author, Janice MacLeod, is a fellow Canadian who lives part of the year in Paris. Her book is a collection of illustrated letters that celebrates her life while living in that beautiful city.

Before I sign off, I want to extend to you an invitation to visit me where I am also guest blogging today. My piece is titled In the Shape of My Words in which I reflect about shaping our words into beautiful thoughts for good.

Wishing you a beautiful day,

Photo credits:
Photos by Brenda Leyland @ It's A Beautiful Life

My Summer blog schedule:
I post on Fridays


  1. Brenda,
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers and quotes. I love peonies and our blooming season here is short! Mock Orange is a must for my garden. Going to add it this year.

    Deanna Rabe

    1. I hope the mock orange works well in your garden. Keep us posted. Thanks, Deanna.

  2. My peonies are all over now but have been an absolute joy. How true Jenny Uglow's quote is. My garden is definitely a place pf nourishment and solace.

    1. From your photos, Barbara, I know that your garden is that place of nourishment and solace. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Our neighborhood is delightfully full of blooming peonies right now. They are such exuberant flowers, so perfect for this early summertime!

    1. It's a week later that I'm writing this reply to your comment, Kathy. And it's sad how quickly the peony season came and went. The very last blossoms are on the dining table. They'll be done in a day or so. Thanks for your note!

  4. Beautiful peonies! Mine are long gone, and I missed them for the most part because we were traveling. I love the quotes you come up with, too! Heading over to read your guest post.

    1. Good to hear from you, Karen. I hope you had a lovely traveling trip. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Brenda was just visiting someone else whose peonies are blooming. Mine are gone and they are already missed - so glad you shared yours...extends my season a bit. The book sounds delightful. Nothing is better than a tall glass of lemonade - a swing - a shade tree and always a good book! Hope you have a delightful July dear one. Hugs!

    1. I love that we as bloggers, living in our own corners of the world, can extend each other's blooming seasons. Last week when I wrote this blog we still had so many peonies in bloom and this week, they are all gone except for the last blossoms on the dining room table. July has been lovely so far... wishing you a beautiful week ahead, Debbie.

  6. Now I seriously want to plant a peony bush. And I have the perfect south facing bed in which to do so, too. :)

    1. Wishing you success, Becki, in your peony planting. Let us know how it goes.

  7. Beautiful flowers and lovely quotes! I will check out the book. It sounds like it could be a nice summer read.

    1. Thank you, Gloria, for your note. From your bio, it sounds like we're similar, i.e., we enjoy various activities a little but love reading a lot. Haha. Yup! If you do read the Paris book I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. I do love peonies and wish their blooms lasted longer. The pale pink ones are my favourites, too. It's so nice to see yours blooming. And that mock orange! What a beauty.
    Letters from Paris is a lovely book. I borrowed mine from the library, but it may be one I order for my own shelves at some point.
    I've spent long hours in the garden Saturday and today (Monday) and I think that time in the sunshine is helping me with the jet lag. Gardens are indeed places of nourishment. Wishing you a lovely week, dear Brenda.

    1. I'm so glad you're back home, safe and sound, from your lovely holiday in Europe and Iceland. I think working and being in the garden would be a perfect way to deal with jet lag. Thanks for your note, Lorrie. Happy week ahead.

  9. Your peonies are gorgeous! I have peonies at the front and back yards. But the front peonies stopped blooming last year...

    1. I'm sorry, Margie, to hear your front peonies stopped blooming. Are they still alive and leafing out? Although you didn't ask for advice, I'm sharing in case this might help: One reason could be lack of moisture early in the season. Also, sometimes when we diligently add mulch around our peonies, the plants end up being buried too deep. They only want an inch to an inch and a half to cover their “eyes”. Someone advised online, if you think your peony is planted too deeply and don't want to set it back by moving it, try scratching away the soil from the base of the stems.

  10. Loved seeing your beautiful flowers, Brenda. Ohhhhh, those peonies make me think of my paternal Lithuanian Grandmother. She had SO MANY peonies in her garden...white, pink, and deep cranberry, too. All so lovely. Nice post.

    1. What a sweet memory of your paternal Grandmother. Thanks, Susan, for your note!


To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo