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Monday, April 05, 2021

Simple Woman's Daybook: Spring Edition

" One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song,
read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible,
to speak a few reasonable words. "

It has been a while since I've written a Simple Woman's Daybook post. On this sunny first Monday of April, it seems a good time to pick up the thread again. Yesterday Easter Sunday was cold and blustery on the outside, but on the inside, my spray of pink double tulips (above) made my heart lurch every time I caught sight of them on the kitchen table. 

Today I join Peggy at The Simple Woman's Daybook, I hope to share 'a few reasonable words' in this post and make you glad you stopped in for a wee visit. Please know I'm always glad for your company.


" Documenting little details of your everyday life
becomes a celebration of who you are. "

Outside my window... The sun makes me feel like Spring, even though the temperature lags too near the freezing mark most nights. The birds remain the most hopeful of creatures, as they continue to sing and now search for nest material in spite of the teaser weather. Migrating birds are still coming in, we watch eagerly for them.

I am thinking... about our simple Easter celebration yesterday with just the two of us. Our day was quiet and without fanfare—no family gatherings for us yet—but it was pleasant and our hearts bubbled with joy because "He is alive".

I am thankful... for the Covid vaccine and that it's almost my turn for the jab. I was awake before the crack of dawn because it opened up today online for my age group to book our first appointments. Woohoo! Who would have thought a vaccine would be such cause for celebration, but I do feel liking hooping it up. And I know so many of you feel that way as well.

One of my favourite things... is the colour seashell pink. Next to the French style manicure (white tips), I love shell pink nail polish. For some reason, the colour immediately makes me think of old fashioned weddings. So soft and feminine.

I am wearing... a new tulip-pink tee-shirt, black skinny jeans, fragrance, and lipstick. I'm slowly switching my wardrobe out to a smaller size as my weight drops ounce by ounce. Yes, I do notice the ounces as it seems to take forever for even one of them to melt away. I celebrate them too. I find myself doing the hands on hip model's twist and turn in front of the mirror to marvel that I am at last seeing a less bulgy and more svelte self. I might show a pic one day when I reach a certain goal.  

I once created... An Autocorrect moment. You've no doubt experienced such moments yourself,  because sometimes Autocorrect can be so irritating. But there are occasions when it outdoes itself in creativity, even hilarity. Like the time a couple of years ago, I texted my sister and happened to mention that I was eating a fudgesicle. Autocorrect was certain I didn't want to say 'fudgesicle' and replaced it with the phrase 'fudges uncle'. Seriously? It thinks that's a word? My sister and I laughed to see such nonsense. The phrase stuck, however, and is now part of our family lingo. 

I watched... a beautiful reading of the Gospel of John yesterday which was presented by Sir David Suchet (Poirot) for yesterday's Easter Sunday celebration at Westminster Abbey in London, England. Suchet made those ancient words come alive, and I felt so enriched to celebrate Easter in this way. The nearly two and a half hour video is presently available on Youtube; you can find the link HERE

I am reading... one of my thrift store book gems Cobwebs and Cream Teas. It's a lovely anecdotal tale about the life and work that goes on behind the scenes of the National Trust estate, Felbrigg Hall in Norfolk, England. Author Mary Mackie's husband was the Administrator at the time, so her tales are first-hand.

This book, and its sequel Dry Rot and Daffodils, are both entertaining—and informing—reads. They are perfect for this time of year when so many of us are eager for our own gardens to get underway. If you are interested in knowing more about the house and its national treasures, you can visit the website HERE

Although we didn't get to see this particular place during our trip to England a few years ago, we had the lovely opportunity to visit other National Trust spots, including Chartwell and Sissinghurst Castle Garden. Our tours to both places were most enjoyable. I truly never imagined just how much work goes on off-season and behind the scenes to maintain and preserve these places for the benefit of their many visitors. And how important it is to keep your hands to yourself and not touch fragile objects. 

I am listening to... the finches singing in the trees. How they lift my heart in that sweet squeeze. I am still waiting to hear my first robin of the season. Should be any day now.  

I am hoping... for some gentle spring rains to green up our grass. I am hoping for nights that don't go below freezing. I am hoping for weather that gives me a warm reason to stop wearing my winter jacket.

I am learning... that wee afternoon naps really help make us more brilliant while playing Scrabble.

In the kitchen...  I noticed the oddly placed finger marks as I wiped down the refrigerator door yet again. They were nowhere near the handles, which can be expected, but alongside the hinges on the other side. How do we get fingermarks over there, I pondered aloud to Rick one day. He said that's because you touch the frig whenever you go into the pantry. Surely not, I wanted to deny, but decided to watch for myself. Sure enough, the next time I had to search the pantry cupboard for cereal or crackers, there was my left hand resting on the frig. Jeepers. I wonder how many other things I do that I am utterly oblivious to in my life.

In the garden... Nothing is really stirring as yet in the garden, except for the master gardener who is slowly beginning the task of shaking off the winter debris, trimming shrubs, gathering up leaves and dead grass.

