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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Spring Weather, Happy Music, Fleurs for Celebrating

Adding spring to the corners in my house, 2014
Any self-respecting perennial in my garden should be weighing her options about sticking her little green shoots out just yet -- even if the Victoria Day long weekend is around the corner. Victoria Day in Canada (third Monday in May) is well known for gardeners in these parts to be out in their gardens enthusiastically planting and getting them ready for summer. Alas, we are not much nearer Spring in full bloom around here than we were several weeks ago.

Yes, there are bright blue, sunny skies that look promising when you peer through the window. They beguile you to step out expecting warmth, but in truth the days are quite chilly and temperatures still plummet below freezing most nights. It was sleeting the other morning. Sigh. Surely this week....

Need some happy music
It's been busy at work. We're getting up at one o'clock in the morning (two hours earlier than usual) so we can get our cleaning and polishing done before the Dance Festival troops start pouring in shortly after 6:00 a.m. at our local performing arts centre. Which means the body of this ma'am is starting to feel the weariness well into her bones.

Our spirits flag a little when we get so tired. Even my eyelids seemed too tired to close one morning when we sought sleep on our return. (Lest I wander off into some whine without cheese, I went in search of a little h-a-p-p-y violin music... you can catch some here and here and this one is fun too. If you ain't happy or at least tapping your toes by the time you listen to these, you's got problems, honey.)
Celebrating goal met

We've got news to share. Remember the writing challenge I gave myself in April to write 750 words minimum -- every single day -- for 30 days? With a goal to have 30,000 words at the end of it?
 Well... WE DID IT! We were on such a roll once we sat our little self down every single day that we even exceeded the goal and topped 40,000 words... of my very first draft of my very first book project -- a memoir of the heroine's days as single woman.

Needless to say we whirled around in our chair with glee. We enjoyed this gorgeous bouquet of flowers that came from someone very near and dear (she's been listening to me for years talk about writing a book). We chortled. We grinned. And, we whistled. No, we didn't actually whistle, but maybe we should do that too.

A dream unfolds here that started forming several decades ago as a young woman. Dreaming on the back step of the little house I lived in, enjoying the twilight of a summer's evening and trying to capture in words something of the beauty of the world around me. As Lisa Dale Norton said to me yesterday when we spoke... It's not about taking so long to get started. Stories from our hearts, our lives cannot be hurried. They must emerge when they are ready.

"Because nothing happens unless first we dream."  ~  Carl Sandburg

I saw on the news the other evening, a 90-year-old man finally achieve his high school diploma. He was one happy man! It was a dream he had all his life. With that under his belt, he was now thinking about studying a new language and maybe taking up music lessons. How's that for inspiration!

On that note, I wish you each a beautiful day... and a wee bit o' time for dreamin' something lovely. For it seems it's never too late if we just begin.


  1. You have shared some good things. Hope you get some rest this weekend.

  2. Hi Brenda, wow, you had a lot going on.....Now, you need to rest. Tomorrow is Mother's day. so relax and enjoy. The flowers are so pretty.

  3. Hope that the work situation returns to normal soon. A writing girl needs her rest! Congrats on a wonderful achievement and how nice of someone to bless you with lovely flowers.

  4. This sentence has captured me: "Stories from our hearts, our lives cannot be hurried. They must emerge when they are ready." Yes! Yes indeed!

    You have a beautiful blog.

  5. Beautiful flowers for a deserving celebration!

  6. Congratulations, Brenda! What a great accomplishment. I, too, saw that announcement of the 90 year old man who graduated high school. Sometimes, when I think that life is passing by too quickly, I stop and tell myself that all I'm called to do is to make each day count. Of course, a little self-discipline like you've exhibited is also a great thing.

  7. I am glad the writing is going well. Like you point out, it is never to late to achieve a goal.
    Things are slow to grow in the garden here this year, it is a waiting game, but nothing like the one you are having. It must be very frustrating for you.

  8. Beautiful thoughts to ponder, and congratulations on making such great progress on your book!

  9. congratulations-what an accomplishment...your spring arrived and your book is blooming!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda