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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Weekend: A Garden Outing

" There is simply the rose; it is perfect
in every moment of its existence. "

It's cool and overcast, and it feels a bit autumn-y this Sunday afternoon. Thankfully we did not postpone a visit yesterday to a nearby city's botanic garden, St. Albert Botanic Park, where we wandered under warm and sunny blue skies. First of all, I cannot believe that we have not been to see this gem before. It appeared in a list when I did a google search for gardens here in our own province. Secondly, I was startled at how vivid and colourful the dahlias, roses, and cottage gardens are blooming even after our hot summer. Beautifully maintained, and obviously loved by its team of volunteers, this really is a place I shall want to visit again and again. Thankfully it's not too far away from where we live.

I'm sharing quite a few pictures on today's post, so whether you meander slowly or pass through quickly, I hope you enjoy this colourful feast for the soul.

We came home buoyed and felt we ought to celebrate with something nice for afternoon tea. There was no café there, and we're still a bit leery about hanging around in crowds, so upon our return home, while Rick quickly gave our lawns a hair-cut, I pulled out Jacques Pepin's simple recipe for French Apple Tart. Jacques says it's one of his family's staples, and it's quickly becoming ours as well.

While we finish up the apple tart for tea this afternoon (I'd share if I could), I hope you enjoy the photo tour... the pics in this post are from the garden we visited.

" Gardens will be the peaceful haven we all need. "

" All dahlias are beautiful in their own way! I love them
because they have the most perfect symmetry and
come in a rainbow of color options. "

Did I hear him whisper that I was his Prairie Rose? It might have
been in my imagination or the wind whispering in the leaves.

" Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty,
like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom. "

Preparations were underway for a wedding in the Rose Garden
on this beautiful summery afternoon. It cannot get anymore romantic
than that, don't you think?

" The magic of hydrangeas - nature's litmus papers! "

" When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy,
there is always the garden. "

" The man (or woman!) who has planted a garden feels
he has done something for the good of the whole world. "
from My Summer in a Garden

The many volunteers who maintain this garden certainly have outdone
themselves. I believe the words above say it for these folks—they have
truly created something lovely for the good of their city's citizens.
If you are interested in more info about the St. Albert Botanic Park,
you can click HERE.

Although it was all beautiful, I think the Cottage Garden was
my favourite spot. Give me a bench at the end of a
winding path, and I'll sit and 'just be' for a little while.

" Everyone needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and give strength
to body and soul alike. "

* * *

We've been out enjoying our summer days, so that's why I have not been around here much.
Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.



Monday, August 02, 2021

August: Garden Glimpses At Last

"I must have flowers, always, and always."

It dawned calm and overcast this morning. With a mix of rain clouds and smoke hazing the sky from wildfires, it smelled like wet campfire early on. Thankfully, now it smells sweet and feels refreshing. A bubble of joy rises in my heart as I take a quick stroll around the garden. The heat wave that came through a few weeks ago stunted many of our plants, burning off buds, but they are at last recovering and filling our days with much happiness.

As August gets underway, I'm delighted to give you a peek at what's blooming in the garden, mostly in the backyard, a place that is a never ending work in progress.

"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful;
they are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind."

" In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends.

"In summer, the song sings itself."

Before I close, here is a bit about the novel I'm currently reading. I'm sharing because it's a perfect fit with today's garden theme. In her latest book The Last Garden in England, author Julia Kelly writes a tale about five women who are connected by a certain garden that 'blooms a secret' and ties them together over the decades.

While relaxing in your own garden, time travel to overgrown pathways with Emma Lovell as she undertakes the arduous job of restoring this neglected garden to its former glory and uncovers old secrets long buried and forgotten. So far, I am about a fifth way into the book - it's a gentle read with mysteries that keep me turning the page but don't have me biting my nails in suspense. A most agreeable summertime read. 

" 'Everything gardeners do is intentional. We create order out of nature.
If she called this Celeste's garden, there was a reason,' she said. "
JULIA KELLY, The Last Garden of England

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.


Photos from my garden, Summer 2021