A favourite quote... Comes courtesy of an excerpt I just read from Mary Oliver's poem The Sunflowers. You can read the complete poem HERE. I love the last lines. For, yes, it is a long work, that of coming to see that our very lives and breath are worth celebrating every single day. Have you found it so?

"... Come with me
                         to visit the sunflowers,
                they are shy

                   but want to be friends;  . . .

                        each of them, though it stands
                 in a crowd of many,
                                like a separate universe,

               is lonely, the long work
                   of turning their lives
                       into a celebration
                              is not easy.  . . .  " 

A moment from my weekend... Easter Brunch for two - French Toast with maple syrup, fruit, and breakfast sausages. Yum!

Closing notes... As I sit here typing, I think of Carol Burnett: "I'm so glad we've had this time together. Just to have a laugh, or sing a song. Seems we just get started and before you know it comes the time we have to say so long." 

* * *

I hope you have a great week.
Wishing you beauty and heart's ease,



  1. Enjoyed reading your blog...that french toast brunch looks wonderful. Love your thoughts and sharing.

  2. Double WOOO!!!! for your vaccine appointment! The rollout has been slooooow, but it's exciting to see eligible family and friends get their jabs! I'm at the bottom of the priority list so my turn will probably be in late summer/early fall...

    Your Easter brunch looks scrumptious!

  3. Oh Brenda, the breakfast looks sumptuous. Oh, those sausages! If I could stick my fork into the computer to get a taste of them, I would. How sumputuous! Thank you for your sweet visit and comment, too. Sending wonderful wishes for a super good rest of the week! Susan

  4. Pink is my favourite colour right now. Flowers are blooming here. We had online church service for Easter and a quiet dinner with my daughter. I’m reading Three Hours in Paris by Cara Black right now. Hopefully, I will be able to book vaccine for next week. We live in interesting times.

  5. The Almond Bush in our garden has that blush of pink you so well described. It is beginning to bloom now. Always an entry plant into the lush days of spring and summer. Makes my heart glad. It is always a delight to stop here and read what is on your mind. Blessings all...

    1. Funny that my comment is an Unknown because I am writing on my husband's computer. Mine is not working right now.
      Lisa at Greenbow

  6. I really enjoyed reading your day book this morning. Your tulips are beautiful. Congrats on the weight loss!

  7. Beautiful post, Brenda. Loved it all, including photograph of the delicious breakfast. Your posts are always beautifully written and breaths of fresh air. Have a lovely rest of the week. And thanks for visits and comments on my blog, too! Hugs. Susan

  8. Dear Brenda I enjoyed my lovely visit here today. I too think the time goes fast when I stop here. Your tulips are breathtaking. Loved the quote by Carolyn Hamilton. I wrote it down in my journal...hoping next Easter you and your loved one will be celebrating Easter with others. Take care and have a blessed week. Hugs!

  9. How lovely! I thoroughly enjoy this time to “visit” with you! Blessings to you!

  10. A lovely collection of your thoughts, quotes, and photos that celebrate this wonderful season of the resurrection and spring. Congratulations on your weight loss. It's a journey I'm on, too - made more difficult at our time of life. I'm so glad you are booking your vaccine appointment. We are not there yet in BC, but I'm hopeful for sometime this month.

  11. Your tulips are stunning. What beauty, no wonder it gave your heart a thrill to look at them!

    Your Easter brunch looks good, too!

    We’re having warmish days and today I’ve opened windows and am letting the air refresh the house! The birds are singing outside and it’s very lovely.

  12. That Mary Oliver quote stopped me in my tracks! So very true. I’ve had a lovely visit here, thank you.

  13. Oh my! SO many pretty flowers in this post and all my favourite colors. I have had my first Covid shot and am so happy about that. Each day now, I am hearing the robin and other spring birds outside and it makes me smile.

  14. Hello Brenda, I so love this post. And your tulips are gorgeous, I love pink and this shade is so pretty. Mike and I both have finished our second shots and our time to be fully protected will be up on April 10. You are right we feel like celebrating. We are enjoying nice spring weather and many daffodils and singing birds. Enjoy these days and thank you for a beautiful post.

  15. Oh my. Your first photo made me take a breath! Gorgeous! Your breakfast also makes me take notice.

    Let me share my favorite Autocorrect story. A few years ago my son Ryan wished a Facebook birthday greeting to his younger sister. When he typed, "Happy Birthday Bekah Boo!," Autocorrect assumed he wanted to say, "Happy Birthday Belshazzar Boo!" Say what?

    Enjoy these lovely Springtime days as they arrive in your corner!

  16. What Beautiful pictures! I really enjoy reading your blog. Please do your investigating of these experimental shots before you get them...they permanently change your DNA. is a great site. She's an expert on vaccines. Linn

  17. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely Daybook. Your photos are gorgeous; I wish I had that talent. Also, I love the quotes you included, especially the Goethe. Have a wonderful week!


To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo